View Full Version : Terrible Night

02-24-2007, 04:31 AM
/start rant

So Fridays are always busy nights at my house and I'm always careful to put Frankie in my room because I know at some point in time the front door will be left open. Frankie has a very single track mind when it comes to open doors: If open sneak through, check to make sure no one noticed, and then run like crazy. She has done this since she was about 8 weeks old.

So tonight was a little worse because one of the roommates is in a band and he was playing a show tonight, so everyone was over and celebrated more than normal. I gave everyone the lecture about leaving doors open and that no one should touch my door at all, and everyone should check the front door behind them.

Guess who didn't close my door all the way AND held the front door open while talking? Me. :mad: Frankie did her ninja sneak, got out of arm range, and ran. I took off after her and everyone in the house cleared out and formed search groups with the DDs in cars and the rest on foot or bikes. I lost sight of her while getting more people to help and never did catch up to her again. I was able to call another roommate and let him know where she tries to go on our walks. Luckily he was able to get her near the spot that I guessed she would go to.

So everyone's calmed down, Frankie is in her crate as happy as can be, and I have ice on my knee from aggravating an old injury. All in all a terrible night.

Thanks for letting me vent.
/end rant.

Ginger's Mom
02-24-2007, 06:22 AM
Sorry to hear you had such a rough night, but I am glad to hear that Frankie is home and safe. It's nice that all of your friends came together to help get her home. I hope Frankie realizes what a lucky girl she is.

02-24-2007, 07:10 AM
I'm glad Frankie was found & all is well. Don't feel too bad about leaving the door open yourself - I did this just last week. Sherman was leashed & literally pulled me out of the kennel fence door, Star followed & I thought "I'll close the gate when we come home". An hour into dinner at a restaurant with a friend, I realized I never did close the gate because I put them in from another side. Made a frantic call to my neighbor, who thankfully ran over t& closed it, and made sure boh my pups were still inside. Bless their little furry hearts, they were lounging on the patio couch & probably didn't realize freedom was only a few steps away. I sure felt stupid.

02-24-2007, 07:28 AM
I'm glad Franke is home safe! You are blessed to have friends to help like they did!!

Pat... that's too funny! They didn't even know they had the world in their paws and could have been traveling! :D Glad they stayed home! Guess that means they know how good they have it at home! ;)

02-24-2007, 07:47 AM
I'm glad she's safe and sound.
Ibprofen and ice - dad!

I had a greyhound that was a master escape artist.
She would follow my nephew from door to door b/c she knew he'd let her out! :rolleyes:

Frankie give your dad a break this weekend!

Daisy and Delilah
02-24-2007, 08:38 AM
Sounds like a very bad night for sure. Isn't it amazing how you can go from "YAY---TGIF--YAY!!!" to "OMG--I'm in a complete panic!!"

My RB Benny was a master escape artist too. No dog on earth could have been more clever than Benny at running away the second your head turned. Every time he pulled this stunt, I lost another part of me. He was relentless with it. He was smart enough to know exactly what he was doing and how much trouble he would be in when he got back too. He simply just didn't care ;) It was more fun to go ahead and do it!! :D
I'm glad everything at your place turned out okay. Stay in that house, Frankie!! Dad needs rest! :) Take care of that knee.

02-24-2007, 09:12 AM
I am glad you got Frankie back- and even more so glad that your friends helped!
Galina took off one day months ago. She went up the back walkway- to the " west parking lot" ( as we call it- the other place to park at the back of the house-. She was also followed by Zubin.. I was at home by myself- luckily had Hottie and Femka in already, and went after them- by the time I got to the end of the parking lot, they were GONE! I had no way of knowing which way they went, and thought they went the normal way off this mountain.. ( WRONG!) I was literally running down the road calling, when I came to one area that would let me see down the road- no dogs.. I went running back the other way, by this time crying- and calling my husbands cell phone, knowing he would be coming up the road that they were gone. A van came by, and I am crying- " I LOST TWO DOGS- THEY ARE tall white with black - they are gentle but very big!" . They continued on ahead of me as I ran to my tracker. As i got 3 MILES DOWN THE OTHER WAY- here is galina standing there staring at the stranger in the van- but obviously was not going with them.. Meanwhile- Zubin jumps in the back of their van.. lol. I stopped the tracker- got out - bent down and called her. " oh- there you are mom.."..
Since then- the path to the back parking lot of the house looks like this..

02-24-2007, 09:21 AM
Since Frankie has a habit of doing this, and as you know just where to look to find the pup, I suggest that this has all become a game for Frankie! :D

Not sure what you DO about that, and I am glad that you are both back home.

02-24-2007, 12:02 PM
Thanks for letting me vent everyone! I enjoyed reading the other stories too and I'm glad that they turned out all right.

Since Frankie has a habit of doing this, and as you know just where to look to find the pup, I suggest that this has all become a game for Frankie! :D

Not sure what you DO about that, and I am glad that you are both back home.

Oh it's more than a game to her. She really does have wander lust and wants to go everywhere. The game part is the escape, but once she's out it's more than a game of chase, it's sniff and see the world. When she was about a year old she discovered that she can open screen doors and took off. We searched for three days and had sightings of her in a ten mile radius of the house. She was finally caught at the school on the corner of the street; she made it back to within 100 yards of the house.

The only reason I guessed she went up the cul-de-sac is because at full sprint I can keep her within eye sight. After being at full sprint in the direction that I thought she went and not seeing her on the sidewalk it hit me that she made the only turn possible on our street, and sure enough she went up to the dead end. It was just a really lucky guess on my part. The street that I was running on is a very busy shortcut through town and she's escaped onto that twice in the year that we've been here; once she ran up to a car at a red light and tried to hop in.

Our yard is secure, and it's been the humans that have given her the opportunity each time.

Ibprofen and ice - dad!

Yup, got to love RICE. Rest Ice Compression Elevation.. and pills. ;)

02-24-2007, 03:44 PM
Wow, that must have sucked. I"m glad that you and your doggy is okay. My parents had a dog years ago that did that too and it was very scary. Specially when that dog knew how to find the highway...that was scary. Unfortunately we were moving and my parents had to give her away. And the stupid new owners wouldn't listen to them and let her loose and she got killed by a transport truck:( I was really young then.

Anyways I'm glad you are both okay and I hope that you can fix the problem somehow.:)

02-24-2007, 03:47 PM
That's awful. I'm glad to hear she's safe, and all is well now though. :)