View Full Version : Cats & Collars

Sam's My Baby
06-28-2002, 07:20 PM
My friend said that most cats do not wear collars becuase if they go in a tight space they will no be able to get out. Is this true?:confused: I wanted to put a collar on my kitty, but since he is not home most of the time, and I do not know where he goes, I was afraid that he might get stuck somewhere if I put a collar on him.:( :confused:

06-28-2002, 08:55 PM
I will never ever put another collar on my cat. The collar I put on Misty got all stiff and started to coke her. I took it off of her and her hair will not grow back and she scars.

Just my imput, you may do what you wish, just a warning, check it all the time!

Sara luvs her Tinky
06-28-2002, 10:27 PM
I have collars on my two.... they are elastic / stretchy..... Tinky and Jupiter play pretty rough and they slip off all the time... I would not put any kind but a stretchy one on him just in case he gets caught on something it can slip off his head...

you can see their collars in this pic.

06-29-2002, 01:00 AM
Both my cats have one of those break-away safety collars. Wylie however keeps taking his off :eek:
I guess it does not matter too much because they are indoor only kitties, but you never know........................there is a door-dasher in the house.

06-29-2002, 01:06 AM
Both of mine also wear break away collars, and I have them so loose I can fit four fingers underneath the collars, even though the requirement is only two. They are both indoors, but I also worry about a door dash. Another reason is if I have to get up in the night and it's dark, I can hear their bells and I won't trip over them!!! :eek: Tilly also loves to sneak up behind me and roar down the stairs between my legs, but I can hear that little ding-a-ling (and yes, I do mean that in more than one way!!) and I can freeze until she has zoomed through! I would recommend it, especially if it's loose enough. As a testimony for the break away collars, I was coming out of my house the other day and found a cat break away collar laying in the walkway (I live in a townhouse). I think the cat jumped over the gate and the collar got stuck, and it just came off. I was able to return it to the owner because Cosmo's address was on it :D

06-29-2002, 02:19 AM
All three of my cats are also indoor only cats but they don't wear collars. They don't try to run outside either. Pepper will stick his head out but then he'll get scared and run back inside. I had Sunny microchipped because he can run very fast and he can be very hard to catch. I did it just in case he was a door dasher. He isn't so thats good. Good luck with whatever you decide.http://www.gifs.net/animate/a-cat022.gif

06-29-2002, 04:00 AM
I only have a collar on one of my cats. Corkscrew is a door dasher, so I feel much safer with him wearing a break away collar. But if you are worried about having a collar and him escaping there are other forms of identification such as microchips, tattoos, and a small plasitic chip that fits in the ear like an earring with the info written on it.

06-29-2002, 04:35 AM
Sydney doesn't wear a collar anymore as he is always indoors !
But for an outdoor cat , I would surely buy an anti-parasite collar !You could choose for one with an elastic , that opens automatically when the cat gets stuck somewhere . This is completely safe !!
As Sydney is going to a cat-pension next week (we go away) , I will put a collar on him too !! Just in case .. !!


06-29-2002, 07:41 AM
If you do have an outdoor cat I think I would just try to either tatoo or chip him... But if you cannot afford that you should get a STRECHY collar with your name, address and phone number on it. Never get a hard collar cause like everyone are saying, the cat can get stuck with it and choke :(

I'm guessing this is for your little stray cat you took care of, right?

Sam's My Baby
06-29-2002, 09:46 AM
Yes, this is the little stray cat I am taking care of. Thanks for the advice everyone. For now, I will put on the stretchy collar that I have--It has one of those elastic parts to the collar that will break if he gets stuck. Thanks again everyone!:)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-30-2002, 06:10 PM
Yes, Sam's my Baby, I think it's wise to have some kind of identification on your cat if it's an outside cat. We've found a stray or two around here, and we felt bad because there was no collar so we didn't know who might be desperately searching for their kitty. If you have the option in the future, chipping is a good idea too, just in case the breakaway collar actually breaks away. Good Luck!

07-04-2002, 03:03 PM
I cant ever put a collar back on my brother's cat Smokey b/c the last time we did he got it so tight around his neck he couldnt breath that well. We had to rush him to the vet. It was very scary.

07-04-2002, 05:04 PM
All four of our cats have collars that they wear all the time. When we pet them, we do a spot check on fit. We also have harnesses for our adult cats, that we have used in the past to walk them outside on a leash.