View Full Version : Dogs....and apartments....

06-28-2002, 06:44 PM
Hey everyone. My parents have finally said that I can get a dog of my own, providing I have a job (working on that)....because I'd have to pay for everything, vet, food, etc. I'm just worried about the fact that I am 18, and kind of that age to move out or whatever. Not that I'm planning on moving out, or that I can afford it right now...and I don't want to...but you never know. And I could never leave my doggy. :( Anyway, the type of dog I want to get is a siberian husky. Normally they aren't huge dogs, but that still kind of complicates things. I know there are people here who own medium-large dogs and live in apartments. Any advice on how to find a dog friendly apartment, etc.?

06-29-2002, 01:54 PM
Newspapers, online, and Apartment guides.

I searched all three and eventually found the apartment I'm in in an apartment guide.

Always ask what the pet policy is. The ad may say 'Dogs allowed', but a lot of apartments around here had size restrictions. (30 lb or less only) Quite a few had breed restrictions.

Not to discourage you, but apartment living with a pet is more expensive than on your own. There are pet deposits and monthly pet fees on top of the rent.

Start saving now! :)

There is a college near by so there are always deals going on around May when all the college students go home for the summer and in the fall when they come back.

Good luck!

06-29-2002, 05:10 PM
I can only speak for my area where it is nearly impossible to find an apartment where they allow dogs. That is why I didn't have one for the 8 years I was single, following college. As I think back about what I regret in my life, I wish I would have looked harder, tried harder to find a place where I could have had a dog.