View Full Version : got a call about Buddy.....the lost doggy

02-23-2007, 09:26 AM
there was a message left on the phone this morning, a lady missing her rusty coloured Jack Russel Terrier and the HS gave her our number saying we found a dog maching that description..I am not getting my hopes to high because the only part that fits here is the rusty coloured, there is a possability he has JRT in him to give him that coat, but not much! the HS is completely usless with breeds(their "breed expert" figered he could be an American Eskimo Dog lol). but this one is more plausable then the shih tzu follow up lol

02-23-2007, 09:28 AM
Uh could be.. Remember- people do not know breeds- and the ladys vet could have said JR and mix when he was a pup. ( Just like greyhound girls' vet called jenny a newf by color.. rofl..)
If it is her- it will be interesting to find out how he got out. Keep us posted.

02-23-2007, 06:31 PM
it was him :) his name is Rusty, and e belongs to the womans son who was rather upset about Rusty being gone. they dont have a fence yard so he is normally tied up when outside and someone came up and let him off. apperntly he has gotten away before but has always come back, but this time he found my house and liked it so much he didnt wanna leave lol his mom was near tears when she picked him up she was so happy. Rusty on the other hand was rather indiffernt to the whole thing and was more then happy to stay at my house lol

02-23-2007, 06:33 PM
I am soooooooooo glad he is home! I bet they are really relieved!
I am sorry we didn't have another pt addition- but being home- I am sure all are happy now!

02-23-2007, 10:40 PM
I'm so happy to hear his owner found him! As much as Buddy wanted to stay with you, I'm sure he was just as happy about being back with his family. :)

02-23-2007, 11:37 PM
awww thats great to hear that he was reunited with his owners!! :D

02-23-2007, 11:45 PM
That's great that he got reunited with his family. I hope they get him nutered soon.

02-24-2007, 07:33 AM
Glad he's home where he belongs!
Don't be surprised to see him again if he liked your house that much!

A few summers ago I had a black lab named Jake that would get out of his house and walk 4 miles to my house at least once a week. He would walk up my drive and scratch on my fence to be let in! :eek:
(Sierra didn't mind at all, she was in looooove with him!) :rolleyes:
After I gave numerous verbal lashings to his owner about how easy it would be for me to find a good home for him, she found a way to keep him at home.