View Full Version : Red Bumps on fish fins- HELP PLEASE

06-28-2002, 06:35 PM
I have no idea what theese bumps are and its really freaking me out... Their on Nelly, My favorite, the best, and the coolest fish i've ever know.
This is really worrying me so someone please if you can help.:(

I'm crying rihgt now.. yeah i know its "just a fish"...maybe im just too emotional... i gope nothing is wrong with him :(

Thanks to anyone who posts to help.

06-28-2002, 07:44 PM

Whenever my fish get sick, I use Binox. In my opinion this is GOOD STUFF. It is made by the Jungle company (some people don't like their products) but I've never had any problems with them.

Binox is a bacteria and fungus rememdy. It can be used to treat fungus, grey slime, flashing (aka scratching), and open sores.

It's POWERFUL stuff--one teaspoon to 25/gal of water. Becareful how much ya put in there!

You might not be able to get this from Walmart--you might have to check out a couple of pet stores. If you have trouble finding it, let me know.

Good luck!

06-28-2002, 08:11 PM
Thanks for the info.... one thing

do you think whatever he has can spread to my other fishies?:confused:

06-28-2002, 09:20 PM
Don't quote me on this, but from the looks of it, I don't *think* it will. I would go ahead and treat the whole tank just in case.

If I can find any more info., I'll post it here.


06-29-2002, 04:45 AM
KayAnn,Can you take one of these pics and show to a good aquarium'shop,they must know what's about:(
I sheck my fish-book and found that could be *septicemia*(spanish spelling) caused by bacterial infections.But better you ask an specialist.
:confused:.It's a long time I haven't been dealing with fishes

Good luck,


06-29-2002, 04:55 AM
I would most certainly show this pictures to a vet !!! seems not so good !
I would also seperate it from the others till you know ; just in case !! we have lots of fish in our pond and it is important to treat in time !!

06-29-2002, 07:45 AM
Call the local pet store/aquarium store and describe the symptoms for them, they will be able to help you somehow and might even have some medicine for this. This is what I always will do when my fishes get sick.

And no, you are NOT too emotional. It's not "just a fish", it's your friend just as much as any other animal or human could be.

Keep us posted!

06-29-2002, 10:08 AM
Doing a Google search, I found this information:

Red sores
Red sores that are white on the edge, red in the middle are most likely the bacteria Aeromonas.

Then it reccomends the Jungle Binox that was already mentioned.

Good luck, hopefully this will clear up quickly once treated!

06-29-2002, 04:24 PM
Unfortunatly, my dad does not want to buy stuff to make him better. right now i have him in a jar next to me... i cant stop crying.:( :( everyone is saying to me "it's just a fish, buy another" I feel like a total fool but i can't help it. Hopefully it hasn't spread to all of my fish... i duno what to do with Nelly... should u flush him now? Or wait a few days and keep him in the jar... the jar is kinda small though.... uuugghhh:( :( :( :( :( :(

06-29-2002, 07:05 PM
Gosh, it doesn't cost much at all - I saw it on the web for less than $4 and then you'd have enough for a long time, too. Might you explain to someone - Dad or someone else who could drive you, that it would cost just as much to get a new fish as to cure this fish, and to have the whole financial investment of your fish tank safe for quite a long time to come? And you could probably pay for it with your own money, if that helps the case ... it makes sense $-wise.

Try that approach, and good luck!

06-29-2002, 08:00 PM

There's always a chance it will cure itself! My fish have never had red sores in my years of aquarium keeping, but they've suffered from other illnesses. Other aquarium hobbiest told me it was a lost cause to try to save them but miracously they pulled thru! Don't give up hope!

Like Karen said, explain to your father that it would cost less to save the fish you have than to buy a bunch of new fish.

In the meantime, do a 25% water change in the old tank if you haven't already. Don't change all the water at once--it will stress the fish out.

Good Luck with your parents and the fishies ~ keep us updated!

06-30-2002, 12:08 PM
I finally got my dad to bring me to the pet storr, actually... i just got out of the shower and were going now... but i found out more then one of them have the bumps so were going to treat the whole tank and instead of makeing Nelly stay in that little jar i put him back in the tank... hopefull this will all work at i wont loose any of them. Wish me luck.

06-30-2002, 12:20 PM
Yay! Good luck, and thanks, KayAnn's Dad! Give him an extra hug from us (Dad, not Nelly)... carefully, I know! :)

06-30-2002, 01:11 PM
KayAnn,I'm so happy with the happy ending!Good luck!Let us know when your fishes will be OK.


06-30-2002, 01:35 PM
Good luck with the fishes , KayAnn !!!!

Sam's My Baby
06-30-2002, 04:48 PM
Good luck!:)

07-01-2002, 03:26 AM
We went to about 5 or 6 different pet stores- they knew nothing of "Jungle Binox" But we did get a product from Jungle company and everywhere we wn't they said Jungle products were top quality. What we got was a "Parasite Clear". It's a tablet you put in the water which fizzes and decinigrates [sp?]... anyways the bumps seem to b clearing up, tommorow im going to vacuum the bottom of the tank, and clean the filter. Heres an updated picture..I'm so glad i didn't loose him but please- still think about us.

His fins look almost perfect!

07-01-2002, 05:28 AM
That's good news! So glad to hear that :)

Sam's My Baby
07-01-2002, 09:39 AM
Great News!!!! I am so happy to hear he is getting better!:)