View Full Version : I know they cant help it but it drives me SO CRAZY!

02-21-2007, 05:02 PM
I know dogs and puppies kinda have a mind of their own when it comes to exploring, eating things they shouldnt and getting themselves into a rut. BUT just because this is the way i am...i've pretty much given up on changing since i just get so mad. But it makes me SOO mad when cainan walks by coco who is laying down and coco decides she needs to lift her leg so that by some luck of the draw cainan will sniff and lick his way to happiness.
I cant help but get mad cause it's like COME ON you really dont need to lift your dang leg when he walks by.!!!
another thing that drives me crazy is when the dogs are outside...they are the only dogs that go in my backyard but they cant help themselves not to sniff, lick and chew one another dog poop! Eww, and it seems like they are deaf when i tell them to stop
and on to #3!!
It's starting to get warm here so ALL the snow is melting into slushing muddy yuckI-ness and they cant help but drink that nasty ol water. I know they dont care but i just think that why would they drink dirty water when i can give them clean and clear water from the sink!
I totally understand that dogs arent people and they really dont care what they eat, stand in ect. but I DO!!!!
here's a little backround on the way i am...
i have ADHD and i realize more and more everyday that my OCD is taking over my life especially with the dogs. but im really anal about things being a certain way and i cant help it.
totally rubs me the wrong way when i see them doing these things, even though I KNOW they cant help it and just dont care!
Gr.. okay i just needed to say that!