View Full Version : Updates On Stray Cat Fund And Pictures!!! UPDATE 03/01/07

02-20-2007, 09:21 PM
These are a few pictures I took last night of Abbie. I will update in more detail in a little while with update on funds so far. Katie

She STILL had not been adopted. SO She decided to take matters into her own hands. She picked out her meowmie. Thats that. BUT I dont think that the unsuspecting Melissa (doolittleky) is going to be too happy with me once I ship little miss priss to her :p She wants to know, whatdoyasay Melissa, PLEASE!!!!!! PRETTY PLEASE x 745624895763895768357945674586






Just one more!


Laura's Babies
02-20-2007, 10:01 PM
She looks SO sweeT!! I bet she would be so good to cuddle with and give great head bumpies, purr therapy and tons of luvin!

02-20-2007, 10:43 PM
Some more Aces pictures. He is so sweet. Hopefully he has a home. I just love his goofy attitude, and how he headbumps my legs constantly. I love him.

Kiss my cheek???

That is his carrier with blankies in it. He is shaking his head here.




Loving on my feet:


02-20-2007, 10:44 PM



He does this constantly. *heart melts*

neck scritches:

Hope you liked them! Just thought I would show him off a bit.

02-20-2007, 10:45 PM
OMG that Aces is JUST too much! I would kiss both his cheeks forEVER!

Does he ever open his eyes? He always looks like he is so loving and purring his eyes are closed in bliss! :)

02-20-2007, 10:49 PM
He does keep his eyes closed alot. He purr constantly, and likes to chatter sweet nothing to me while he gets petting. His front left leg is shorter than the rest, and I think he is atleast partially deaf. But he is very loving, a HUGE cuddlebug, and just a prize kitty. I hope that he already has a home, but I must double check to make sure that this PTER still is interested and all. She resides in a connecting state, and I pray she wants him. I love him, and he deserves a life of luxury. Please pray for all these kitties, that I can adopt them into perfect homes, and that they are furrever. Katie and kitties

02-20-2007, 10:54 PM
AWWWWWW Katie, how could Melissa resist that sweet girl.

Oh it's a good thing I don't live close to you because that adorable sweet Aces would be coming home with ME!!!

I pray that all the kitties find their forever homes.

02-21-2007, 12:28 AM
Oh, Katie, she is soo sooo cute! I want Abbie!! I wish I could take her!

02-23-2007, 05:35 PM
Melissa, please please please adopt Abbie!

02-23-2007, 05:58 PM
I took Abbie to the vet. It is not good news. First of all, she is pregnant. Second she is a possible FIP+ kitty. The exam was first, where we decided to do x rays to confirm pregnancy. She is around 20-25 days in. No heartbeats yet (not a good sign).
We went on to give her her rabies shot and her combo test came out neg/neg. She had a fecal, (tapeworms and roundworms) showed up, she got dewormed again.
BUT the thing that scared me the most, was that the vet kept saying that with the bloating and the fact that she is sneezing and vommiting, that worries her. She did not want to test her just yet (for FIP), because whatever exposure is already done to the other cats that Abbie has been into contact with. She will be testing her on March 5th. The day Abbie will be spayed.
NOW PLEASE HEAR ME OUT! Please do NOT judge me. Do not put me down, do not say I am wrong or immoral. If you think that, please keep it to yourselves.
In my opinion, it is the best option for her. She is only 5 months old. Still a baby herself. She probably would not carry them full term, or worse, it could kill her to go into labor. A C-section, is WAY to expensive, plus the added stress on momma kitty would be alot to live through. There are millions of unwanted kittens in the world already, and they need homes as well. I just think it is best that she does not have them. Please dont think that I dont care, or that I am being quick to make decisions. The day I got her I suspected her of being pregnant. But I wanted to confirm it BEFORE I told everyone. Now that I know, it is only fair to be honest and let my friends here know.
I know that it is terrible, and that God will punish me. Please let him judge me... I really hope everyone understands. Please pray that her surgery is simple, fast, painless as possible. AND that she does not have FIP, and that none of the others do either. It would kill me to have to euthanize them. They are all still babies :( *HUGS* Katie Layne

Edited to add: She weighs 4 pounds.

02-23-2007, 06:01 PM
Katie, I definitely think this is the best option for her. Same thing happened with my Ebony. No way she would have survived her pregnancy, so it was terminated at the time of the spay. They are way to young themselves to be having a litter and physically have them andthe babies do well.

02-23-2007, 06:13 PM
Beore you get blasted I just want to say thank you for your caring and willingness to use your God given common sense. By having her spayed you're saving the lives of other cats that are already homeless. It's not an easy decision, but it's the right decision.

I won't be back to debate the issue, but here's one vote of confidence that your decision is the most humane decision!

I took Abbie to the vet. It is not good news. First of all, she is pregnant. Second she is a possible FIP+ kitty. The exam was first, where we decided to do x rays to confirm pregnancy. She is around 20-25 days in. No heartbeats yet (not a good sign).
We went on to give her her rabies shot and her combo test came out neg/neg. She had a fecal, (tapeworms and roundworms) showed up, she got dewormed again.
BUT the thing that scared me the most, was that the vet kept saying that with the bloating and the fact that she is sneezing and vommiting, that worries her. She did not want to test her just yet (for FIP), because whatever exposure is already done to the other cats that Abbie has been into contact with. She will be testing her on March 5th. The day Abbie will be spayed.
NOW PLEASE HEAR ME OUT! Please do NOT judge me. Do not put me down, do not say I am wrong or immoral. If you think that, please keep it to yourselves.
In my opinion, it is the best option for her. She is only 5 months old. Still a baby herself. She probably would not carry them full term, or worse, it could kill her to go into labor. A C-section, is WAY to expensive, plus the added stress on momma kitty would be alot to live through. There are millions of unwanted kittens in the world already, and they need homes as well. I just think it is best that she does not have them. Please dont think that I dont care, or that I am being quick to make decisions. The day I got her I suspected her of being pregnant. But I wanted to confirm it BEFORE I told everyone. Now that I know, it is only fair to be honest and let my friends here know.
I know that it is terrible, and that God will punish me. Please let him judge me... I really hope everyone understands. Please pray that her surgery is simple, fast, painless as possible. AND that she does not have FIP, and that none of the others do either. It would kill me to have to euthanize them. They are all still babies :( *HUGS* Katie Layne

Edited to add: She weighs 4 pounds.

02-23-2007, 06:15 PM
I Dont Think That Anyone Here Will Judge You.
If The Animal Welfare Had Not Gotten Scrappy 2 In And Removed Her Stillborn Kitten, It Could Have Lead To Serious Problems As Scrappy 2 Was Barely 6 Months Old At The Time Herself.
We Know That This Is Not Easy And That You Are Doing What Best For That Poor Kitten.
We Are Sending Prayers For You All.

02-23-2007, 07:12 PM
Prayers for you and all the kitties. I too think you have made the right decision, painful as it is. God bless you all.


02-23-2007, 07:43 PM
If dear Abby is so sick right now, and there are no heartbeats....yikes. I think removing the unborn kittens will prove it was the right decision.

Abby is just a kitten herself. Prayers that all goes well and she does NOT have FIP.

I would think the bloating could come from a bad pregnancy...if the kittens are dead.

HUGS and prayers for you and Abby!

02-23-2007, 07:54 PM
Katie, did the vet do a belly tap for fluid? Usually if there is bloating, caused by FIP, then there is the tell-tale fluid accumulation. It is thick and sticky, like honey or molasses. I agree that if she is potentially FIP positive, you should not allow her kittens to be born. Chances are she might lose them in her condition anyway.

02-23-2007, 09:14 PM
Kim, no she did not do a belly tap. She wanted to wait until March 5th when we fix her and then she will know. If she keeps throwing up and sneezing, then I am going to take her back on Monday and make them do one. I just am at a point where, I dont want to know. I am just dying here. I am so upset/worried. I just hope it is because of the babies and her not eating for so long. PLUS she does have a HORRIBLE case of worms. Praying that that is all it is.

*I had a momma cat with kittens before, I was fostering for a shelter in my area. She turned out to be FIP+ and one of the babies died. The fluid was brownish and we had to put it down. I dont want this to happen again.*

02-23-2007, 09:59 PM
Katie...I know we spoke earlier, but I just wanted to let you know that whatever happens, I am here for you. I know you are doing the right thing for Abby and the unborn kits. It is not fair to have them suffer a long lonely life and possibly a sick one, if they even make it past birth. Abby will be better off getting spayed and all the attention going towards her health. I am praying that she is negative for FIP along with Amos, Andy and the rest. Please keep me posted. Remember, I am here. I may be hard to reach at times, but I am here if you need to talk. Give that special girl a big hug and smooch from me and mine.


02-23-2007, 10:55 PM
Katie, I'm sure NO ONE is going to bash you or judge you in any way on the decision you have to make in regards to Abbie. It's bad enough what you must be going through taking in these kitties.
YOU are doing the RIGHT thing for Abbie and please, DO NOT feel guilty or even second guess your decision. From the sounds of it, it is the ONLY decision. If you hadn't taken in this sweet girl, she would surely die a cold lonely death. God will NOT punish you or judge you for doing the RIGHT thing. Of course you care about these babies, or else you wouldn't have taken them in.
Look what happened to our dear SweetPea. She lost 4 of her 5 babies and that was very hard on me to see and yes, I second guessed my decision.

Prayers and positive thoughts on the way for Abbie and the rest of the babies.

This tough time will end. Just know in your heart that you don't need to go it alone. We will always be here for you.


02-24-2007, 12:14 AM
Katie, I just wanted to let you know that you're doing the right thing. I sure hope that she doesn't have FIP.:( If she does then the others may have it too.:( I'll be keeping her in my thoughts and prayers.

02-24-2007, 12:24 AM
Sweetie, I have been in your shoes and it was a tough call to make but if I hadn't, my Cheese wouldn't be here now. I willnot judge cuz I have been there. Just know that we are here for you !!!!

02-24-2007, 10:44 AM
Katie, you surely must know that people here will not judge you. You are doing a wonderful thing regardless, bending over backwards and doing all you can to help these cats. It's simply the answer for the current situation you are in, and that Abbie is in. She is being taken care of properly for once in her young life. You don't have to feel bad about that at all.

02-24-2007, 12:50 PM
Kim, no she did not do a belly tap. She wanted to wait until March 5th when we fix her and then she will know. If she keeps throwing up and sneezing, then I am going to take her back on Monday and make them do one. I just am at a point where, I dont want to know. I am just dying here. I am so upset/worried. I just hope it is because of the babies and her not eating for so long. PLUS she does have a HORRIBLE case of worms. Praying that that is all it is.

*I had a momma cat with kittens before, I was fostering for a shelter in my area. She turned out to be FIP+ and one of the babies died. The fluid was brownish and we had to put it down. I dont want this to happen again.*

Yes, the fluid can be anywhere from urine-colored to dark brown. The way to tell between urine and the FIP fluid, other than the odor, is the consistency of it. I am not questioning YOU at all! I just don't understand your vet not doing a simple belly tap where she sees the bloating. It is just a simple needle stuck into the abdomen to draw out any fluid. It literally takes seconds. Why would she wait and potentially make Abbie suffer more needlessly and spend YOUR money on surgery for a spay and THEN find out she is full of FIP fluid? I just don't understand your vet's reasoning. I'm sorry you are having to deal with this. :(


02-24-2007, 02:30 PM
Katie, you didn't say I wasn't allowed to post on this jUST PRAY FOR aBBIE AND THE REST. So I am jsut sending as many postive heathly thoughts I can to Abbie and the rest of your gang. I will tALK TO YA LATER. I think Abbie willbe ok.

02-24-2007, 08:52 PM
Update. Just to clarify, it was a sub vet, not my regular vet. Dr. Lehr was out of the office. I had to take any appointment they would give me. This vet was not the nicest of women, not very thorough. But like I said, she wanted to wait until we spay her, and said we will know then. I am just hoping that is a good sign, and it was just a SLIGHT possiblilty of FIP.
I personally think it is just worms, and being so tiny, and prengant.
She is perfectly healthy, with a little sneezing and vomiting. BUT she plays, hops, loves and swats the boy kitties when they get out of line. I take her out twice a day for about 2 hours. (completely supervised). Please continue to pray for her, and I will update more tomorrow. To everyone whom PMed me, I promise to answer then. I only stopped by here for a second, and I need to go. Thank you all again for caring. *HUGS* Katie Layne

02-25-2007, 12:25 AM
how are they doing??? is Abbie any better??

02-25-2007, 12:39 AM
I think you're doing the right thing for her and the kittens. I hope she's feeling better soon, poor baby.

02-25-2007, 05:04 PM
Bless you for your caring and all that you've done to help little Abbie. Although it was a difficult and painful decision, you did what's best for Abbie and her babies. After all, she's a baby herself. When Groucho was 5 months old, our vet ran some lab work to prepare for his being neutered. The results showed Groucho tested positive for FIP. Doctor said since he was under 6 months old he could have tested positive for his mother's antibodies. Doctor tested him again 6-8 weeks later, the result was better but not quite what she wanted so he was tested again 6-8 weeks later. The third test came back normal and there have been no problems, no symptoms or cause for concern since. I'm mentioning our experience as something you might want to discuss with your vet. Prayers being prayed for Abbie to see the same result. Please let us know how she's doing?

02-26-2007, 01:24 PM
When I talked to Katie last night she said Abbie and Alvin were acting fine and that they hadn't had anymore diarrhea or she hadn't heard them sneeze. So that is a good sign. I hope she will be able to get online today and update you further.

03-01-2007, 10:40 PM
Just a small update to all whom are keeping up with this story. Abbie is still doing good. No diarrhea in 2 days. Alvin and Andy are doing GREAT! Playful and happy.
Her Spay appointment has been changed to March 8th. I was highly upset when they called to cancel for March 5th. BUT I cant do anything about it. All funds received in the amount of checks were wrote out to Academy Pet hospital, so I can not switch clinics now. Abbie will be getting a spay on that day, and also her belly tap done. I am also bringing Aces (the outside grey tabby) to get his shots, an exam, fecal, deworming, and a combo test.
Funds are still needed for Andy and Alvin. They need all of the above as well. I have used almost all of the money donated towards Abigails care (because she was the most serious case at the time). I am using an alloted amount from another donor towards Aces. She has sent 65 dollars and I will pay the rest on him.
Please continue the prayers that Abbie does not have FIP, and that she comes out of this happy and healthy with a loving furrever home. She is still up for adoption, as well as Alvin and Andy and Amos.

03-01-2007, 11:02 PM
I'm glad to hear she is doing better. I hope everything goes well for her spay and with the other kitties.

03-01-2007, 11:09 PM
I am really glad she is doing better. I am hoping and praying that she does not have FIP and all is well for her and the others. Sorry I haven't called, too much has been going on here. I'll explain when I call you this weekend. Take care of the kits....I know you always do though!! :)

03-01-2007, 11:25 PM
I'm glad that Abbie is doing better and I'll continue to keep her in my thoughts and prayers. I hope that all of the cats are healthy and all of their spays and neuters go well.