View Full Version : An update from Anvik....

02-19-2007, 07:42 PM
Woooo PT,

I got my stitches out this morning. The vet says i am healing up pretty good. If I don't lick the surgery spot too much, I don't have to wear that dumb collar anymore.
It sure feels good to be able to scratch my ears again!

They stole my blood this morning too and Dr. Rick just called Mom with the results. My kidneys are A-OK! Everything is perfect and we don't have to worry about that anymore.

Dr. Rick is a little worried about how skinny I am. Mom is too. She says I'm a bone rack! She's gonna change my diet a bit and see if I can't gain a bit of weight. Not too much, just a few pounds so my bones don't stick out so much! I'm not worried, but extra yummies sounds good to me!
I have to take it easy for a few more weeks, but I can kill stuffies again. This is me waiting for a new one, which I have already completely destroyed! I am off crate rest, but it's very cold here right now. I have this humungous shaved spot so I can't go outside for too long or I will get frostbite!

My kitty brother, Beau, came to the vet with us too. Unfortunately, we didnt' get good news about his kidneys. They aren't working very good at all. Mom's gunna post about him on the cat side.


02-19-2007, 07:46 PM
Woo Hoo!! Way to go Anvik. You are looking marvelous, as usual. :D
Enjoy those extra treats!! I'm sorry to hear about Beau, I'll have to go to the cat side and check that out. :(

02-19-2007, 07:50 PM
Hey Anvik, that is such GOOD news about getting the stitches out and the kidneys being OK!!! And maybe the collar is off for good, too, huh?

I looked at that first pic, the one scratching, and I said, "oh no, you've lost weight buddy!" Then I saw the one of your face, and yes, you do look more slender. I suppose that is to be expected, you weren't feeling your best and mom had no choice but to cut back on your food as you weren't gonna burn it off the way you did. Now you can get some ymmies in your tummy and fill in - just a little! Sp just keep on doing your best to heal up. You are SUCH a handsome fella!

02-19-2007, 08:02 PM
Wooooooo Anvik! Glad to hear you are doing better. Sorry to hear about Beau.

02-19-2007, 08:14 PM
YAY ANNIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
See it wasnt SOOOOOOOOO awful for just a couple of weeks?

You got out of it

New stuffies!
Xtra Yummies
Xtra Snuggles with MOM!!!
and best of all made to be a KING for a while................So all in all it wasn't totally a bust! :D

Im so glad to hear you are on the fast track to mending! Now share a bit of that with Beau ok?

Daisy and Delilah
02-19-2007, 08:19 PM
I'm so glad to see you're feeling better, Anvik. Now if you can just put on some weight. Good luck with it sweetie!!

Sorry to hear brother Beau isn't feeling so good. :(

critter crazy
02-19-2007, 08:22 PM
Congrats on your good progress Anvik!! Yeah!!!

02-19-2007, 08:35 PM
I'm glad you're doing well Anvik, now you just need to fatten up a little. :)

02-19-2007, 09:19 PM
Glad to hear the skinny boy is doing good! I'm sure he'll enjoy is adjusted diet too. Frankie's one of those dogs as well that it doesn't matter whether she eats 4 cups a day, which she normally does :eek: , or 2 cups a day she just doesn't gain weight. I never noticed how long his nose was, what a handsome boy. :)

02-19-2007, 09:37 PM
:) Yeah Annie! Look at those loooong legs! Sherman says to eat an extra treat for him (he's on a diet). Your good news must have cheered Mom up, we'll keep all paws crossed for Beau.

02-19-2007, 10:15 PM
So glad to hear from you, Anvik. I'm happy you're doing so well. I'm sure you really enjoyed destroying that poor, defenseless stuffie. I'm sorry your kitty brother Beau isn't doing as well :( You be sure and give him kisses, ok?

02-19-2007, 10:39 PM
He is so cute! It's nice to hear he is doing better.

02-20-2007, 08:38 AM
I'm glad to hear you're recovering well Anvik! *HUGS*

02-20-2007, 08:48 AM
They stole your blood?!? :eek:
Those evil monsters!!! :p

Glad to see you're able to scratch your ears once again!
Tell mom to "Bring on the Extra Yummies!!"

finn's mom
02-20-2007, 08:53 AM
Good for you, Anvik. Thanks for the fun update. I'm sorry to hear about Beau, though. :(

02-20-2007, 09:27 AM
We love good news, Anvik, and you have it! Eat up, put on some pounds and you'll be feeling even better!

I'm sorry to hear about your feline buddy, Beau, though. I'll head over to the cat board and find out more, there. :(


Pawsitive Thinking
02-20-2007, 09:30 AM
Sorry to hear the news about Beau but glad to see that you are feeling food Anvik. Have you put in your order for special, yummy treats?

02-21-2007, 10:05 PM
That first picture cracks me up!

Glad all is well, or atleast getting there, you are a handsome hunk.

02-23-2007, 01:00 PM
I was just looking for the original thread about you to get an update and I found this.

I'm glad to hear you're doing better despite the blood theft.

I'll go read up on your buddy Beau now.

02-23-2007, 01:08 PM
aww glad to hear your feeling better, and no more evil E-collar too! Thats great! :)