View Full Version : One year ago...

02-19-2007, 02:50 PM
One year ago today was the start of the longest month of my life...the day Delta disappeared.
This was the last picture I took of him before he vanished. He was watching me clean the ashes out of the firepit. He likes to sleep on them so he wasn't impressed with me!

After a month of relentless searching without success, Delta was found, fifty miles from home, rescued by a roaming female dog who took him back to her people and shared her food with him for a few days. Delta wouldn't let his friend's owner get anywhere near him, but he had seen one of my lost posters and called just in case that was my dog. I'm eternally grateful to him for making that call. It took some help from Delta's littermate, Antare, his new friend, her owners, and Kentucky Fried Chicken, but 36 hours after that first phone call, Delta was in the truck and headed home.

He's changed a bit since his great adventure. I don't think he enjoyed it much! He's very protective of "His" yard now, barking at the fenceline at any intruder, even the ones only he can see. He's still extraordinarily timid. It's difficult to explain to people with "normal" dogs just how timid he is. If he were a cat, he'd be considered feral.

Progress with Delta is painfully slow, but it does happen. Saturday afternoon, for the first time ever, he came in the house under his own power and by his own choice. Every other time he's ever been inside, I've had to corner him and carry him through the door. Delta absolutely will not walk on a leash. If I have to move him somewhere, he has to be carried.
Once he got inside, he acted almost like a normal dog. He lounged on a dogbed, ate a treat, snuggled up to Sleet.
The main thing I noticed was the lack of fear in his eyes. He was wary and never completely relaxed, but Delta probably never will completely relax. Coming in and enjoying it at all was a huge step for him!

I am grateful for the support I got from PT during Delta's absence. A year later, I smile every time I watch him race across the yard, play with his brother, every time he greets me with his morning wooooooooo.

02-19-2007, 02:55 PM
Still an amazing story. Delta is so lucky to have found a home were he has people who are not only understanding of his special issues, but who loved him enough anyway not to give up on him even when it seemed hopeless.

02-19-2007, 03:02 PM
warning needed!
Im so glad he has you!

02-19-2007, 03:06 PM
:) That was quite a saga! We are all grateful it had a good ending. That last picture of him is fantastic - he has such beautiful eyes. Your patience & love are paying off, what a treat not to have to carry him in - he looks like an armful! God bless you & Stuart for all you do for those "Wandering Spirits" of the North!

02-19-2007, 03:06 PM
Beautiful story, beautiful dog! I'm so very thankful he's home where he belongs.

02-19-2007, 03:10 PM
A story very close to my heart, as I know the hurt and heartache when missing a companion. I am so glad Delta is home, I am so glad he is becoming more "normal." I certainly know the feeling of trying to describe to people how Kiara is.

I remember being so ecstatic reading that he was home and safe.

Do you still have flashbacks of him being gone? I'm constantly being reminded of that week in September - constantly. It makes me well up with tears of hurt and tears of joy at the same time. Sometimes, I think of it when I'm at work and wish I could rush home and hug Kiara.

Anyhow, enough blabbing. DON'T DO IT AGAIN, DELTA!

Ginger's Mom
02-19-2007, 03:12 PM
I, too, am so happy that he is home. And to see him lounging inside on a dog bed, well that is a real treat. Watch out, once Delta gets the hang of indoor life, you may find you have to corner him and carry him out just to go potty. ;)

02-19-2007, 03:12 PM
Nice to see a happy endig to this story Glacier. What kind of dog is he??
He almost looks part wolf, he's very beautiful. :)

02-19-2007, 03:23 PM
I remember that month all too well and was so happy when I read he was home. I'm happy to hear that he came in the house, better watch out he might really like it in there and never want to go back out. :)

I hope that I never have to go through that myself but I am also comforted knowing PT would be here for me with open arms and prayers if I ever needed them.

02-19-2007, 03:32 PM
I also remember that month all too well. I'm so glad that Delta finally was able to come home, safe and sound. He's a beautiful dog. :)

02-19-2007, 04:14 PM
We all are SO happy you have your Delta back, I'm quite sure no one here will forget his story!

Killearn Kitties
02-19-2007, 04:19 PM
That was such a terrible time that Delta was missing. I will never forget it myself; the thought of that poor dog out on his own.
These pictures of him are lovely. He really does have a beautiful face.

02-19-2007, 04:35 PM
It really doesn't seem like a whole year has passed already. I sure do
remember that time too. I felt so bad for Delta and for you. These are some
great pictures of his handsome self. :) He looks quite at home on the dog bed. Don't do it again big guy.

02-19-2007, 05:12 PM
What a beautiful face! Love that last photo.

I was not part of PT a year ago, so I don't "remember" what all of you are discussing. But I do know the worry of a missing pet, and I am glad this ended with him back home with you.

Was he always afraid, or is this a result of his month on his own? If he won't go on a leash, then he doesn't join a team and pull, either?

He is so handsome, I am glad he is making progress in feeling relaxed in his own place!

02-19-2007, 05:56 PM
Do you still have flashbacks of him being gone?

I don't leave the yard anymore until I have assured myself that he's still here. I do several headcounts a day. I've been late for work twice this winter when he didn't want to come out of his doghouse when it was cold. I could not leave I'd actually seen him! Fortunately, I have an understanding boss!

02-19-2007, 06:00 PM
What kind of dog is he??
He almost looks part wolf, he's very beautiful. :)

He's an Alaskan Husky. No wolf in him. He was born in a wanna-be mushers yard. Mom and sire were both sled dogs.

02-19-2007, 06:05 PM
Was he always afraid, or is this a result of his month on his own? If he won't go on a leash, then he doesn't join a team and pull, either?

He's always been extremely timid. He's actually braver than he was before he left. He came from a wanna be musher who thought it would be easier to breed his own team. Apparently the hundreds(if not thousands) of sled dogs around here who are already trained and need homes weren't good enough for him! He had one litter, decided this was way too much work. He gave away all the puppies, except Delta and Antare. He brought them to the shelter when they were a few months old. He'd done nothing but throw a bit of a food at them every couple days. The key window for socializing puppies was missed. Socializing after 16 weeks can be done, but it's much more difficult, much slower and some of that missed learning can never be made up.

No, Delta doesn't run with the team. He has a beautiful gait and I'd love to get him into a harness someday. Right now it would probably be overwhelming for him and just freak him out. His littermate, Antare, is also very shy but is a fine little sled dog. He's actually learning to lead. Antare asked to come for a run the second year he was here. Came and stuck his head in a harness that I was trying to put on a different dog. I don't expect Delta will ever be that bold about it, but when he's ready he'll let me know. He's only five so he has lots of time to decide.

Cinder & Smoke
02-19-2007, 06:17 PM
One year ago today was the start of the longest month of my life ...
the day Delta disappeared.

A year later, I smile every time I watch him race across the yard, play with his brother,
every time he greets me with his morning wooooooooo. :)

I'm glad Time sometimes *flies*!

That was a Looooong month.
Lotta tears shed on PT ... prolly a lot more shed in the Yukon.

Let's remember to celebrate in a month!

02-19-2007, 08:29 PM
It's been a year already?? My goodness, Delta, time flies. I know your disappearence was traumatic to us all so I can hardly fathom how it must have been for you. Sleep well, though, Delta. You're home in the arms of a true angel :)

02-19-2007, 08:38 PM
I can't believe it's been a year already. Big hugs to you Delta. :)

02-19-2007, 08:52 PM
Wow, I remember checking the Missing thread each day that I got to work and wishing for Delta to be back home. I'm glad that he chose to remember the month by walking into the house and not toward the gate!

He looks perfectly content to stay home and not have any more big adventures.

Daisy and Delilah
02-19-2007, 09:06 PM
How could any of us forget about that boy being away from home? It's already been a year? WOW! You are such a handsome fella, Delta. Please have Mom give you some kisses from us. We think you look perfectly natural in the house :D

02-19-2007, 10:19 PM
Poor baby. I'm sad that he'll never fully be able to relax. But, very glad that he came inside of his own doing. Maybe he'll be able to get back more of the joy that lots of dogs possess, over time. I know it must be hard to see him this way. He's such a beauty.

02-20-2007, 12:22 AM
Poor baby. I'm sad that he'll never fully be able to relax. I know it must be hard to see him this way.

I actually think he is a happy dog, as long as he's with his buddies outside. He loves other dogs, loves to play and always looks happy racing around the yard. He missed so much stuff he should have learned as a very young puppy. His world is more limited because of that, but I think he enjoys his little corner of the world.

02-20-2007, 12:30 AM
My sister has a dog that sounds just like Delta.

We rescued 40+ Sibes staked out in the desert by a very, shall we say, "unbalanced" gentleman. Some of these dogs were completely feral, especially a litter of nine month old pups that had spent their entire lives staked on a six foot chain in the middle of the desert, with no human contact whatsoever except a 50 pound bag of dog food throw to them and a water barrel filled once every week or two. Literally.

My sister kept three of these puppies. It took about a year for two of them to come around to semi-normal dog status. The third one never will. Five years later, she is still pretty much feral. She will come in the house finally, after about three years ... but only when no one is home but my sister, and she remains absolutely motionless.

02-20-2007, 08:28 AM
Antare asked to come for a run the second year he was here. Came and stuck his head in a harness that I was trying to put on a different dog.That is so cool! You know, we haven't seen any picutures of that very handsome Antare for quite a while either! (hint hint)

Pawsitive Thinking
02-20-2007, 08:33 AM
Was that really a year ago??? :eek:

02-20-2007, 08:34 AM
Living with a cat that is now timid but was feral, I can completely understand.

I can't believe it's been a year already. I'm glad you're home Delta and don't run off again. :)

finn's mom
02-20-2007, 08:59 AM
It is unbelievable to me that it has been a year. Delta sounds like a quirky, lovely dog, and he certainly found the best place for him to be. I was so scared for him the entire time he was missing, I don't even want to know what it was like for you. As much as I eat a healthy diet, KFC would bring me home, too. ;)

02-20-2007, 12:35 PM
My sister has a dog that sounds just like Delta.

We rescued 40+ Sibes staked out in the desert by a very, shall we say, "unbalanced" gentleman. Some of these dogs were completely feral, especially a litter of nine month old pups that had spent their entire lives staked on a six foot chain in the middle of the desert, with no human contact whatsoever except a 50 pound bag of dog food throw to them and a water barrel filled once every week or two. Literally.

My sister kept three of these puppies. It took about a year for two of them to come around to semi-normal dog status. The third one never will. Five years later, she is still pretty much feral. She will come in the house finally, after about three years ... but only when no one is home but my sister, and she remains absolutely motionless.

I remember that rescue. Unbalanced is a very PC way to put it!

That's exactly how Delta is and very similar to how he spent his puppyhood. There isn't an ounce of aggression in him. When he is overwhelmed, he just goes limp and won't move. This past weekend was the first time he's ever moved around the house! He didn't move much on his own, but he followed Muskwa around for awhile.