View Full Version : Is this possible?

02-19-2007, 11:00 AM
Ok, two months ago I dyed my hair "raisin" Which somehow turned out PURPLY-PINK on my head. Anything dark brown actually turned out the raisin color. Anything silver turned up bright pinkish purple.

I waited 2 weeks to cover it because I didn't want to damage my hair..... I walked around for two weeks with pinkish hair, and all the young people I knew complimented it while all the people my age asked me "What on earth were you thinking?!?!" LOL

Ok, so I called Garnier in near tears for a solution, they told me to chose an ashy shade to counter-balance the red. It didn't take at all. I still had pinkish hair and the roots were barely colored.

I waited another two weeks and repeated the ashy color but with a different brand. Same results. Only now I had red highlights, not pink (woohoo, progress!) Once again, the roots were not colored.

Another two weeks passed (see the pattern here?) and I dyed it again. Once again, hardly any red/pink removal, and nothing dyed the roots. My hair line looks like a geological site with the different bands of rock outlining the different centuries (only the different coverages of grey outlining the twice monthly attempts at coverage) :rolleyes:

Ok, so its not been two weeks yet, but its looking REALLY bad and I have to find something to cover my hair. I've tried several brands at this point. All were permanent with the label claiming it had "excellent grey coverage". I contacted Loreal after my last dye job and got nowhere. The last coloring burned my head something awful and I as itchy for a few days.... developing an allergy?!?

Soooo.... my questions is two fold: is it possible this red dye had a chemical reaction with me, and now I can't color my hair anymore? And if thats not possible, WHAT, if anything will surely cover this awful red?

Hubby said the only thing that he sees working is having a professional fix it. I do not have the money for that right now. Not for a few more weeks yet. What can I do in the interim?

Of course, I could just go au-naturale, and let my grey grow out ;)

02-19-2007, 11:06 AM
I use loreal but I am bleaching out color not putting color in. My hairdresser said if I do it myself only to use loreal.

02-19-2007, 11:20 AM
can you post a pic?.......I´m not a hair expert but I also went red from blonde and then blonde from red by myself without bleach, and I also had sort of pink hair, it took me a while but it got out......

if you can post a pic of how is your hair right now and how you want it to be, maybe I can help......

02-19-2007, 11:25 AM
You want me to post a pic of my mess?!?! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Maybe tonight after work... I'm heading out now :)

02-19-2007, 11:30 AM
you can PM me with it, so I can see from where to go and where to head up............;)

02-19-2007, 12:09 PM
you can PM me with it, so I can see from where to go and where to head up............;)
OH NO! She has to post it HERE, for the WORLD!!!! (LOL)

02-19-2007, 12:13 PM
Go to a hairdresser!!!!

02-19-2007, 12:21 PM
How much have you spent on do-it-yourself haircolour already?

If there is a hairdressers' school near you, try that. They are inexpensive and SUPERVISED.


They will likely need training in repairing home-haircolour problems! :)

Check it out.

02-19-2007, 12:39 PM
I'm a natural brunette with some gray/white hair. Recently I dyed my hair strawberry blonde using a Garnier product.

My hair was a bit lighter but I still had all the white hair peeking out. My mom, a licensed beautician, said that most over the counter box products will not dye over white or will have strange reactions (kinda like what you described).

The only real fix is a professional dye job.

02-19-2007, 01:16 PM
I think Kimmie is right (and her mother). Gray/white hair doesn't take well to most home remedies. I have been too afraid, myself, to even attempt covering my mostly gray hair, at home. I go every 8 weeks or longer, to my own stylist and have her color and cut my hair. It is worth every dollar.

I hope you get it straightened out, Kim.


02-19-2007, 02:07 PM
there are places where you can get professional hair color dyes and get the same results as you can buy the color and the developer in whatever volume you want not only 20 as mostly al boxes have yu can get 30 or 40 volumes.....you just need to know what to buy......

I´ve went to pro hair colorist twice and I look and pay much attention on what they use, brand, quantity, mixtures, etc......

I don´t have grey hair, but most hair color works for me, just have to pick right shade.......

02-19-2007, 02:11 PM
At this point, I would also say go to a professional to get the fix. You've tried, spent money, made phone calls. It may cost you $60 for the full color -w ash - blow dry - style, but hey, after all you've been through go for it!

02-19-2007, 02:23 PM
Gosh! I would have to agree with your husband, and say go to a salon. With all the money you've no doubt already spent on color (and may yet), it might ultimately be cheaper. Good luck!

Laura's Babies
02-19-2007, 02:33 PM
I called Rie and told her to come here... Maybe she can help you but she can't come right now. She will stop by when she gets a chance. BE CAREFUL!!! She had a sister in law that dyed and dyed her hair and it ended up like elastic. You really need a expert to advise you and Rie is the only one I know and while she may be helpful, I think you need a pro now or you are going to end up loosing all your hair!

02-19-2007, 02:38 PM
I am just now getting lots of gray in my hair so I don't think me bleaching it at home is going to be an option for me much longer. I just hate having to go to a salon every month.

I was a blond growing up but now the natural color is probably a light brown, I may need to go have it dyed back to its natural color and get some highlights.

02-19-2007, 02:49 PM
Frankly- post it here and send the link to Garnier. They should know that whatever they promise on their packages is seen by many people who also have to take their decisions when they stand in front of the shelf in the supermarket.
Plus there are websites in which people judge the quality of products- and they are checked out by all the companies these days.

02-19-2007, 02:55 PM
I'm a little suprised they recommended an ash based tone. One week before my sister's wedding, she dyed her hair "ash blond". The ash tones turned her hair LIME GREEN! You can imagine how thrilled a young bride was with that. I took her to my stylist who specializes in color correction. Bonnie makes a ton of money off people who dye their own hair! She told my sis that ash tones are the ones she has to correct most often! It took a couple hours, but she fixed sis' hair the same day and she was a beautiful bride.

Personally, I'd stop all the at home stuff. Find a stylist who is trained in coloring and color correction and get it fixed professionally. I dye my hair alot, but I've never done it myself since I saw my sister's hair!

02-19-2007, 03:47 PM
Or, as a last resort, go to one of those beauty schools in the link I posted. Phone and ask if they can help.