View Full Version : I feel so Old today!

critter crazy
02-18-2007, 01:03 PM
I have been dealing with hip pains all day! I get shooting pains in the left side of my hip after taking a few steps, and stairs are a killer! I have been dealing with this for the last 3 yrs, after a bad horse riding incident, where the horse fell backwards and landed on top of my hip, while I was laying on my side. I only get these pains once in a while, but today, it has been pretty bad. Time to take some more Aleve, and take a nap! Cant wait till I am much older!:rolleyes:

02-18-2007, 01:08 PM
Have you tried " Triple Flex"? I take it for my right knee after a crushing injury about 15 years ago. I can even tell if I do NOT take it.
YOu can get it at any good pharmacy- it is expensive- but boy- it works! http://www.naturemade.com/ProductDatabase/prd_prod.asp?productid=73

critter crazy
02-19-2007, 07:15 PM
Hmmm...never tried that, i do take Glucosamine. Kind of funny since me and the dogs share meds! he he he! Will have to give that a try! Something has to work! My hip feels so much better today, course I took a very much needed nap today, and that always helps!:)

02-19-2007, 07:23 PM
Try it- I can tell the difference.. Its like a 3 way...