View Full Version : My RED retriever turned into.. **link for 48 more pics post 22**

02-17-2007, 11:16 PM
a SPOTTY DOG! :eek:

this would have been the best pic but it was so hard to see b/c my breath was fogging the displays! But I still think its one of my favorites..
and this one she looks so gorgeous (of course I'm biased) that it makes my heart skip a beat! :)

The rest of the pics (119) are here...


Cinder & Smoke
02-17-2007, 11:21 PM

Dirty Rotten Shame the BRD doesn't like the snow! :p

GO, Keegan!

(Take some INside for da KATS!) :eek:

02-17-2007, 11:57 PM
Well isn't she adorable! You've still got snow? We had some snow in December...but it was 66 degrees today!

02-17-2007, 11:59 PM
Thank you. :)
Well, I'm not sure where you are located but almost the entire state of Ohio was blanketed with blizzard like conditions Tues/Wed. We got about 10 inches!

02-18-2007, 12:03 AM
It's the rare and elusive, at least this winter it seems, red and white retriever! ;)

That's a lot of snow, but it looks like she had a blast.

02-18-2007, 12:07 AM
weird thing is -
and this sounds horribly mean but she LOVES LOVES LOVES it when I kick the snow over her. Kind of like a kid getting buried in the sand! :)

02-18-2007, 06:40 AM
AWW Staci, She makes a lovely spottie! One good shake, though, and the "spots" are gone! LOL! It looks like you got clobbered by that storm! :eek:

02-18-2007, 06:42 AM
What a gorgeous spottie dog you have;). Looks like she doesn't mind the snow at all. Give your beautiful girl a big hug from me.

02-18-2007, 08:07 AM
Congratulations on your new spotty dog!
Maybe she's pretending she'a a husky? ;)
We got about 12 inches here - mine are loving it too.

Daisy and Delilah
02-18-2007, 08:54 AM
I must be biased too Staci. I think she's gorgeous as well :) You look like you're having so much fun, Keegan!! Great pictures!! :D

02-18-2007, 10:51 AM
That Big Red Doggie....................is sure cute in the snow!

02-18-2007, 10:55 AM
Aww she's now a spotty how cute. Keegan looks gorgeous under any weather (or under snow) Looks like she had fun. We had NO snow, but we never do here in Phoenix AZ. haha.

02-18-2007, 11:09 AM
Keegan you are a vision in white! :D

Staci, Kia loves it when I kick snow on her too. :D Odd dogs. ;)

02-18-2007, 11:48 AM
Thanks for the comments everyone! :)
She reminds me of a kid in a candy store in the snow! :)

02-18-2007, 12:47 PM
The last picture is absolutely gorgeous!!! Will you frame it? She is a beautiful girl.

Ginger's Mom
02-18-2007, 01:16 PM
How cute. Keegan, who would have known that you are a snow dog? You don't mind getting your pretty red coat a little wet, do you? It really does look like she enjoyed it. :)

02-18-2007, 01:30 PM
She is so gorgeous! I just love her color. Looks like she's enjoying the snow. I bet my Labbies would have a ball in it. Mandy would probably hate it though!

02-18-2007, 02:23 PM
Keegan is just so beautiful! How fun that she enjoyed playing in the snow with Mommy!!! We finally got some flurries the past two days, but no accumulation! Oh well, so much for us having a snow day ... come on SPRING!!!

Hugs to Keegan! ;)

02-18-2007, 07:06 PM
The last picture is absolutely gorgeous!!! Will you frame it? She is a beautiful girl.
I have a 8x10 photo of her that I entered in the fair - that is framed. Not sure if I will frame that one or not but am going to make it my computer background! :)

02-18-2007, 07:11 PM
Aw it looks like Keegan was having a blast in the snow. Great pics Staci.

02-18-2007, 07:21 PM
Must be something about those September Girls, causeing Cincy isl oving the snow too. Everytime she goes outside, she comes in covered in it!

SPot can't get back in quick enough. Sadie likes it, if we are outside, otherwise, she'd rather be in.

02-18-2007, 10:25 PM
If ya'll thought Keegan loved the snow at my house - here are some pics of her at my PARENT'S house! :) 3 acres of snow and drifts and 2 tennis balls. She was in heaven! :)


02-18-2007, 11:21 PM
weird thing is -
and this sounds horribly mean but she LOVES LOVES LOVES it when I kick the snow over her. Kind of like a kid getting buried in the sand! :)

Mean? Cody LOVED that too!! I would shovel it ON him and he'd roll and jump and be in doggy heaven. Mz Logan hates rain, loves snow too. I tried taking some pictures of her jumping sky high trying to catch a meager snow ball but, alas, I was too slow, and she was too fast running from the camera, again! Stace..Miss Keegan is one beautiful snow angel!

02-19-2007, 12:19 AM
Great photos Staci, I LOVE the last one in the first post. Keegan makes a great Snow Dog!! :) Hey send some of that snow our way, it doesn't seem like February here!

Daisy and Delilah
02-19-2007, 09:00 AM
For some reason, I can't get the link to open :(

02-19-2007, 10:42 AM
For some reason, I can't get the link to open :(
I repasted it - it should work now! :)

Cinder & Smoke
02-19-2007, 11:09 AM
Keegan ... at my PARENT'S house! http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/smile.gif 3 acres of snow and drifts and 2 tennis balls.
She was in heaven! http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/smile.gif


She sure *smooshed* a lotta snow making Dawg-Angels and footsie prints!
Looks like a herd of Buffalo camped overnight!

And can you 'splain THIS one? >>>


Did the WIND make that pile - or did a Hoomin help build it?
I guess we're NOT gonna use that door for a day or two?

Looks like it was a *phunn* outing for the BRD!

02-19-2007, 11:15 AM
Snow Dog pictures!!

Off to check out all the other pics!

02-19-2007, 11:15 AM
Wow! That's a lot of snow. The fur kids and I would be in heaven with that much snow to play in. :)

I love the picture of her rolling by the tree. She does love the snow doesn't she? Do you like it as much as she does?

02-19-2007, 09:25 PM
Her color looks so beautiful up against the white snow!

Daisy and Delilah
02-20-2007, 09:50 AM
Thanks Staci!! She sure was having a blast! That's alot of snow alright. I also thought the picture Phred posted was pretty interesting.

Keegan: You're a gorgeous snow girl sweetie!! We love your pictures and we wish you could meet our big nephew, Jake!! :D

02-20-2007, 10:51 AM
Keegan: You're a gorgeous snow girl sweetie!! We love your pictures and we wish you could meet our big nephew, Jake!! :D
That's funny - I have a big nephew Jake! He's a BIG 10 year old 4th grader!

02-20-2007, 11:03 AM
Keegan, you have your Golden "cousins" wishing for lots of snow, here, too!!!! :) What a beautiful, red girl you are and we loved all of your pictures!!!!! :D

Logan, Honey, Lilly and Baby Mack

02-20-2007, 11:18 AM
Great pictures of my favorite "red head". :) I'm glad Keegan had such a
good time.

02-20-2007, 12:33 PM
thanks everyone! :)
She's still enjoying it! :D

02-21-2007, 10:50 AM

She sure *smooshed* a lotta snow making Dawg-Angels and footsie prints!
Looks like a herd of Buffalo camped overnight!

And can you 'splain THIS one? >>>


Did the WIND make that pile - or did a Hoomin help build it?
I guess we're NOT gonna use that door for a day or two?

Looks like it was a *phunn* outing for the BRD!
oopsie - missed this-
the Wind made it - and the door is seldom used anyway. :)
the only human that was shoveling was mom - b/c dad isn't allowed yet - but he scoops with the BIG shovel - his tractor/snowplow. ;)