View Full Version : staring?

02-17-2007, 09:54 PM
Cainan and I always seem to have a staring contest! I've heard that when a dog looks you straight in the eye for a period of time and doesnt look away they think they are the boss! well im pretty sure i've established that im the boss but it still kinda bothers me that he stares so much. After a few minutes of starring he wags his tail but still...

02-17-2007, 10:04 PM
actually a lot of "dominance" stuff out there is a myth. hes probably just very attentive and in-tune to you, which is good!

02-17-2007, 11:11 PM
Hunny, all my guys looked me square in the eye and it was never an issue of dominance, I truly believe that when you are alpha and they are secure they like doing what we do with those we love...........looking that person in the eye and giving them our full attention!

When I am complaining to any of my guys about anything , late mail, a tricky pattern, the fact that the birds dumped their treats for the umpteenth time they all look at me with and LISTEN to what I am saying? maybe , or maybe just to let me know they hear and they care!

Hug em and love em!

02-18-2007, 09:04 AM
Yeah I don't think it's dominance either. It could be that he wants to play even. I do this with my TF alllll the time. I'll turn and just stare at him without blinking and start moving slowly tward him. His little nub will move, then he play bows and barks, and then I go "BLLLAAAAHHHH!!!" and run after him and he runs around like a crazy dog. And then I tackle him, and it's a fun little game.

02-18-2007, 09:09 AM
A dominance stare is more like- staring then a slight lower of the head with the eyes remaining fixed.. Then the tail stiffens.
It doesnt sound like to me your situation is dominance at all. Just attention. And remember- a good obedience dog watches their owners face and eyes constantly..

02-18-2007, 09:24 AM
I also use to think that staring was a sign of dominance. After I got Charlie I changed my mind. Charlie has always been a staring dog. My parents thought he was being dominant and we had to control him. He is a semi-dominant dog, but I don't think him staring at me is him trying to be the dominant one. I too agree with pessimisaurus about how a lot of things that people say are dominant behaviors are not at all.

I think if you worry about your dog being your "boss" there are a few simple things you can do to secure your spot as "top dog".

Make your dog sit before he gets anything. My dogs know they must sit and be quiet before they get their food, go outside, enter through a door, get a toy, etc.

If you rough house with your dogs then just make sure if there is any sign of a dominant behavior(mounting, biting, etc) the play time is stopped and not continued until the dog has calmed down.

02-18-2007, 09:48 AM
I think it depends on the dog. Mine stare, and when Star stares at Sherman, it's dominance. When Star stares at me, I think she's trying to plant thoughts in my head! She's communicating something to me, like "Open the dooor for me" or "Don't look at me, I didn't do it." I usually catch on, LOL! :rolleyes:

02-18-2007, 09:50 AM
Smokey stares at me when he wants a potty break. Maggie combines
the stare with laying her face on my lap. :)

I think you would be able to recognize a dominent stare when you see one
because the dog's body language & posture would be completely different
than a relaxed inquistive dog's look.

02-18-2007, 10:02 AM
i guess i didnt realize there was so many different things it could be. I was always told that when a dog looks you directly in the eye then they've got you where they want you, and be careful because they may harm you!
Cainan im not too afraid of. i mean i jump when he barks cause it catches me off guard, but when he's acting up i usually am the one that tells him whats up.
it doesnt freak me out or anything when he stares, it's just kinda odd. Like out of all the things in the house you could stare at you choose to stare at me haha!

02-18-2007, 10:31 AM
Cainan im not too afraid of. i mean i jump when he barks cause it catches me off guard, [QUOTE]

LOL. Don't feel bad. I jump if mine bark and catch me off guard. And you can see from the siggy I have sooooo much to fear....lol.

02-18-2007, 10:33 AM
haha i hear ya!

02-18-2007, 05:39 PM
Yeah, the dominance theory is quickly being rejected by many experts it seems.

Still, next time you see a very well trained border collie doing the obedience work, look at how it never takes it's eye off of it's handler. I wouldn't call it dominance, lol. like everyone else says, just being attentive.