View Full Version : Artica is home

02-17-2007, 03:19 PM
Well Artica came home on Thursday evening. We made a trip to the vet with her immediately eventhough the shelter said she checked out perfect. Yeah sure!! They wanted us to do a fecal sample over a three days period. Well this morning we went in with the sample and she has 3 different parasites. Nice huh???

She has a tapeworm, coccidia and giardia. She is on Panacur for 3 days which is suppose to take care of all 3 of these parasites. Then after 5 days i have to do another 3 day fecal sample and retest. I also have to be careful with the cats especially Vixen. I don't want her catching anything as she is felv+ and doesn't have a strong immune system.

One good thing is she doesn't mess in the house much. She cries when she needs to go #2 and she pees on the puppy pads. She does have an accident now and then but I clean it up immediately and dissinfect the area.

Fingers crossed please that one 3 day treatment of the med will take care of these nasty little monsters and that the kitties don't get anything.

02-17-2007, 03:22 PM
I'm sorry Artica had to come home sick. :( I hope she's all better soon and your kitties don't get sick. Then you can enjoy your new puppy. :)

02-17-2007, 03:27 PM
Well Artica came home on Thursday evening. We made a trip to the vet with her immediately eventhough the shelter said she checked out perfect. Yeah sure!! They wanted us to do a fecal sample over a three days period. Well this morning we went in with the sample and she has 3 different parasites. Nice huh???

She has a tapeworm, coccidia and giardia. She is on Panacur for 3 days which is suppose to take care of all 3 of these parasites. Then after 5 days i have to do another 3 day fecal sample and retest. I also have to be careful with the cats especially Vixen. I don't want her catching anything as she is felv+ and doesn't have a strong immune system.

One good thing is she doesn't mess in the house much. She cries when she needs to go #2 and she pees on the puppy pads. She does have an accident now and then but I clean it up immediately and dissinfect the area.

Fingers crossed please that one 3 day treatment of the med will take care of these nasty little monsters and that the kitties don't get anything.
Okay kittycatsdelight- cocidea can be contagious- although usually transmitted by fowl, dogs can spread it if she was in a condition of heavy enough infestation.. Giardia- is usually from dirty water, or unclean water bowls. Until she has been on panacure for 48 hours- give her a different water bowl or wash the bowl after she drinks.
Its rare but coccidea can be spread. This is easy to elimate contamination but simply walking her in a area away from the yard- unless you are in cold temps- just do not let other dogs around it. Or better yet- pick it up. I fostered a dog with this as well, and the vet at the time said to make a bucket with like 1 cup bleach, and like 6 cups water, and dump on the stools. The panacure is good stuff.
With coccidea- she is low in protein- get some chicken livers, and give her one twice a day as you feed. ( yes- raw.)

02-17-2007, 03:40 PM
Thank you both. She is a typical active puppy. She is all over the place and eats like a little horse.

I do walk her outside the yard and I pick it up and dispose of it. She drinks out of almost all the dishes in the house except Phoenix's dish. But I am going to take up Vixen's dish in the bedroom and clean it well and put it up on the desk so she can't get into it. The cats have not been in contact with any of her feces. She cries when she wants to go #2 but sometimes she does it the last second and it is impossible to get to her in time to get her out. But when that happens I clean it up immediately and dissinfect the area.

So hopefully I have been and can be diligent enough to stop it from infecting the cats.

ETA: Will go monday and get the livers for her. And will feed them raw...not a problem.

02-17-2007, 03:59 PM
Congrats on your new addition. She is a super cutie!

Ginger's Mom
02-17-2007, 04:00 PM
I am glad to hear that she is home, but I am sorry to hear that she came home sick. I guess since it sounds like you really do have your hands full caring for her right now, I will wait at least a week until I start yelling for pictures. :)

02-17-2007, 04:07 PM
Welcome home Artica!! That's a bummer about the parasites. :( Zoee just finished a round of panacur last night, due to my brother's "found" dog having intestinal parasites too. I am sure she will be all healthy soon enough so you will not have to worry anymore.
How are the cats reacting to her, or have they met yet?

02-17-2007, 04:35 PM
Bosco Tige The Boston Terrier Angel Of Yeateryear Has Come To Be With Artica , To Help That Poor Little Pup Until The White Coats Can Make Him Better.
We Are Praying For Your Little Puppy.

02-17-2007, 05:58 PM
Welcome home Artica!!!:D I'm sorry to hear that she has parasites:(but I'm sure the medicine will clear her up quickly. I'm so glad that you had her checked out right away at your vet. Both Storm and Sky came from the shelter and they also had parasites. I'm looking forward to seeing some new pictures of her.:)

02-17-2007, 07:39 PM
Hey Artica, welcome to PT. You are a lucky puppy, and once you start feeling better you sure are going to have fun!

02-17-2007, 07:40 PM
I'm sorry your pup is ill. I will say a prayer in the hopes Artica gets better soon.