View Full Version : Disappointment...

06-27-2002, 11:03 AM
My friend Rena had a pet rabbit before I met her. We got to discussing rabbits the other day and she said "Yea, we tried to let him go in the wild because we didn't want him but yet we didn't want to give him away. But he would always come back to his cage when he was hungry. So finally we gave him away." I told her what I thought about letting him go in the wild, but in a nice way. But in my mind I was thinking "STUPID!" People, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do some research if you're thinking about getting a pet rabbit and see if it's the right pet for you. AND NEVER GIVE A RABBIT TO SOMEONE FOR EASTER! That is a big mistake people make all the time. Every year shelters get unwanted bunnies a few days after Easter. This to me is very very sad. After you've done research and you think a rabbit is the right pet for you, please adopt one. Thanks for reading this post. Cheers.

Heather Wallace
06-27-2002, 11:20 AM
Yes that would be good advise to give to people considering getting a bun. we all know what hard work they can be. Just sad to think people get them for the wrong reasons.:(

06-27-2002, 12:29 PM
yes, and the most common reason is "they're just so cute!" they don't even think about the hard work that goes with it. so sad

Heather Wallace
06-27-2002, 02:38 PM
I don't know why I got a rabbit, my mum wouldn't let me get one as a child, I'm 27 now and live away from home so i guess I can do what I like now. I planned on getting one and didn't know much about them, just so happens I went bunny mad and choice to find out lots more about them. I suppose Bunny and her family where lucky!

Sam's My Baby
06-27-2002, 03:39 PM
How sad! I am glad you told her that, or else, she might do it with another pet again!:( I hate how people dont think of what they are getting themselves into when they buy a pet.:(

06-27-2002, 09:21 PM
Yes, 'tis sad. And Bunny is very lucky to have you as her Mom Heather. My parents actually got my two rabbits as an Easter present. But I decided I didn't know much about them and went bunny mad too! Hehehe, cheers.

Former User
06-28-2002, 02:03 AM
Both of you, Meg and Heather are wonderful bunnie moms (if I can put it that way). You both know a lot, and I mean A LOT about bunnies. I always love reading your posts. I wish all the people would be as educated as you two are!

06-28-2002, 11:25 AM
Thanks for this posting and the admonishment to think about responsibility to the rabbit, or any new pet, BEFORE the animal is purchased. Buns are a lot of work but well worth the effort.

Unfortunately of us but fortunately for the bunnies, our sanctuary took in 28 bunnies in the month of May alone. This is the most we've ever accepted in one month. Our population now counts in at 93 and we are at capacity and not able to accept any more, which breaks my heart (we have the space but buns are territorial, which leads to other problems). We are struggling to meet their needs as we do not have enough volunteers. They are all well-cared for but it's taking a toll on our small number of workers.

If anyone reading this lives in the Ann Arbor area we could use whatever help you can give us. You can reach me by email: [email protected]. Thanks!