View Full Version : What IS this?

Toby's my baby
02-16-2007, 08:12 PM
I found this crawling on the floor, it's not a worm is it?


02-16-2007, 08:19 PM
I don't know. My first thought was that it is a meal worm.

02-16-2007, 08:20 PM
def. dont touch it! Looks kinda like it has little hooks or pins on it's rear! Ew

Toby's my baby
02-16-2007, 08:22 PM
I didn't touch it...

I just looked up mealworm and it looks exactly like it.


02-16-2007, 08:23 PM
I don't know. My first thought was that it is a meal worm.
Me too!

02-16-2007, 08:25 PM
:eek: Ewwwwwwwww ! Was it in the house? Blah! :eek:

(maybe you should put a creepy crawlies warning on this thread ;) )

critter crazy
02-16-2007, 08:26 PM
Yup looks lie a meal worm!


02-16-2007, 08:34 PM
Oh NO!!!!!! Kill it!!!! Kill the frekin thing!!!!! :eek: Blast it's head off!!! Forget cruelty to animals!!! (worms don't really count anyways... ) :eek: Very scary !!!!! :eek:

02-16-2007, 08:36 PM
It is NOT a Mealworm!!! It is a rare knarp worm. They are very rare and a sting from their tail can cause severe headaches and nausea and in rare cases, complete body paralysis. They are also extremely difficult to kill. You must cut their heads off and burn their torsos - as they will regenerate a head within days if the body is left untreated.

Do you have any sources for a Knarp Worm? I'm not amused for some reason. :rolleyes:

02-16-2007, 08:36 PM
It is NOT a Mealworm!!! It is a rare knarp worm. They are very rare and a sting from their tail can cause severe headaches and nausea and in rare cases, complete body paralysis. They are also extremely difficult to kill. You must cut their heads off and burn their torsos - as they will regenerate a head within days if the body is left untreated.

Do you have any links? I cannot find a single thing on a "Knarp Worm" and this thing looks totally like a mealworm. :confused:

02-16-2007, 08:36 PM
It is NOT a Mealworm!!! It is a rare knarp worm. They are very rare and a sting from their tail can cause severe headaches and nausea and in rare cases, complete body paralysis. They are also extremely difficult to kill. You must cut their heads off and burn their torsos - as they will regenerate a head within days if the body is left untreated.

eww...your very informative BOBS DAD! So tell me mister information-how do i get rid of mice then? i put poison down, sticky traps! I saw a couple of them run across my floor earlier and i started gagging! (i can have pet mice like from the store, but the minute i know theyre loose around my stuff and food i cant handle it)(i know it's weird) but anyways...the exterminator cant get here till tuesday and im affraid they will over run the place by then! even with the poison, that by the way they are eating till it's gone and i still see or hear them!

02-16-2007, 08:41 PM
It's a meal worm. There is no suh thing as a knarp worm. Just pick it up (or scoop it up) and put it outside. :)

Toby's my baby
02-16-2007, 08:46 PM
Well, I'm guessing its a meal worm, thank god. At first I thought it was a worm from one of the dogs or something, but then I saw the legs. I killed it a long time ago. I picked it up with a kleenex, cut off his head, and rolled a pen over its body to squish it just in case. ;) It's kinda weird that it was in my bedroom though.. :confused: O well, I just hope I don't find anymore!

02-16-2007, 08:48 PM
Glad you've gotten it taken care of, Beth. Maybe one of the dogs brought it in? My dogs play with bugs all the time. :rolleyes:

OK... don't listen to me. Who am I???

You're the same as the rest of us here who believe it to be a harmless mealworm. However, you claim it to be a "knarp worm" which no one has heard of or been able to find any information on whatsoever. :confused:

02-16-2007, 08:50 PM
Looks like a meal worm to me, too. No harm. :)

To kill mice-the most effective thing is "rat poison"...small green block things, they will eat and die. I do NOT however recommend doing this with the dogs in the house-if they eat a block *or* a dead mouse, they will become very ill. I only recommend it if you have a pet free home for a while, and can handle little mouse bodys bleeding all over your house. Otherwise, sticky traps worked for us a while back. Is there anyway you can find where they are coming from? Walk around your house and check your foundation for apparant holes, if you find any then use steel wool in the hole.

Toby's my baby
02-16-2007, 08:51 PM
OK... don't listen to me. Who am I???

I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that. I did cut its head off like you said, but I'd rather not start a fire in my house right at the moment, so I did my best. I edited it before you replied, sorry if you didn't see that...

02-16-2007, 08:52 PM
I found info on it... you're just spelling it wrong!

I found a picture right away... see attached...

I am spelling it the same way you are.
Where did you find this picture - what website?

Toby's my baby
02-16-2007, 08:55 PM
Ok, I'm confused..

02-16-2007, 08:55 PM

critter crazy
02-16-2007, 08:55 PM
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

Toby's my baby
02-16-2007, 08:55 PM
So it was all just a joke... ok, good way to freak me out..

I'm sorry, I didn't really find that amusing when your "joke" could have caused harm to me or my pets.

02-16-2007, 08:56 PM
Bob & Ginger, please pee in Daddy's shoe tonight. :p :D

Whatever it is, it's gross. I hope you don't find anymore.

I found a worm on Fenway once. It was harmless. But gross all the same.

02-16-2007, 08:56 PM

It's called grow up and go elsewhere. Why were you pulling our legs for no reason - especially telling a young girl that the worm she found in her home could cause complete body paralysis? Sorry, I don't find it all that amusing.

02-16-2007, 08:56 PM
Haha, a prank worm.. oh wait that wasn't such a funny answer to an originally serious question. :rolleyes:

02-16-2007, 08:59 PM
Looks like a meal worm to me, too. No harm. :)

To kill mice-the most effective thing is "rat poison"...small green block things, they will eat and die. I do NOT however recommend doing this with the dogs in the house-if they eat a block *or* a dead mouse, they will become very ill. I only recommend it if you have a pet free home for a while, and can handle little mouse bodys bleeding all over your house. Otherwise, sticky traps worked for us a while back. Is there anyway you can find where they are coming from? Walk around your house and check your foundation for apparant holes, if you find any then use steel wool in the hole.

i put the poison in cabinets with closed doors and im making the dogs stay in the same room as me so they dont go sniffing for anything!
I would set traps for them but im too affraid to see them. I know i know, it sounds like im contridicting myself when i say im not scared then i am scared and so on. But im not scared like OMG DONT KILL ME, but scared like EWW gross their loose in my house touching my stuff.
I just dont want to see them struggling in the traps on even have to pick them up when their dead to dispose of them. Of course if the dogs were even thinking about sniffing them i'd pick them up, but just a preference to not touch them @ ALL!!
i dont really want to go to bed either, i was told when it gets quite they come out...well if they come out and im sleeping that means they could die in the open...then im gonna have to see them! YUCK! plus my boyfriend is gone out of state so that mean im gonna have to get rid of them with my own two hands!!
(just talking about it makes me wanna throw up, but i've never had a mouse problem before)

02-16-2007, 09:07 PM
CoCoBean... on a very serious note. Most house mice are merely field mice which come indoors to get out of the cold. They are relatively harmless and far more frightened by you than you of they.

Put out your poison and set your traps (there are a variety of mouse traps which do not snap and kill them - one is the famous mouse house) and don't be afraid too much.

My boyfriend told me about them coming in when it's cold...and so that made me feel better but then i think about them crawling on my clean clothes, and on my counter where my food is...plus around my dogs(which i know they could prolly take care of themselves, with the size thing you know) but still.
i just dont want to wake up and have one sitting on my chest looking at me...or like i step down outa bed and theres like a million on my carpet overrunning my house! YUCK!(i kinda have a wild imagination when it comes to stuff like this...i always think the worst as you can tell) (bad habbit i know, im working on it haha)

02-16-2007, 09:07 PM
Sending you a PM Cocobean-I would rather not share this with the whole forum.

02-16-2007, 09:09 PM
i just dont want to wake up and have one sitting on my chest looking at me...or like i step down outa bed and theres like a million on my carpet overrunning my house! YUCK!(i kinda have a wild imagination when it comes to stuff like this...i always think the worst as you can tell) (bad habbit i know, im working on it haha)

You've seen too many horror movies. ;) :D

But on a serious note, good luck.

02-16-2007, 09:13 PM
Sending you a PM Cocobean-I would rather not share this with the whole forum.

Anxiously awaiting the message arrival :D

02-16-2007, 10:24 PM
Definately a meal worm. Shame you didn't have any geckos or bearded dragons for pets. They love 'em! :D :D

02-16-2007, 10:34 PM
Lol it's a harmless meal worm. The only thing that is in danger is the pile of Quaker Oats and maybe the slice of apple laying around :)

02-16-2007, 11:52 PM
Definately a meal worm. Shame you didn't have any geckos or bearded dragons for pets. They love 'em! :D :DThat's what I was thinking. When I had repis I would love to have found a nice juicy FREE meal worm. Those things can get expensive.
BOBSDAD you seem to have gotten very immature latley...

02-17-2007, 08:16 AM

Yea... That really freaked me out, too...

telling a young girl that the worm she found in her home could cause complete body paralysis?

Couldn't have said it better. I wouldn't have slept for ages... Really mature...

You ever heard the story of the boy who cried wolf? No one's going to believe you next time...

02-17-2007, 10:10 AM

02-17-2007, 10:28 AM
It's called grow up and go elsewhere. Why were you pulling our legs for no reason - especially telling a young girl that the worm she found in her home could cause complete body paralysis? Sorry, I don't find it all that amusing.

I have to agree.

Honestly, I expected better from our little PetTalk family here. On other websites, sure, but the people who post here generally are more sensitive to others' feelings than this.

I think it was pretty obvious from her first post that she was upset and had no idea what it was. Unless you have fed mealworms to a pet before, why would you know? She was obviously upset enough to follow your ridiculous, and potentially dangerous, instructions as best she could.

It's one thing to joke around with people who are obviously in on the joke. It's quite another to further frighten a young person who is already upset about the unknown. Not nice. :(

02-17-2007, 10:36 AM
Sorry, but it looks too big and too dark to be any meal worm I've ever seen. I bred them for quite a few years for my frogs. But its not a true worm and its definately some sort of larva. Darkling beetles are a member of the lightning bug (firefly) family, if this is a related larva, you might have a true lighting bug baby.

02-17-2007, 10:38 AM
...Put out your poison and set your traps (there are a variety of mouse traps which do not snap and kill them - one is the famous mouse house) and don't be afraid too much.

CocoBean .... Do NOT take this advice! I'm am telling you from personal experience, DO NOT put out rat or mouse poison in a house where dogs or cats live! EVER!

When I bought my first house, the previous owners had left some blocks of mouse poison (D-Con) in the crawl space under the basement. I had no idea it was there. When we were moving in, my dad was putting some seldom-used items down there for me, and my dog was, of course, following him around and exploring the new place. He found a block of poison and ate it. My dad fortunatly saw him, and we rushed him to the emergency vet so they could induce vomiting and pump his stomach full of charcoal. The vet proceeded to tell me about all the dogs and cats he had treated that were not so fortunate.

Mouse and rat poison is a chemical called warfarin. It is a blood thinner. It is exactly the same ingredient as the human prescription blood-thinner Cumidin, used by heart patients to keep their blood thin after heart sugery. My mom is on it. But the human dosage is VERY small compared to the amount in poison. The mouse or rat eats it, and it does nothing at all for a bit. Then it causes massive internal bleeding, and the animal literally bleeds to death from the inside out. If your dogs were to eat the poison or the dead mice that have eaten it, it could potentially be very harmful or fatal to them. My vet said by the time you see the bleeding, most times too much damage has been done to save the animal.

INCREDIBLY irresponsible advice, BobsDad. Potentially deadly advice. Do some research before telling someone to do something that could potentially kill their pets.

Miss Z
02-17-2007, 11:25 AM
I'm pretty surprised how this thread has turned out. Four whole pages! And all for the sake of one little mealworm :p .

I hope that you're OK, Beth, after all this.

02-17-2007, 11:30 AM
if someone told you about a knarp worm, snipes, green men from mars or asked you to meet them in a secret meeting place and help them find their dog, you should exercise a little caution and common sense.

I think there is a bit of a difference here. Most people do not believe in green men from mars and are savvy enough not to meet strangers in secret places. This was a thread started by someone who earnestly was looking for an answer to her question. There have been several threads like it over the years and PTers have always tried to help identify whatever it was (plant, bug, pet, etc).

02-17-2007, 03:30 PM
Ever heard of "don't believe everything you read or hear"???

You know... I think you're right... I won't believe the next thing you post. :)

02-17-2007, 06:48 PM
I second that ;) :D

02-17-2007, 07:05 PM
I second that ;) :D
Poison is dangerious, and pets have a way of getting into them- ... Use either traps or sticky sheets like behind the refrigerator.. The worm situation- I will say- I am shocked Bobs dad at Your indignation is even more confusing. .. No more comments or that one but there is PLENTY more I would have LOVED to say to you.. jeez..

02-17-2007, 07:15 PM
Well that was mature BobsDad...all i can think of is the boy who cried Wolf :rolleyes:.

02-17-2007, 07:18 PM
Well that was mature BobsDad...all i can think of is the boy who cried Wolf :rolleyes:.

see post 41 great minds think alike ;)

02-17-2007, 07:32 PM
I can't believe how strange this thread has become....and the fact it's still in the top of Dog General threads when I posted several threads last night and only a few people replied to them (and thank you to those who did btw). :confused: Very strange indeed.

02-17-2007, 07:59 PM
This is really weird. This doesn't seem like the normal BOBS DAD that I know. The typing style etc. seems different and he has always been really nice and mature.

On any note, Beth had no idea what this was and was scared for herself and her pets. She came here asking for advice and you pull this 'joke' and you scare her even more! I would be freakin' scared if some older gentlemen, whom I thought was wiser and more mature than me, said a worm I found in my house could cause body paralysis. She is not knowledgeable when it comes to worms so she followed you're advice but it just turned out to be a prank. Not very nice at all!

But yes, I am sorry you had to go through that Beth!

02-17-2007, 08:06 PM
telling someone they and their pets are in danger is just sick!! AND THAT WAS not a joke!

02-17-2007, 08:29 PM

It is COMMON SENSE to not put poison around anywhere where your dog or cat can access it!!! That part would seem to be obvious. I guess I should also tell you not to eat any of it yourself.

If you had read the entire posts you would have seen that this suggestion was already made and that I was merely reiterating the comment. If you use poison you have to place it in your floorboards or crawlspaces under the foundation - where the mice are actually entering your structure. If you believe this to be an unsafe and unwise choice for you then by all means, do NOT. But do not be so presumptious to suggest that everyone is naive and irresponsible in their efforts to eradicate a few troublesome mice by very conventional methods.

And yes, Warfarin is actually a blood thinner that causes clots from forming or platelets to build up causing blockage in the arteries. I am also on it. Thanks for the education and post clarification. I think yours was a very worthwhile addition to the thread, although I believe you could have left your personal jabs out!

Are you serious?? YES, I AM indignant when I read assinine, incorrect and dangerous pet advice given on a pet related site. As for being all-knowing, again I ask, are you serious? I spoke on one very specific topic that I have personal experience with ... and suddenly I am "all-knowing"? Give me a break.

Of COURSE it's common sense to put poison where dogs can't get it. I hardly think that you needed to mention that. No one is stupid. However, has there NEVER been a case of a dog getting into something that an owner was SURE was out of his reach? Gee, dogs are never sneaky, clever, or just plain unlucky, huh? :rolleyes:

And we will all make sure to tell those mice to be sure and drag their bleeding little bodies to a safe and secure place to die. Dying is ONLY allowed in crawlspaces and floorboards, mice, listen up! How rude, 'naive and irresponsible' of them to die where our dogs might find them and eat them! So everyone, make sure your mice know precisely where they can and cannot die before you poison them, says the all-knowing one. :p

02-17-2007, 08:30 PM
This is really weird. This doesn't seem like the normal BOBS DAD that I know. The typing style etc. seems different and he has always been really nice and mature.

On any note, Beth had no idea what this was and was scared for herself and her pets. She came here asking for advice and you pull this 'joke' and you scare her even more! I would be freakin' scared if some older gentlemen, whom I thought was wiser and more mature than me, said a worm I found in my house could cause body paralysis. She is not knowledgeable when it comes to worms so she followed you're advice but it just turned out to be a prank. Not very nice at all!

But yes, I am sorry you had to go through that Beth!

Let try and remember men ALWAYS mature much MUCH slower than girls, not an excuse but keep that in mind!
I for one am with everyone else here...it wasnt funny in the least! Im glad you can think it is such a funny subject but to the rest of us...def. not funny!!!

Lady's Human
02-17-2007, 08:33 PM
Let try and remember men ALWAYS mature much MUCH slower than girls

Okay, now that we've thrown in a blanket generalization, let's move on, shall we?

02-17-2007, 08:37 PM
Okay, now that we've thrown in a blanket generalization, let's move on, shall we?
im with you!

Daisy and Delilah
02-18-2007, 08:50 AM
This thread went from identifying a worm to the maturity of the male species? I'm with you LH, for the love of God, let's move on!!!!!! .......keeps mouth shut and free from further comment......... :eek:

I hope my wording doesn't get me in trouble. :)

02-18-2007, 11:52 AM

02-18-2007, 12:04 PM
:) That's my mom for ya!!!! :D

I think if this thread is posted again on April First - everyone would think it would be funny. :confused:
Toby's My Baby - I'm sorry your thread got so way offtopic. :(