View Full Version : Embarrassing moments

02-16-2007, 11:50 AM
Okay, Wednesday the whole senior class went out to take a group photo. We went to this river and were going to cross some rocks to get out in the middle on this little flat place. The guys went across and a few helped us girls across because the rocks were real slippery and stuff. We took the pic and I was going to go back across first. I thought maybe I should let some of the guys go across first to help me then I thought No, I can do this by myself. I stepped on a real slippery rock and fell right into the water. I was trying to get up and this guy came over to help and said "come on you have to get up!" and I was thinking "what do you think I'm doing? Just sitting here contemplating the meaning of life?!" It is the middle of February, snowing, wind blowing, and I'm soaking wet from waist down. It was so cold and so humiliating. I went home and stayed home for the rest of the day.
Any of you have any embarrassing moments you would like to share?

02-16-2007, 12:21 PM
Don't worry too much about it. At least you didn't get hurt or anything.

Here is an embarassing moment that happened to a friend of mine. She had on a skirt & nylons. She went to the bathroom and somehow the back of her skirt got tucked into her nylons.

Unbeknown to her, she just kept on working, walking around the office for about 1 hour. Finally, some male co-worker brought to her attention, that everybody can see her underwear and a$$!! She said she wanted to quit so bad.

Because of this, when I go to the bathroom, I make doubly sure I don't have my skirt tucked into my underwear or tights (I don't wear nylons).

Now how is that for embarrassing? :D

critter crazy
02-16-2007, 12:34 PM
ummm.....my senior year in highschool, i had gone to the local swimming area. My best friend Convinced me to wear a two piece bathing suit! Working there at the time was the local hunk Lifeguard! I went and decided to go off the diving board, and low and behold the top of my suit fell off! I didnt even notice till my friend yelled at me! I was so embarrassed! everyone saw everything!!:eek:

02-16-2007, 12:45 PM
I've had the bathing suit thing happen to me too when I was about 17.

It was a very high diving board...
My sister dared me to jump... and I, like an idiot, did.

My top came off and the bottom part went in my butt (major wedgie)...

To make things worse, I hurt my boobs (can you say boobs here) from the impact of the water.

This pain made me react and water went up my nose. I came back up coughing like I was dying, attracting even MORE attention.

All this for a stupid dare.

Another time I wore a sweater inside out to work without realizing it until I went to the bathroom and saw myself in the mirror.

Strange enough.... noone told me. I had gone to the post office and walked to the bank (passed a bunch of people too).

Laura's Babies
02-16-2007, 01:51 PM
Unbeknown to her, she just kept on working, walking around the office for about 1 hour. Finally, some male co-worker brought to her attention, that everybody can see her underwear and a$$!! She said she wanted to quit so bad.

This same thing happened to a teacher at the school I use to work at and all the kids in the cafeteria were talking about it the Monday after Prom. She was one of the teachers assigned to keep a eye on the kids at the prom... she and her boyfriend went to the car for awhile and she came back inside like that! :eek: BIG OPPS!

02-16-2007, 01:54 PM
We all go through embarrassing things now and then- it stinks! I know I've suffered many humiliations, but I must have blocked them out, cause I don't remember any off hand. Either that, or they aren't important enough to worry about anymore! I'm glad you weren't hurt, but don't feel embarrassed, that could have happened to anyone.

02-16-2007, 02:06 PM
It's not so embarrassing now, but it is kind of funny. I was so terrified going out there. I am scared to death of the water.

02-16-2007, 02:07 PM
We all go through embarrassing things now and then- it stinks! I know I've suffered many humiliations, but I must have blocked them out, cause I don't remember any off hand. Either that, or they aren't important enough to worry about anymore! I'm glad you weren't hurt, but don't feel embarrassed, that could have happened to anyone.

That's a great attitude to have !!!!!!! :D

02-16-2007, 11:13 PM
My ex had worked for a prison. We had just moved to a small town in Texas. I went to meet him for lunch one day. As I drove through the main gate, I thought, how nice of them to wave at me. So, I waved back to them. I got to the parking lot to wait for my worse half. Then a couple of guards came over and had to find out who I was. Turns out I was supposed to stop at the main gate and they were trying to get me to stop, not waving at me. I was very embarrassed.

02-17-2007, 12:24 AM
This same thing happened to a teacher at the school I use to work at and all the kids in the cafeteria were talking about it the Monday after Prom. She was one of the teachers assigned to keep a eye on the kids at the prom... she and her boyfriend went to the car for awhile and she came back inside like that! :eek: BIG OPPS!

LMAO! Seriously?!? That's soooo unprofessional ... yet hilarious to read about!

Miss Z
02-17-2007, 04:23 AM
About 3 years ago, I had my riding lesson on a Sunday as normal, and I was put on the cheeky pony (every riding school has one!). I was actually doing quite well on him to start off with and was fairly pleased with myself. However, a few minutes later, my friend from primary school turned up unexpectedly. At that point, the pony would not co-operate full stop. He dug his heels in the ground, threw his head in the air and no matter how hard I kicked, would not go forward. It got so bad that I had to get off him and let the instructor ride him for a while! And the friend, who I had often spun a great many stories of horse-riding glory to, saw it all. :o

Another more recent story happened to my friends, although I was there to witness it. On the school Paris trip, our room was right next to the stairs of the hotel, so people would pass it all the time. One boy (who we speculated might have had a thang for my friend ;) ) would come sometimes and knock on the door, then leg it up the stairs. We just yelled from inside the door at first because he could actually run pretty fast and by the time we'd opened the door, he'd be halfway up the hotel.

Anyway, we planned a surprise attack for him one day. Katherine and Victoria waited behind the door (I was sat on the bed massaging my poor painful feet from all the walking!) and sure enough, the knock came, quickly followed by gallumphing footsteps as he made his way up the stairs. Katherine grinned and swung open the door, yelling when she caught sight of the figure on the stairs, "Aha, caught you, *boy's name*!

The figure turned around, who looked exactly like the boy from behind, blinked in confusion and said,


It wasn't the boy, but a French man! The boy had evidently evaded us again, and Victoria immediately ran inside out of view. Katherine was left to flurry up an apology of mixed French and English, before slamming the door and scurrying inside also. Then we just fell about laughing, and the joke hasn't lost any of its appeal today! :D

02-17-2007, 07:32 AM
This is one of my favorites, and I am sure I shared this here before, but here goes:

When hubby and I were first dating, I needed new bras. Not anything frilly to show off to anyone, purely functional. We decided to go over to the outlet thats down the street together with the kids. That tells you just how exciting the bras were that I had in mind LOL.

So we go to the outlet that is one HUGE floor of nothing but underwear all jumbled together, so we split up looking for my size. I showed everyone the style I had in mind and send everyone off to find that style in the right size. I remember it was a busy Saturday. The store was crowded. About 10 minutes into the hunt, I was on one end of the store, hubby in the middle with all 3 kids on the other end. I suddenly heard my 14 year old step son scream across the floor, "Hey Kim! Is this one big enough?!" while he held up a bra that must have been 50FFF. Everyone in the store turned to look at my stepson to see what he held up, and then turned to look at me turning 15 shades of red, then to hubby who was basically laughing so hard that he was choking. Of course the whole store was also giggling.

I have many other moments of utter embarassment but I too must have blocked them out because I can't remember them. The closest thing I can think of is last week I announced that I am a klutz and proceeded to trip over an ottoman in Dick Van Dyke fashion.

02-17-2007, 11:30 AM
The last embarrassing moment for me was yesterday. Slipped and fell
off the frount porch while trying to shovel the steps. I landed face first in
pile of snow. (completely face down in the stuff) Got up with snow in my
hair, face, clothes, everywhere. I must have looked like quite a sight. :D

Nohting injured but my pride. :o :o

02-17-2007, 02:43 PM
For me: Falling down the grand stairs in the foyer in my company's home office...ending with my legs heading up the stairs and my skirt up by my face. :o

For my co-worker: When I spotted her walking down the office hallway with toilet paper coming out the back of her pants, trailing down the floor. OMG! (She's lucky it was me that spotted her first because I wouldn't tell anyone in the office...just my PT friends. ;) )

critter crazy
02-17-2007, 02:51 PM
This early summer, i got in my truck to go and see Hubby at work, I drove past big construction crew, got all the way into town, was 2 blocks from hubbys work, when a Police car pulls me over! The officer comes over to the window, and trying hard to hide a smile says "Ma'm why are you dragging a garden hose?" I just stared at him, confused??? So I got out f the truck, and sure enough, dragging behnd was our garden hose!! :eek: Unfortunately, it had been attached to the spicket on the house, so By the time I got home, my whole basement was flooded!! I ripped the spicket right out of the house, and busted some pipes! Needless to say hubby got a very panicked Phone call!! We had over 4 inches of water in the basement! Thank god the cop pulled me over when he did, which was only 10 mins from the house, but had the Construction crew said something as I went by I would have only been 1 minute from the house, and wouldnt have had so much Damage! Darn Construction workers!!

02-17-2007, 03:06 PM
The very first time my family was trying out the video camera we decided to go out in the yard and get some videos of Jenny (For you guys.. only I still haven't uploaded them) of course... This is winter in canada and it was very icy... My parents kept slipping and sliding everywhere... I guess my 11 years of ballet were paying off, because I was out in running shoes not slipping a bit. I kept bragging, anytime anyone would slip even the tiniest bit I would say "How can you be slipping?! It's not even slippery!" I must have said that 20 or so times. Grinning the whole time. Both my parents slipped about 20 times... but never fell.

Finally we arrived at our destination... The nice open fieldy-parts. We walked to the middle (everyone else still slipping and me still bragging about my balence) of the field and started taping Jenny as she ran artound on the ice at about 40mph. To make a long story short... halfway through the tape Jenny slipped on the ice and I turned around to look at her and- you guessed it- I slipped. :o My leg fell right out from under me and I has flat on the ice. My mom-without missing a beat said "Good thing it isn't slippery!"

The most embarassing part was I have the whole thing on camera!!! (my mom thinks we should send it to americas funniest home videos... Does anyone know if they accept canadian videos? :p)

Toby's my baby
02-17-2007, 03:12 PM
Lol, wow, interesting stories everyone!!

I haven't had anything too dramatic happen to me lately that I can remember. About 2 weeks ago, I was walking up the steps in the gym at our school to go sit with my boyfriend and good friend Matt. I had just got done with my basketball game, and had my dress clothes on because there was a dance afterwards. I had flip flops on, and when I was taking a step they got caught on the last one. I fell right on my face and landed with a big crash. A lot of people looked, but hardly anyone laughed, well, except for my boyfriend and Matt. I was so embarrased. Some of my other friends who were sitting on the opposite side of the gym came over to see if I was ok, turns out they saw the whole thing too... :p

02-17-2007, 03:21 PM
oh... I just thought of something that happened more recentally-and much more embarassing- than the last tory. (and WAY more painful!!!)

We were playing floor hockey in gym... and I was running a bit faster then is probably advised for indoor sports... and two people (who didn't know how to play hockey... probably why this whole thing happened) stuck their sticks out right in front of me to try and steal the puck. And so I tripped over the three sticks that got caught on each other. I was MUCH closer to the wall then one should be when falling... and so, I fell and hit my head VERY forcefully on the wall. I had a concussion and everyone ran to see if I was okay when I blacked out... After wards I felt soooooooo stupid... Imagine... hitting your head on a concrete wall... doh! :O :o :o :o

I was actually really angry... because my friend told me guys were saying behind my back that they hoped I had brain damage because it'd make me less smart. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

02-17-2007, 04:00 PM
oh... I just thought of something that happened more recentally-and much more embarassing- than the last tory. (and WAY more painful!!!)

We were playing floor hockey in gym... and I was running a bit faster then is probably advised for indoor sports... and two people (who didn't know how to play hockey... probably why this whole thing happened) stuck their sticks out right in front of me to try and steal the puck. And so I tripped over the three sticks that got caught on each other. I was MUCH closer to the wall then one should be when falling... and so, I fell and hit my head VERY forcefully on the wall. I had a concussion and everyone ran to see if I was okay when I blacked out... After wards I felt soooooooo stupid... Imagine... hitting your head on a concrete wall... doh! :O :o :o :o

I was actually really angry... because my friend told me guys were saying behind my back that they hoped I had brain damage because it'd make me less smart. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Oh yeah, and then you got water everywhere and Hillary and I were trying to clean it up. Lol.

An embarrasing moment for me would have to be when I went skating the other day. There were hockey nets out during a public skate, and I was skating backwards around a corner, and I tripped on the corner of the hockey net, grabbed on to the net part, got my hand trapped in it, and my butt was soaked with water (the zamboni just went over it). I left the rink after that.

Another one was when I went fishing a couple years ago. I stepped out onto a large rock. I didn't realize it was really slippery, so I stayed on. I cast my line and then I slipped and fell right into the river. We didn't have any towels so I had to take the long car ride home soaking wet.

We were rehersing for the Christmas Concert at my school a few years ago. I was singing, then a guy beside me starts to pick off this huge scab on his hand and it starts bleeding like crazy. I fainted on stage in front of all the other people in the choir and all the teachers.

There were these girls in my class a couple years ago who couldn't keep secrets at all. I thought I could trust one of them, so I told her the guy who I liked. Big mistake. She went and told all the other girls AND the friends of the guy I liked, so then they told him too. I didn't want him to know, or anyone else. I haven't told any of my other secrets to her since.

Miss Z
02-18-2007, 05:54 AM
I was actually really angry... because my friend told me guys were saying behind my back that they hoped I had brain damage because it'd make me less smart. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Ah, jealousy's a fickle thing, Michelle. Just think, these poor, braindead people have nothing to be superior to, and the only way to bring a little satisfaction into their miserable lives is to bring other's down with them. How very sad. :rolleyes: ;)

As I'm sure I've mentioned to someone before on PT:

These idiots are just a blot on the beautiful landscape of your life!

02-18-2007, 11:43 AM
LOL. I have a good one.

My brother and his family were moving and we were all over there to help. family, friends, co workers etc etc. it was hot that day but it started out chilly in the morning. I put tear away pants on and by mid afternoon I had them undone up to my knees.

After we got everything moved over we had a huge pile of boxes to break down. My mom started picking away at the tape and slowly breaking down each box.... it was driving me crazy LOL I like to do things the fastest way possible... even if it's the wrong way LOL. So of course in front of everyone I loudly exclaim "that's going to take forever the way you are doing it. let me show you a faster way." I proceeded to put the box on the ground taped side up. I was going to stomp through the tape.

Little did I know my other foot was standing on the pant leg of the leg I was going to use to do that stomping. I lifted up my leg and heard "snap snap snap snap" and my pants fell to the ground. there I was standing in nothing but my underwear with my pants around my ankles. I was in shock. I stood there for a few seconds and didn't move. finally I snapped out of it.... picked up my pants and ran in the house. I was so embarrassed. i was laughing so hard I was crying LOL.

My mom was laughing so hard she had to run to the bathroom because she was afraid she was going to pee her pants. Everyone laughed for like 20 minutes uncontrollably. the laughter finally subsided and I stepped back out into the yard and the laughter broke out again.

I went into work the following monday onlly to hear all my co workers and bosses giving me cat calls and and singing "da da da dun da da" and handing me boxes to break down. LOL

02-20-2007, 12:30 PM
My most embrassing moment happened about six years ago. My friend Fazey and I had gone to high school together and have been friends for over 30 years. I was attending her daughter's graduation party when this happened. Fazey married a dairy farmer and lives in an old farm house in the courtry. The party was mostly held outdoors on picnic tables. I came by myself and I was wearing a blue paintsuit. I was sitting on a picnic table talking to a couple when a woman came over and started to sit down next to me with her plate of food, so being the polite person I am I scooted over. WELL, I now had a ton of splinters in my butt from the picnic table. I jumped up and at first had no idea what to do. Fazey was busy with all the guests, I had a 40 minute drive home, I couldn't sit down because of the splinters. I walked around a bit, trying to decide what to do. Finally our mutual friend arrived, there was Holly, another high school friend. Thank you God. I pulled her aside and told her what happened, she was laughing so hard the tears where rolling down her eyes. We went inside into the only bathroom in this house. I pulled my pants and panties down while Holly found a tweezer and for the next 15 minutes pulled the splinters out of my butt. Needless to say we were laughing so hard and telling jokes and after a bit people where knocking on the door, wondering what was going on in there and needing to use the bathroom. You know you have a good friend when they pull splinters out of your butt, that is all I can say.


02-20-2007, 04:20 PM
I just realized both of my embarrassing stories involve the washroom...

I went with my best friend to Walt Disney World for her birthday. We go to a nice restaurant for birthday dinner. It's the end of the meal and I go to the ladies' room before we return to the hotel. Some of you might remember broomstick skirts, I had one with a drawstring waist that had little metal beads on it that jingled as I walked. Anyhow, I step out of the washroom with the hem of my skirt (it's a broomstick skirt - all those tiny little pleats - we're talking yards of fabric here) and my slip caught in the elastic waist band of my underwear. :o I get past maybe 4 or 5 tables when my friend shoves me back into the ladies' room as fast as she can. Unfortunately, everyone at those 4 or 5 tables saw my embarrassing blunder.

It's New Year's Eve, my junior year of college so we are talking mid '80s, big hair and big shoulder pads, 20+ years ago already. I'm with my two best friends at the time, we'd been hanging out at my house playing Monopoly and watching Dick Clark on TV. After midnight we decide to go get a quick drink since it is New Year's Eve, right? We order and I go to the ladies' room. Instead of being marked men/women the doors have those little figure signs on them - now, you have to believe me when I tell you I had not been drinking at all - I start to push open the men's room door by accident and even before I can process what I've done this guy goes, "Uh, honey, you belong on the other side." I was absolutely, 100% sober! My two girlfriends kept an eye out for the guy while I tried to hide my face.

02-20-2007, 06:22 PM
Hmmm I've had several mortifying experiences but I think I must have blocked out the worst(as many have mentioned)

I do remember a few though. Last night my family and I went out to se Music and Lyrics and we had a good time and everything.... dun dun dun until we decided to have a nice, normal dinner at Island's. Have any of you ever heard fo those crazy, persnickety customers? That's my mom :rolleyes: I had a bad feeling when we went in to the place and I instantly remembered why. Everything was fine for a while until my mom realized her burger wasn't the tiniest bit right. By this time my sister and I were pleading with my dad to get my mom to shut up and cool off. Events lead to events, and soon the mangaer popped up and my sister and I practically died under the table(yes, we were trying to hide, didn't work unfortunately). My mom went off for about 5 minutes and kept repeating the same thing over and over again. Finally the manager was free and I turned to the manager and said sorry in the most horrified voice ever. :p I'll think of more embarassing moments of course, I have too many, and I'll post them. For now, just hope you don't get my mom as a customer... she has a reputation in several restaurants :o

04-11-2007, 11:21 AM
Yesterday I was walking into school and I tripped on my pants and fell flat on my face. Everyone was just staring at me. I got a mouth full of grass. And if that wasn't bad enough, I got onto the sidewalk and fell there too. I skinned my knee and ripped my pants ALL THE WAY up one side and on my knee. And my legs weren't shaved so everyone saw hairy legs. :o

02-26-2009, 04:13 PM
I had a really embarrassing moment today at work .... I can't even write about it... :o
I have no idea where my brain was.

02-26-2009, 06:10 PM
I had a really embarrassing moment today at work .... I can't even write about it... :o
I have no idea where my brain was.

Ummmm you can't leave us in this kind of suspense! Did you fart, slap a guys butt thinking it was hubby standing there or what????

02-26-2009, 08:26 PM
I was in grade 11 - lunch hour
I was very unpopular but this one day I had a new dress on and felt "pretty" for the first time
I went to the bathroom
After washing my hands I checked my dress, and walked out.
I strutted all the way down the hall to my locker
It was then that I suddenly realized that my dress was stuck in my pantyhose at the back. :o:o

02-26-2009, 09:43 PM
The one that instantly comes to mind is the story of Wild Island...

Wild Island is a water slide park in Reno. One summer in high school, My friend convinced me to go spend a day at this place, dispite my protests. After dumping people off of rafts in the lazy river pool (this is relevant to the story as I think it was THIS that gave me bad karma) I decided to try one of the more exotic slides. In line, I was kind of staring at the hunky life guard and after my turn I went to walk past him to get in line again. I slipped oh so gracefully on the wet concrete and landed flat on my butt right as I passed. :rolleyes: He of course checked if I was ok, and helped me up but I was sooo embarased. I hid from that slide the rest of the day. :o

02-26-2009, 10:13 PM
Did you fart, slap a guys butt thinking it was hubby standing there or what????

This reminds me of someone else's most embarrassing moment! Many years ago we were visiting a congregation one Sunday morning in another town. As we stood to sing I noticed a teenage girl slap my dad on his bum. I thought it was odd. After the meeting, the young girl's father came up to my dad to apologize to him. It seems that she thought that my dad was her dad! My dad was delivering the Bible discourse that morning. The girl had kept her head down the entire time! My thought has always been, why would she have been slapping her dad in the first place? That's something that I would never have thought of doing to my dad...ever, then or now! LOL

02-27-2009, 09:06 AM
Ummmm you can't leave us in this kind of suspense! Did you fart, slap a guys butt thinking it was hubby standing there or what????

It wasn't like that but very inappropriate... (unintentionally of course).

Kind of long but in the end it all ties toghether.

Part 1:
The day before yesterday. I was looking at my bosses fish tank and made a comment to my boss (man) on how much the fish have grown and that they were big enough to eat. I was kidding of course and that was it. It was early in the morning and my co-worker hadn't gotten to the office yet.

Part 2: The day after (yesterday).
A co-worker and I were talking about embarrassing drs. appointments in general (we were alone in the office) and I remembered an episode in which a FORMER supervisor of mine of a different company was looking for a particular drs. office. He was thinking out loud and said 'I wonder where blabla clinic is'.
I knew where the place he was talking about was so I gave him directions. (It was a place for men to get snipped - don't ask how I know about it. I just did). He didn't know that anyone in the office knew what the place was so he got very red and embarrassed. Anyway, as I was telling this story to my co-worker yesterday my bosses start to walk in (husband and wife team). The husband was still in the hallway when the wife walked in. To not stop talking as soon as they walked in, I continued with my story and proceeded to tell my lady boss what I was talking about. I then presumed that the male boss heard what I said too since the door was open and the walls are so thin. I was already unconfortable to relay what we were talking about... anyway...

Part 3: Fast forward about 30 minutes later...
My bosses get settled and my male boss (talking to my co-worker) says 'hey, did you know that Carmen wants to fillet my fish?' I was distracted and forgot about what I had said about his fish tank the day before. I thought he was referring to the snip snip story (which he didn't overhear afterall).
I then stood up and said, OH No Mr. Bla bla, I wasn't talking about you. It was a former boss who got the snip. Then everyone started laughing... and I realized he was talking about the fish, not his fish....

UGH! So embarrassing.... I couldn't look at anyone in the eye for the rest of the day. My lady boss is a bit of a prude so I know she was unconfortable with what was said. Fortunately I have the day off today but I hope I can go to work on Monday without blushing again. :o

Pretty bad huh?

02-27-2009, 12:08 PM
I have had many embarrassing moments in my lifetime but this is one of the recent one. We were on a white water rafting trip on the Ocoee River in Eastern Tennessee. We had already been on a very exciting trip going through many drop offs and rapids that had adrenaline pumping bigtime. We were coming up on one of the last big drop offs when the helmsman ask “ who wants to ride the bull”. I had know idea what he was referring to but instinctively my hand flew up, because I am a chronic volunteer

I was suppose to sit on the bow of the raft as we went over the last big drop off. I was sitting there legs over the front of the bow and holding onto some ropes that were attached. When the moment came and the bow dropped off the fall, I was met by this wall of water that hit me in the chest and then I was airborne. When all the water settled i was laying in a girls lap in the back of the raft belly down. Everyone got a big laugh as I was fumbling trying to get out of her lap and back to my place with the raft churning.

I know that it took much less that 8 seconds for that bull to throw me but it seem like an eternity for me to get out that girls lap.:o

02-27-2009, 01:33 PM
Oh Carmen, I feel your pain, but that is way too funny!!!

02-27-2009, 02:09 PM
Oh Carmen, I feel your pain, but that is way too funny!!!

I know... I can't think about it without getting into a laughing fit. OMG

02-27-2009, 02:41 PM
I know... I can't think about it without getting into a laughing fit. OMG

I'm laughing here too :)

02-27-2009, 03:30 PM
I have a lot of embarrassing moments that have to do with having bad anxiety attacks in restaurants our other public places. I haven't had one in a few years, but I used to have them often. The last one was when I was at a restaurant with my husband and some friends. I ordered catfish and the waitress told me that they were out of catfish and she continued to stand there waiting for me to give her my alternate order. It all happened so fast that I couldn't control myself as my anxiety went into overdrive, I started crying and shaking uncontrollably. Justin asked the waitress to give us a few minutes. :o

This next one happened to my sister-in-law. She was on a missions trip in Romania. Along on the trip was the pastor, his daughter, and a few other church members. They were all eating in a restaurant together when my SIL and the pastor's daughter excused themselves and headed to the ladies room. The ladies room was upstairs. The two of them apparently had a pretty detailed conversation about their menstrual cycles while in the restroom. When the two returned to the table they were informed that the ladies room was right above their table and the floor was not very sound proof. The pastor and the other church member heard their entire conversation. :eek:

02-27-2009, 03:39 PM
:) I am thinking I am thinking && In the mean time I am having Fun & Laughing at all of you alls funny times..:D

Desert Arabian
02-28-2009, 06:16 PM
A recent embarrasing moment for me:

A while back my boyfriend and I were going to a family dinner at his mother's house, I was to meet him there. He asked me if I could stop at the grocery store to pick up a few items that were needed. Not a problem! I was all dolled up and had on a nice pair of high heels. It had recently snowed that morning and the pavement was wet. I parked my car and walked in to the grocery store, grabbed a little basket and continued on towards the meat department. I was not paying attention, walking briskly, and talking to myself in my head trying to remember everything I needed to buy. Without warning WHAM! I'm on the ground! I slipped and had absolutely no way of catching myself! I bounced off of the meat cooler and landed hard on my hip and on top of the basket. My left foot was the one that slipped and the water on the floor sent it sliding in to my right foot which caused both of my legs to fly up in to the air out to my side. My shoulder hurt from hitting the cooler and my hip hurt from landing hard on the ground. As I laid there for a second to regain my composure I noticed that almost everyone in the grocery store was staring at me. :o:o:o:o So I quickly got up, wiped off my coat, picked up the basket and made no eye contact with anyone around me.

Oh yes, it was quite delightful to say the very least. At least I didn't break a heel off cause then I'd be in real big trouble. :p