View Full Version : Dogs Must Not Eat Turtles

02-15-2007, 09:51 PM
Turtle eaten by golden retriever lives

February 15, 2007

BRANDON, Fla. --A palm-sized pet turtle and the golden retriever that gobbled it up survived the misadventure thanks to the quick actions of a 12-year-old girl, a veterinarian said.

The saga of Pepper the red-eared slider turtle and Bella the golden retriever started last week. Shelby Terihay, 12, moved her pet pond turtles indoors to protect them from a cold snap -- a plan that worked well until Bella found some of the turtles in a bathtub, The Tampa Tribune reported.

A quick headcount confirmed Bella had swallowed one of the turtles. Shelby insisted on a rescue mission and, on the advice of a vet, her parents made Bella vomit. Out came Pepper, still alive despite a shattered shell and an estimated 10 minutes inside Bella's belly.

"This was definitely a first for me," veterinarian David Thomassy said.

Thomassy patched up Pepper's shell and credited Shelby with saving Bella, too.

"The turtle would definitely have caused an obstruction," Thomassy said. "Without cutting it out directly, it eventually would have killed the dog."

02-15-2007, 09:57 PM
WELL WHEN AROUND DOGS- count what came in, no matter what- and how much left....

critter crazy
02-15-2007, 09:59 PM
WOW!!! Glad the turtle and the dog are okay! What an ordeal!! :eek:

02-15-2007, 10:30 PM
Wow...this is right where I live. Good luck to the turtle for staying healthy through its broken shell ordeal. Imagine being alive in somethings stomach??

Ginger's Mom
02-16-2007, 05:48 AM
Good luck to the turtle for staying healthy through its broken shell ordeal. Imagine being alive in somethings stomach??
Yikes! No, I really can't imagine that. I am glad that everything worked out for both the turtle and the dog.

02-16-2007, 07:23 AM
Oh no! I'm glad the turtle's okay.

02-16-2007, 07:54 AM
;) I think I'd name that turtle "Jonah"!

02-16-2007, 08:15 AM
OMG! And the turtle lived?!?!
Wow!! :eek:

02-16-2007, 08:17 AM
;) I think I'd name that turtle "Jonah"!

Good one Pat!

Miss Z
02-16-2007, 09:53 AM
Wow! :eek: How lucky for both the turtle and the dog that a mature young lady was on hand to help.

02-16-2007, 12:59 PM
Oh my! I'm happy the both of them lived!

02-16-2007, 06:15 PM
wow that's amazing! :eek: I certainly wouldn't want to be alive in anythings stomach, it is so good that the dog and turtle were alright. I hope the turtle's shell heals.