View Full Version : Buck stacked (*2 pictures*)

02-15-2007, 07:37 PM
We have our first conformation show on Sunday. I didn't find out about it soon enough to make hotel reservations, so we're just driving over for one day of the show (it's a three day show). We've been practicing a lot this week to prepare for it. He's gone from being overly excited when we start to jog around to staying with me. I've been practicing stacking him a lot and I think I'm doing a lot better. He doesn't enjoy me placing his feet in certain positions so I'm working on free stacking. He puts his back feet in the right spot but his front feet are almost always too far out. Hopefully he'll get it one day though :) He does stay in position once I get him in it but his ears are always back, so I have to use treats.

He has quite a few faults - his coat isn't great (except for along his back), he doesn't have a great stop, his ear leather is too thick, his ear set is a little low, his tail set is too low, his tail is too long, his chest isn't quite deep enough (though he still has some filling out to do), etc. - but I think we'll still have fun. I'm entering him in UKC because it's much more relaxed and much smaller than AKC shows. Once I get my show prospect (oooh, I've been hiding a secret ;)) I'll be entering AKC shows.

Anyway, here is a picture from today. My mom took it for me while I stood in front of him to get him to look up at me. I didn't have treats but he's doing something funny with his mouth that makes it look like he's eating one.

And here is a cute picture of him from yesterday, just for good measure ;)

02-15-2007, 07:41 PM
Buck is gorgeous! Good luck and have fun! :)

02-15-2007, 08:07 PM
What a handsome boy! Great stacking job! I didn't know you were showing Buck in conformation! Good Luck!!! :D

02-15-2007, 08:14 PM
Sarah- when stacking him, put his head IN a little more to show off that powerful shoulder. -with a ' over reach head" he will look too steep in the shoulders, and not masculine enough in the shoulders. Stack him- then as the judge approachs- gently, easily push back his head to show his shoulder. Otherwise he will look "ewe necked.. " Also check his paws that feet especially the back are straight- remember- judges anc not see x rays so they do not know if feet/ paws not straight in the back could means displasia.. etc..

02-15-2007, 08:20 PM
I have absolutely no idea about what is good, bad, or whatever in showing dogs, but I DO know that I think Buck is gorgeous!!! :D

02-15-2007, 09:11 PM
Very nice!! Now, I don't profess to know anything about Lab conformation, but would it be alright to bring his hind legs a bit farther back and farther apart? He looks a taaad roach backed, but it could just be the fur/angle of the camera. He caught on fabulously, though, and I bet you're going to have a lot of fun with him! :D

02-15-2007, 09:12 PM
Very nice!! Now, I don't profess to know anything about Lab conformation, but would it be alright to bring his hind legs a bit farther back and farther apart? He looks a taaad roach backed, but it could just be the fur/angle of the camera. He caught on fabulously, though, and I bet you're going to have a lot of fun with him! :D
BINGO- that wiill put his neck more in line as my above post- ...

02-15-2007, 09:37 PM
Who says Buck has faults?? He's the most handsome Lab I've ever seen!
Good luck on Sunday :)

02-15-2007, 09:40 PM
Who says Buck has faults?? He's the most handsome Lab I've ever seen!
Good luck on Sunday :)
I never said faults- I was talking presentation.. Its what a handler does- ... show whatcha got...

02-15-2007, 09:44 PM
I was referring to Sarah's post, not yours. And I'm messing around..

02-15-2007, 09:46 PM
LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLL... I figured... Beautiful dog with good points- I hope it goes well...!

02-15-2007, 10:33 PM
Good job Buck! You look wonderful.

And.... :eek: :eek: Are we getting a FIFTH labby of yours to dote on?!? Updates, please! There are no secrets in PT. ;)

02-15-2007, 11:05 PM
Thanks everyone for the compliments and tips! :)

What a handsome boy! Great stacking job! I didn't know you were showing Buck in conformation! Good Luck!!! :D
I hadn't planned on it when I purchased him, otherwise I would have gone to a show/field breeder instead of a field only breeder. His mom is from show/field lines but dad is strictly field. When I first got him I took him to the obedience club I am a member of, and a lot of the people there show dogs and said that he looked like he had good conformation. When I talked to a Lab shower and breeder online and sent photos, she found faults that were important to the breed - coat and tail - and said that he might not do well in AKC, but that I could try UKC. This was when he was 7 weeks old. She said not to really look at him again until he was two, but I have trouble doing that :p I decided to just go for it, that it might be good experience for us whether or not we do well.

And.... :eek: :eek: Are we getting a FIFTH labby of yours to dote on?!? Updates, please! There are no secrets in PT. ;)
LOL. I'm on a waiting list to get a puppy in late December/early January or summer 2008, depending on when the breeder decides to breed the dog. It's not final yet and won't be until the puppies are born. We might decide against it because it may not be a good time for us. I will be a freshman in college though I am getting a few classes out of the way this summer to hopefully have a light load in the fall and only go to school Tuesday/Thursday or Monday/Wednesday/Friday so that I still have time to travel to dog shows and spend time with my dogs, plus keep my job. If it's not a good time, we'll be getting a puppy from the same breeder 2-3 years later, when she breeds that dog again (she doesn't breed very often at all).

In all honesty, I've been searching for a breeder that I like since before we got Buck. Buck was kind of an impulse because I had to get him before my parents changed their mind. I wanted to do it right for the next puppy and go with a breeder who does everything that I agree with. I found this breeder about a month ago and we've been talking ever since. She feeds raw, minimally vaccinates, shows her dogs in conformation and obedience and competes in hunt tests, and in general she is a great owner to her dogs. I had found one other breeder that fit this criteria but she lives in Canada and it's important to me to find a puppy with a temperment that I know will not challenge Mandy. This breeder lives in Central FL so it would be easy for me to go visit the puppies to determine that the one she has picked out for me as a show prospect will also fit into our home.

02-16-2007, 12:04 AM
Sarah, not sure how old you are, but have you looked into Junior Showmanship? I think the ages range from 10-18, so if you're still in the limit, I hiiiighly recommend it. It is AKC, but, honestly, I feel UKC is generally best for practicing only. Plus, it's a fabulous learning experience and you really learn the ins and outs of handling without worrying about the actual quality of your dog. A beautiful dog with a mediocre handler is going to fail against a fabulous handler and a so-so dog. I think you and Buck would simply excel in Jr's. :) Might be an option if age isn't an issue.

02-16-2007, 01:38 AM
Well, I've learned a new term today. I had no idea what stacked meant. I think that Buck looks perfect. He's a cutie, that's for sure. Maybe one day Dasher can meet your Labs. I think that would be great fun.

02-16-2007, 02:05 AM
Beautiful, and good work on getting pictures of a black dog that don't just look like an indistinct dark blob!

02-16-2007, 09:03 AM
He's handsome no matter what. It would be great experience and practice and Buck would surely love some special time with you and hey he gets treats to so it's a win-win situation. Good luck Sarah and Buck. :)

02-16-2007, 09:18 AM
Good luck to both of you!!

02-16-2007, 10:06 AM
Sarah, not sure how old you are, but have you looked into Junior Showmanship? I think the ages range from 10-18, so if you're still in the limit, I hiiiighly recommend it. It is AKC, but, honestly, I feel UKC is generally best for practicing only. Plus, it's a fabulous learning experience and you really learn the ins and outs of handling without worrying about the actual quality of your dog. A beautiful dog with a mediocre handler is going to fail against a fabulous handler and a so-so dog. I think you and Buck would simply excel in Jr's. :) Might be an option if age isn't an issue.

You have the ages right! I know this because this is the year that Adrian gets to DO something, instead of WATCHING (he says this daily with the whine) :rolleyes:

I highly reccomend Jrs to any kids that are thinking they want to really move forward later on in life with showing dogs! It is great fun, less pressure and a wonderful way to make many friends and contacts that will last a lifetime!

02-16-2007, 01:54 PM
I got curious as to what borziomom suggested I think is along these lines

but I see Buck doing pretty well.......good job and have fun!!

02-16-2007, 06:12 PM
Congrats! I bet you and your dog will do great:D And those are very beautiful pictures. Your dog sure knows how to pose:)

02-16-2007, 06:15 PM
:eek: He's got such a gorgeous coat!!!! It's so shiney!!! :D

02-16-2007, 08:51 PM
There's that handsome boy! I've told you already, but he really is the most handsome Lab I've ever seen. I love those thick ears of his. ;)