View Full Version : Woman Saves Puppy's Life

02-15-2007, 07:06 PM
This woman is a hero in my eyes. I hope that guy gets jail time and a huge fine!

SALEM, N.H. -- A Salem woman has been credited with saving the life of a dog that was left on the side of a road during Wednesday's storm.

Marie Pacheco said she was driving to work on Route 28 in Lawrence, Mass., when she saw a man pull his truck over, get out and drop an 8-month-old black Labrador puppy on the ground.

"I saw this guy get out of a box truck. He went over and tossed the dog on the sidewalk," Pacheco said.

Pacheco said that the dog turned to get back in the truck, but the driver left.

"He drives off," Pacheco said. "I said, 'I've got to go back. There's something not right here."

When Pacheco turned her car around, the puppy had crossed the street and was trying to get into a hardware store.

"In the vehicular traffic, the dog would probably have been killed by a car," Lawrence Chief John Romero said. "This woman saved the dog's life. There's no question about it."

Pacheco took the dog to the Lawrence Police Department. Officers had the dog checked out by a veterinarian and gave it a name.

"We kind of gave her a name -- Bliz, for the blizzard," Romero said.

Police said the man who abandoned the dog faces animal cruelty charges, which carry a $2,500 fine and up to five years in jail.

Pacheco said she doesn't consider herself a hero. She said she's relieved that the dog will get a change at being adopted by someone who cares.

Daisy and Delilah
02-15-2007, 07:35 PM
Let's just hope that jerk gets back what he gives out :mad: :mad: :mad: What an idiot!!!

Kudos to that wonderful lady!! I hope Bliz finds a great forever home!! :D

Laura's Babies
02-16-2007, 07:59 AM
The week end we went to Florida, there were a LOT of dogs and CATS ran over on the interstate.. If you got to drop them off like garbage, KEEP them off of the Interstates and busy highways... and make sure you don't ever get another one if they mean no more to you than that! I hope they throw the book at that idiot!

My son in law gets the tag number on every car he sees drop one off and calls it in. One time one was dropped off in his neighborhood and he called it in and the law made the man come back and get it or go to jail!

Pets are a privilege, they are NOT DISPOSABLE!

02-19-2007, 10:24 PM
That lady is a hero, whoever saves a life is a hero.