View Full Version : Two Problems...Help?? With Romeo and Star

02-15-2007, 12:18 PM
I now have two more problems-instead of making seperate threads, I figured I would combine them. One is a bit more serious than the other. Both involve my mom.

Problem #1. Romeo-in the last 2-3 days, has been going after my brother when my mom rough houses with him. My mom will be like...tickling him or something, and he'll start yelling, and Romeo will come up and give him a bite. Nothing that breaks the skin, but hard enough that my brother notices and goes OWCH. My brother is 8. I only saw it one of the times...he was up on the counter, mom was tickling him, and he bit his leg. And then I guess it happened last night, I wasn't here. My mom just went to pick my brother up, and the quote from Mom "Romeo lunged at him viciously". I don't know what constitutes "lunging viciously" but obviously this can't continue. Does he feel that he needs to be the "protector" of the pack? Does he feel that I am not doing a good enough job? Or maybe just while I'm not there he fills in? I don't know. Funny thing is, when I lived by myself, NONE of these problems that I'm having recently were there. No barking problems, no beating up problems, no biting...etc. :confused:

Problem #2. Star-She is obsessed with my mom! She hates me...Michelle, I know you said to take over her care, but she still looks like she wants to hang herself whenever I put a leash on her, and won't let me touch her unless I corner her or offer a treat. :rolleyes: But our problem-if Mom comes home, Star goes nuts. If she is in her crate, she will yowl and jump at the door. If she is out in the house, she hears the garage door open, and will pound and scratch at the door there. Once mom comes in, she stands with two paws on mom and mouths her and yowls and won't leave her alone for like 10 minutes. If she's on a leash, she will just pull and jump against the leash. :confused: Don't know what's going on there.

So any suggestions would be helpful, once again. *Sigh*

02-15-2007, 01:54 PM
I now have two more problems-instead of making seperate threads, I figured I would combine them. One is a bit more serious than the other. Both involve my mom.

Problem #1. Romeo-in the last 2-3 days, has been going after my brother when my mom rough houses with him. My mom will be like...tickling him or something, and he'll start yelling, and Romeo will come up and give him a bite. Nothing that breaks the skin, but hard enough that my brother notices and goes OWCH. My brother is 8. I only saw it one of the times...he was up on the counter, mom was tickling him, and he bit his leg. And then I guess it happened last night, I wasn't here. My mom just went to pick my brother up, and the quote from Mom "Romeo lunged at him viciously". I don't know what constitutes "lunging viciously" but obviously this can't continue. Does he feel that he needs to be the "protector" of the pack? Does he feel that I am not doing a good enough job? Or maybe just while I'm not there he fills in? I don't know. Funny thing is, when I lived by myself, NONE of these problems that I'm having recently were there. No barking problems, no beating up problems, no biting...etc. :confused:

Problem #2. Star-She is obsessed with my mom! She hates me...Michelle, I know you said to take over her care, but she still looks like she wants to hang herself whenever I put a leash on her, and won't let me touch her unless I corner her or offer a treat. :rolleyes: But our problem-if Mom comes home, Star goes nuts. If she is in her crate, she will yowl and jump at the door. If she is out in the house, she hears the garage door open, and will pound and scratch at the door there. Once mom comes in, she stands with two paws on mom and mouths her and yowls and won't leave her alone for like 10 minutes. If she's on a leash, she will just pull and jump against the leash. :confused: Don't know what's going on there.

So any suggestions would be helpful, once again. *Sigh*
Okay - problem one- Romeo could have seen it as he was fighting against your mom- the alpha in Romeos mind. We had talked about this as the dogs will come in defense of the one above them- and obviously the dog is confused that all people are alpha here to him. If your brother takes over some of the care, feeding walking and treats that will help to "elevate " him in the mind of the Romeo. Using this as an example- if galina has Zubin pinned- Hottie sees her as over Zubin- and if Zubin doesnt submit- he will step in if I let it go..
As far as number 2 problem- Star needs some time- maybe you could be the one that lets her out of crate- just keep plugging- remember- they see care of feeding etc including letting out of the crate as the one that " sets her free-" .. Yes- she will probably bolt out of the room to see "Mom" but you let her out.. you "freed her" ..
Nothing in dog training is a quick fix- it does take time and consistancy helps in just how much time is needed here.. Its only been a few days- keep plugging.. Remember it took about a month before Femka willingly accepted my husband.. it does take time. Femka is just one example of many I can give- but the most obvious at the time.