View Full Version : Double plastic bags, please????

02-14-2007, 07:09 PM
Does anyone else besides me ask for double plastic bags when checking out at the grocery store/walmart type store? The reason I ask for double bags is I need them for when I am cleaning out the litterbox, which is several times daily. I use at least 3 plastic bags daily(I, and the kitties like a clean litterbox ;) ). anyone else do this too??

02-14-2007, 07:22 PM
My entire life as a child, my mother always would say, "double-sack them please" for her groceries. That was when they used the brown bags. I can still remember when they switched over to the plastic bags and she asked the same thing and the clerk replied, "the new plastic ones are stronger, they don't need to be double-bagged". YEA RIGHT!!! :rolleyes: Have you ever tried to carry a gallon of milk or 2-liter drinks in a plastic bag? :eek: Usually Wal-Mart will go ahead and double the bags for heavy items, or just put one item to a bag, but I don't usually ask for double bags ... just don't think about it. We use them for litterbox scooping and picking up after puppy accidents too! We don't need to take them back to the recycling bin, we recycle them ourselves! :p

critter crazy
02-14-2007, 07:31 PM
I dont usually need to ask for double bags, but I sure do use them!! They come in handy numerous times!

02-14-2007, 07:32 PM
I don't ask for double bags, unless I have heavy items.. I reuse all the walmart type bags in my wastebaskets, which all get changed daily (I clean out the cat boxes and put the "goodies" in the WM bags as I close them up to put in the trash cans.)

02-14-2007, 07:46 PM
Normally when I go to the store, whether it's Giant, Redner's or where ever, I bag my own groceries, and that way I can double bag whatever I want. I go through a bunch of doubled bags when scooping the litter pans.

02-14-2007, 08:37 PM
No, I just use the singles. But in the late summer when Dad's garden is ripe, I tend not to buy as much and then I find I sometimes am almost out of bags. So I will keep this in mind for that time of the year!

Laura's Babies
02-14-2007, 08:39 PM
I use the self check out's whenever possiable so I can double bag the heavier stuff. I have several people saving their bags for me for the cat litter and I do double bag that. I shut the bag inside the bag and use it two days then carry it to the dumpster.

02-14-2007, 09:36 PM
I don't ask for double bags, since the bags can't carry that much, meaning I end up with a lot as it is. But I do double bag when cleaning litter since some of the bags have holes and I don't want the litter to leak.

I occasionally ask for paper bags for the kitties to play in.


02-14-2007, 09:48 PM
We always use to ask them to double the bags so we can reuse them.But it got so I had so many that Mike threw some out so I stopped asking.But they do come in handy.I hate throwing away good bags.Mike has been throwing them away but I stop him when I see him do it because I know we'll use them for something eventually.They sell bag holders that can store those type plasic bags and they hang on a hook(it's cloth with a pretty design,about 2 feet long with 2 holes on either end with elasic to hold them in without falling out on the bottom..you can stuff about 30 in them I think to get them out of the way nice and neat.

02-15-2007, 07:36 AM
We always use to ask them to double the bags so we can reuse them.But it got so I had so many that Mike threw some out so I stopped asking.But they do come in handy.I hate throwing away good bags.Mike has been throwing them away but I stop him when I see him do it because I know we'll use them for something eventually.They sell bag holders that can store those type plasic bags and they hang on a hook(it's cloth with a pretty design,about 2 feet long with 2 holes on either end with elasic to hold them in without falling out on the bottom..you can stuff about 30 in them I think to get them out of the way nice and neat.

I have a "baglady" that holds my plastic bags.. She hangs on a hook as well, and you stuff the bags in the opening in the bottom of her "skirt".. She holds a LOT of bags.. I have had her for years. I can always tell when my bags are getting low, because I have a skinny, underfed "baglady". :D