View Full Version : An ICY MESS!

02-14-2007, 06:36 AM
The weather in Pittsburgh is an ICY MESS. Five inches of snow on the ground and overnight the area was covered in a layer of ice 1/4 of an inch thick. Scattered power outages are the norm now and all the tv and radio stations are urging everyone who doesn't absolutely have to go out to stay in. Today we're supposed to have 1-3" more of snow on top of the ice. A winter wonderland this isn't!!

02-14-2007, 06:55 AM
ABSOLUTELY!! The ice is so thick here on the snow that the dogs are walking on top of it. With the occasional falling foot- it was one wild morning to say the least!! Even I can walk on it- jeezz! Its really dangerious!Major Ice!


Thank goodness we had some snow first under it- but the ice is so thick you can walk on the snow - on TOP of the ice.. Hottie was the only one that didnt trip. ( next time we go out is one at a time on a flexi).. Femka one foot went in tripping her to her face, Zubin slid feet out from under him, to his side- Galina thought that was great fun and tripped over zubin. All 4 could walk on the ice- .. Jeez! 4 100 pound dogs walking on top of the ice.. My steps were sinking either.. Going to be a long day

02-14-2007, 07:29 AM
*note time of post*

It's a snow day here!!! Not much ice though... but about a foot has fallen (of snow) sinse I got up. :eek:

02-14-2007, 01:43 PM
I feel for you!!! We've had an icy mess on the ground since Jan 11. It just starts to go away when more comes!!!

Our temps are usually in the 40s this time of year. We have been in the 20s and low 30s for months. Only to 15 so far today!

Stay safe inside as much as possible!!!

Will spring NEVER come? :(

02-14-2007, 02:19 PM
I feel for you!!! We've had an icy mess on the ground since Jan 11. It just starts to go away when more comes!!!

Our temps are usually in the 40s this time of year. We have been in the 20s and low 30s for months. Only to 15 so far today!

Stay safe inside as much as possible!!!

Will spring NEVER come? :(
Connie, with three fractured ribs I have no choice but to stay in! There are advantages in not having a car right now. I don't worry about the car starting, I don't have to knock the snow off the car, and I'm not driving on snow and ice covered roads with other drivers! I plan to get another Cobalt!

02-14-2007, 03:56 PM
WOW! That's a lot of ice! :eek:
I'm happy with the fresh 16" layer of snow I got last night!
I'd take snow over ice Anyday!!

02-14-2007, 03:57 PM
We've been under a Level 3 snow emergency since yesterday afternoon here- no vehicles allowed on the roads except Emergency vehicles. My, my, David - it sure is a good thing we did our eastern trek a couple weeks ago - between the weather & your accident , no way could we do that trip now! :eek:

02-14-2007, 05:26 PM
We've been under a Level 3 snow emergency since yesterday afternoon here- no vehicles allowed on the roads except Emergency vehicles. My, my, David - it sure is a good thing we did our eastern trek a couple weeks ago - between the weather & your accident , no way could we do that trip now! :eek:
Absolutely. Pat! We timed our little jaunt perfectly!

02-14-2007, 05:32 PM
Seems to be happening all over your way! My brother lives in the Cincinnati, Ohio area and he sent me some pictures of everything covered in ice! Yeesh- we've had about 6 feet of snow this year, but no ice thankfully!

It's snowing again here today after most of it melted, and it's cold. I can't wait for spring!

02-14-2007, 09:32 PM
In case anyone was wondering, I would rather shovel a foot of snow than push an inch of slush.

This morning I got up early and shoveled 3-4 inches of dense powder, by 7:30 I had the driveway, sidewalk and stairs done.

Then at 10:50 I went back out and got about 1/4 of the way done shoveling the next three inches - the top of the driveway, and two tracks down for Turtle (my car, a green CRV), when the neighbor kids came by and said "We'll finish it for you - we can do it all for $5." I said "sure!" as I had an appointment to give blood in a few minutes. I gave them $8, as there were four of them, told the eldest, Lexie - "That way you can each have two dollars." She said "Oh, we're raising money for our school!" Even though the youngest shoveler, Windsor, isn't old enough for school yet, he was shovelling quite seriously!

They did a good job, just another inch had fallen when I got back. Late this afternoon, it turned to ice, and then rain, so by 3:30, I was out pushing an inch-plus of slush. I broke one shovel - snapped the handle off at the edge of the shovel part, it was heavy, and wet.

It kept raining, now has frozen over. I have Ice Melt ready for the morning, and another dusting of snow has fallen on top of the ice.

Cinder & Smoke
02-14-2007, 09:47 PM
This morning I got up early and sheveled 3-4 inches of dense powder ...

Then at 10:50 I went back out ... 1/4 of the way done shoveling the next three inches ...

another inch had fallen when I got back.
... it turned to ice, and then rain ...
I broke one shovel ...

It kept raining, now has frozen over.
... another dusting of snow has fallen on top of the ice.


Are you *dense*??

God (and the Weatherman) have been tryin to TELL you ...
** Give it up!
** Stay INside where it's warm
** WAIT till Spring

Good Luck