View Full Version : My adorable "Peacekeeper" is driving me...

02-12-2007, 07:09 PM

The only thing that we can think of, is that he is missing PeaPod. Since he left, Nugget just walks around the house meowing, meowing, meowing, and meowing, almost on a daily basis. It's been a little over a month and a half since PeaPod left. As you know, Nugget took on like a father role with him. Could he still be missing him after all this time?

Anyhoo, here are two pictures. He's lucky he's so adorable. ;)


02-12-2007, 07:11 PM
Awww...poor baby! I bet he DOES miss him!

As we ALL do! :)

Can you find another wee one to "poof"? :D

02-12-2007, 07:23 PM
Poor handsome boy! Well that settles it ... you'll just have to get Nugget another baby! :D

02-12-2007, 07:25 PM
Nugget, with the empty-nest syndrone!! Who'd of thunk it???

02-12-2007, 07:27 PM
LOL!!!! I knew you guys would say something like that.
I don't think another kitty could ever replace sweet widdle PeaPod though.

I try to distract Nuggy Nou, by playing with him, but that doesn't last long.
Maybe I will have to arrange visitations rights for him. :D

02-12-2007, 07:54 PM
Whoa, I don't remember seeing him before (maybe I was too focused on Peapod). He looks like a cloud! And his eyes are sky blue.

Has he been with you long? Mr. Amber Cat always meaowed this time of year, a neutered male. Maybe?

Laura's Babies
02-12-2007, 08:04 PM
If he bonded that well with Pea Pod, he is still missing him. I forget how long Chester misses Wally and Marty but it was a long time that he sat in that room and cried and then he would just go in there and sit quietly with the saddest look. I use to cry because he was so sad that it broke my heart. You will have to be careful that he don't bond with anymore that you may bring your house if he falls in love that easily. I learned my lesson with Chester.

It is to heartbreaking seeing them grieve and missing one because they don't understand they have went to a good home and will be OK... All they know is they are gone and they miss them.

Nugget will get over this but it is heartbreaking to see. It does take awhile.

02-12-2007, 08:14 PM
Dumb idea...but would taking Nugget in a carrier to see them be weird?

All I can think of is giving him time and lots of loves, and/or another kitten...

Peacemakers have such sweet and gentle hearts...they crack easily...

Here's one idea...pet communicators often communicate with pictures. I am not psychic...but when you look into Nugget's eyes, picture Peapod as you last saw him, happy in his new house. Allow the picture of the room he is in to appear...let the picture fill your mind while looking at Nugget, and think of the picture as "going" to him.

If he "sees" PeaPod as okay, that might help.

crazy? Maybe. But another excuse to look into those beautiful eyes! :)

02-12-2007, 11:43 PM
Freedom, here is a link of when I first got Nugget if you would like to read it;

Laura, yes Nugget did bond very fast with PeaPod from the first time they met. Nugget was always by him and grooming him. It is heartbreaking and I hope he gets over it soon. I have noticed that today seemed to be a better day. He only meowed around about 4 times today.

Catty1, I was just joking about the visitation rights. I think that would hurt him more to see him and then be taken away from him. I don't know if I would be able to concentrate enough to stare at him and put pictures in my head because, when I do stare into his eyes, he gives this cute little bopping of his head and comes out with the cutest little brrp, brrps that it just melts my heart. Then I lose all focus and have to pet him. :D

I guess I will just have to try and give him more attention until he gets over it. Poor guy.

02-13-2007, 12:14 AM
He sure is handsome.:) I'm sorry to hear that he still misses Pea Pod. Hopefully he'll bond with one of the other cats soon.:)

02-13-2007, 12:31 AM
Poor Nugget....I hope he feels better soon. Tell him not to be sad and give him a big hug for me!!

Maya & Inka's mommy
02-13-2007, 04:38 AM
Awwwww poor Nugget.... :( ! OF COURSE he is missing his little friend!!

I agree that visiting is NO good idea; it is kind of impossible to explain that situation to Nugget... . Give that sweetheart as much hugs and attention as possible, he will accept it one day :)

Laura's Babies
02-13-2007, 07:41 AM
Chester use to stay in that room I kept those boys in and just sit at their cage for hours and watch them. He always stayed nearby to keep a eye on them. He and Wally would go nose to nose like they were kissing each other often. I could tell he had fell in love with them. Of coarse I cried when I sent them on to their new home and hearing Chester call and call for them made me cry even more. He'd go in that room and wander through the house calling and calling them. It was the most pitiful thing I ever saw, how he grieved and grieved for them. He didn't eat for several days and just sat and cried for them...

When Miss Tuxie was here, I kept the door shut so he wouldn't get attached to her but he wasn't interested in her at all. Still, I wouldn't take any chances since I had promised him I wouldn't do that to him again. I think male cats get more attached and take on that "fatherly" role more than a female does with the motherly role (with a kitten that is not hers). I had another male years ago that would father every kitten he could get his paws on.

02-13-2007, 10:04 AM
Aww, poor Nuggy. That's sad that he probably misses his little buddy.

Sounds like he may need some extra TLC from his meowmie for awhile.

02-13-2007, 10:39 AM
Oh, poor Nugget, it's very likely he misses Pea Pod. What a handsome boy he is!

With more attention, hopefully Nugget will forget, and bond with one of the others. :)

02-13-2007, 05:45 PM
And The Very Sad Thing Is That As Is The Case With Moose The Magnificat And Shemp And Bj Angels You Cannot Explain To The Found Cats Who Miss Thier Dear Pals, And Look For Them.
Theres No Closure For Precious When Her Long Time Companions Not There To Snuggle Up To.
I Hope That Your Visit Goes Well And Nugget And Pea Pod Can Reunite.
But Then Nugget Will Have To Go Home Alone In His Carrier.
What A Dilemma.
We Hope The Nugget Bonds With One Of Your Cats The Way Precious Has.


Killearn Kitties
02-14-2007, 07:10 AM
Poor Nugget! That is heartbreaking.
Perhaps you had better send him here for a little holiday to take his mind off things! :) At the very least, please give him some cuddles from me.

02-14-2007, 07:25 AM
Poor sweet Nugget, of course he misses his PeaPod. A visit to his little buddy probably isn't such a good idea. While the reunion would be something to see it might cause Nugget to feel even worse when it comes time to leave. All you can do is give Nugget extra attention and affection. With time he'll feel better.

02-14-2007, 03:50 PM
Well yesterday Nuggy only meowed twice and so far, (knock on wood) he hasn't meowed yet. I think he is slowly starting to get over little PeaPod not being here. Poor heartbroken Nuggy. I've been giving him a lot more attention than I think he cares for. LOL!!!!

People, I was only joking when I mentioned that I would bring Nuggy for visitations. I would never do something like that.

Killearn Kitties
02-14-2007, 03:57 PM
And did you give him even more attention from me???

02-14-2007, 04:03 PM
As a matter of fact, Yes I did. :D

Killearn Kitties
02-14-2007, 04:38 PM
Awww, thank you! No wonder the little sweetheart has more attention than he can handle. :D :D :D

02-14-2007, 07:54 PM
Oh please give Nugget some chin scritches and hugs and kisses and purrs from us!

Pat, Peony, Sydney, and Priscilla (and Poppy and Elmer from Hawaii)

02-15-2007, 12:15 AM
Sorry to hear about Nugget's meowing. I hope he will soon learn to live without his buddy.

BTW that's how we got Pooky & Bear.

I was temporarily fostering 2 cats (Missy & Snickers) for my cousin until they finished up their vaccinations and spay/neuter. Jack loved playing with Snickers and missed him horribly walking around meowing like crazy. They left on a Saturday, by that Sunday morning we were calling to see if any shelters were open. They weren't. So we drove to the pet store that has this HUGE bulliten board of animals needing homes to see if any of them might be good for Jack. When we walked (right at opening time) a cashier said 'do you want a cat?'. Turns out that someone had left an open cardboard box (with no blanket in it) by their front door in FEBUARY before the store even opened. It had a litter of eight 4 week old kittens in it! My mom picked out Bear, and I picked out Pooky, and Jack fell in love with both instantly and acted like a surrogate "mother" to them.