View Full Version : Styrofoam fetish...

02-10-2007, 06:11 PM
I'm posting this here rather than health or behaviour in hopes more people will see it and advise.

Calvin has a styrofoam fetish :eek: He will eat/play with ANYTHING made of the stuff. Packing peanuts, coffee/drink cups, plates, coolers ...ANYTHING! :rolleyes: Half the time I don't even realize something is made of it until he's got teeth marks in it. He doesn't seem to ingest too much but I'm sure he does some. I think the packing peanuts/popcorn is made from a corn derivative now so as to break down in landfill. However I don't know if all products are eco friendly that way. I'm worried that it might cause him some problems in his tummy. He's never thrown them up or had any problems thus far and I'm trying to be mindful of what packaging is around but it must have some sort of smell because the little bugger finds it no matter what!
I got a gift in the mail packed in peanuts and made sure to seal the box so he couldn't get to them. He either saw what I did or smelled them cause when I got home from work the box had a hole in the corner and there were peanuts everywhere!! :p
Does anyone know if it is harmful? I've searched on threads here and online but can't find anything about it.
Thanks in advance.

02-10-2007, 06:20 PM
I Dont Know How Harmful That Is But I Would Think That Eating Styrofoam Can Not Be All That Healthy For A Cat.
I Would Put It In The Garbage Right Away, As To Not Take Chances.

02-10-2007, 06:27 PM
Please do not let your cat have styrofoam. It is toxic for one thing and if he eats it then it can cause a blockage and he will most likely need surgery.

For your cats safety throw away all styrofoam immediately.

02-10-2007, 06:36 PM
All my cats love those packing peanuts, twisties and so on too. They chew, munch, crunch, paw, pat, spin . . . you get the picture. Plus, they display static cling:


Since the box is a free cat toy, I always remove the packing and put it into a plastic bag; then give them the box. The bags pile up in a closet where the cats can't get to them until I can dispose of the bags. I usually make a trip to the local Mail Boxes Etc., UPS store, and make a donation.

If you are really worried yours ate some, call the Poison Control Hotline. No charge and they may have some ideas.

Laura's Babies
02-10-2007, 09:46 PM
It is not good for them, at least that is my opinion and I NEVER keep any in my house. Soon as I open a box and see the stuff, it goes outside....

02-10-2007, 11:09 PM
Sometimes...just SOMETIMES...a cat eating weird things means they are missing something in their diet.

Even just grass, or a vitamin...what does Calvin eat?

Or some cats are just plain WEIRD. :D