View Full Version : is there something wrong with Snow?

02-10-2007, 02:50 PM
Earlier today, me and my mom got out some baby wipes to wipe some "dirt" off Snow. Since we were brushing her lots of the "dirt" came to her tail. I wiped up the "dirt" with the baby wipes and put it besides me. After I was done brushing Snow. I went to go pick up the baby wipe and the "dirt" was all red and bloody looking. Does anybody no what this could be?

Oh yeah! A couple days ago, I found I bug on Snow. It looked like a beetle, but it wasn't round. More like very long and was a greenish color. Is this "dirt" the eggs of the bug and I killed them or what?

Please help!!

02-10-2007, 02:57 PM
well if it came from her tail maybe near the base of the tail....it could very well be dried blood from when she gave birth. I have no idea about the bug it sounds kinds strange so unless I seen it I really could tell even what kinda bug it was and if it would have laid eggs on Snow.

02-11-2007, 11:04 AM
This morning, I was brushing Snow and I found a small, red bug. It looked like a flea kind of. What kind of medication should I give Snow? My mom is thinking about giving Snow a flea collar. Should this cure the fleas?

critter crazy
02-11-2007, 11:11 AM
This morning, I was brushing Snow and I found a small, red bug. It looked like a flea kind of. What kind of medication should I give Snow? My mom is thinking about giving Snow a flea collar. Should this cure the fleas?
in my experiance flea collars are useless! If you suspect she has fleas, i rccomend Frontline. It is the best! The red dirt you found, sounds like a combination of dried blood and flea dirt, which is commonly found near the base of the tail on most animals.

02-11-2007, 11:24 AM
I can tell you a flea collar will not work and I wouldn't suggest this at all considering she is nursing.

Sorry but I want to make sure this is the right kitty. This is the same kitty that had babies by c-section? I know the cats name was Snow but I cannot recall if was your Snow or another member. For some reason I am thinking it is another members kitty. Sorry if I got her mixed up with the other.

If this is the same kitty that just had babies then I would suggest calling your vet to find out what is ok to use while she is still nursing them.

Sorry for the confusion.

02-11-2007, 11:31 AM
I can tell you a flea collar will not work and I wouldn't suggest this at all considering she is nursing.

Sorry but I want to make sure this is the right kitty. This is the same kitty that had babies by c-section? I know the cats name was Snow but I cannot recall if was your Snow or another member. For some reason I am thinking it is another members kitty. Sorry if I got her mixed up with the other.

If this is the same kitty that just had babies then I would suggest calling your vet to find out what is ok to use while she is still nursing them.

Sorry for the confusion.

No, my Snow didn't have kittens. That was another member's kitty.

02-11-2007, 11:45 AM
Ok sorry about the mix up.

I have not had to deal with fleas recently but I always found flea colors useless. The best thing I found and what worked for me in the past was also like critter crazy said Frontline.

02-11-2007, 11:51 AM
Sounds like fleas to me and the blood is the dried blood from where they bite her and their waste "flea dirt". Please don't use the cheap fleas products like Hartz. I've heard too many stories of pets having bad or fatal reactions to them. Try something like Advantage, Frontline or Revolution. I've always used Advantage on my pets with no problems.

02-11-2007, 04:48 PM
I agree, flea collars are useless, don't waste money on that.

I use Revolution, as it kills fleas, lice, ticks and other stuff. As someone else said, that or Advantage or Frontline should do the trick.


The one for dogs is toxic to cats.

02-12-2007, 02:51 PM
Last night my grandma came over to check out Snow. She is an expert on cats cause she's had them for years most of them were strays so they had fleas. Anyway, Snow had fleas. She brought Advantage from her house (she used it on Mickey) and put some on the back of Snow's neck.
Hopefully that would work. Advantage is suppose to kill fleas in 12 hours. I'm not home right now, but when I am, I'm gonna check Snow all over for some fleas.

Thank you everybody for your help! :)

02-12-2007, 04:05 PM
That's great that Advantage helped Snow. Now, she doesn't have an itchy back anymore. She's probably thanking you & your grandmother right now.

Where can you get Advantage at cause my kitty has some fleas too? Oh dear...

critter crazy
02-12-2007, 04:09 PM
That's great that Advantage helped Snow. Now, she doesn't have an itchy back anymore. She's probably thanking you & your grandmother right now.

Where can you get Advantage at cause my kitty has some fleas too? Oh dear...
any pet store, or vets office carries it. You can also buy it online.

02-12-2007, 04:11 PM
Where can you get Advantage at cause my kitty has some fleas too? Oh dear...

Well, my grandma got Advantage from her vet. If you go to your vet and ask for it, they should give you some. If your looking for a store to buy it, um... I'm not really sure if they sell it at stores.
Advantage cures fleas in 12 hrs. It is only used for cats nine weeks and older. Your cat also has to be nine pounds and lower to use the product. Good luck with your kitty :)

02-12-2007, 04:15 PM

02-12-2007, 05:12 PM
Yes, it sounds like fleas to me also. Sounds as though she developed a severe case of dermatitis from the fleas. Revolution always worked well for me when I was rescuing ferals but whatever you have at your disposal should be ok. Except for flea collars. It's been my experience that, not only are they not effective, years ago one of my cats lost her fur where the collar had been. Don't use them.


02-13-2007, 06:21 PM
Today I checked Snow head to tail for fleas. I found a couple dead ones, but other then that they totally disapeared! That Advantage stuff really helped. Thanks everyone for your help and advice! :)

02-13-2007, 06:59 PM
My mom and dad used Frontline on their cats, but the one cat has an allergy to it, and so they switched hers to Revolution. She's been good since. Just so you know that they aren't all alike, and if she gets a reaction from it, there are options.

Be sure you vacuum really really well in your house. If there were fleas, there are eggs. The eggs will hatch, and you'll have more fleas. And even if they don't bite Snow anymore, because of the Advantage (if you KEEP using it), they can still bite you. Advantage, or any other flea medicine, is not once and done. You have to make sure the rest are gone, exterminating if necessary. You don't want to be infested in the house, because that can be really bad!!!