View Full Version : Plan Underway and Construction Almost Finished!

06-26-2002, 01:08 PM
Well, they almost have living room done. They had to bust out two walls in my basement living room and bust up the floor and pour a new cement floor and build new walls because my livingroom was leaking when ever it would rain. All they have to do now is paint the inside and put new siding on the outside. Can't wait! Then my rabbits can come back in the house. It has been really hot here lately and I would rather them come back in the house. Yesterday I looked up on the net how to clean genital rabbit scent glands. It seemed pretty easy and my rabbits smelled like skunk because of it. So that was satisfactory, but it's a nasty job. Today I asked my Ag Advisor, Mr. Briscoe, if he had any scrap plywood to put in the bottom of my rabbits cage so they wouldn't have to stand on the wire bottom. So I got that cut and I put it in the cage already. All I need now is a litter box for the bunnies. But the problem is, I'm afraid they'll lay in it rather than do their business in it. I'm thinking I should get a new kennel pad (they chewed up the old one) but bitter apple spray on it so they won't chew on it and see if they'll lay on it and not in the litter box. But, we'll see. And I also need to have Gypsee fixed since rabbits are prone to uterine cancers after they reach 2 years. Cheers.

Heather Wallace
06-26-2002, 02:02 PM
CONGRATULATIONS on starting plans for the buns. Glad you put some wood at the bottom of the cage, it will be much better for their feet.

Yes Bunny also tends to sit in her litter tray, although she still does her business in their too.

06-26-2002, 09:14 PM
Thanks Heather. Yes, it will be much better on their feet and it will eliminate some of the odor since they will get a litter box here soon.

06-27-2002, 09:50 AM
Congrat's on getting a new living room! I do hope you are able to bring your bunnies back inside.
We are having terribly hot weather here in Mich, in the 90's, and it's very hard on the buns. You might put a pop bottle of frozen water on it's side in the cage with them so they can cuddle up to it and cool off. Please be sure that they are protected from the sun too. Good move to get the wood on their cage floor.

And don't worry about buns lounging/sleeping in their litter box. It IS perfectly normal for all rabbits to do that. I think it's because the box has sides and they feel safe in it. SOOO...the trick is to keep the litter box cleaned out and not let it get skunky...they're not THAT discriminating and they'll get skunky too if you don't. Good luck!
:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

06-27-2002, 10:43 AM
Hey, thanks for the advice Daisy. I will be sure to clean it out every day! Yes, their cage has a solid top on it so they are protected from the sun. And yes, I do put frozen bottles of water in their cage. Hehe.

Heather Wallace
06-27-2002, 11:26 AM
Originally posted by Daisylover
[B You might put a pop bottle of frozen water on it's side in the cage with them so they can cuddle up to it and cool off. /B]

I wish other weather was good enough to do that. Our country is has terrible weather:( :(

06-27-2002, 12:26 PM
Awwwwwwwww, so move to the U.S. Heather! Hehehe, you can stay with me until you get on your feet! LOL.

Heather Wallace
06-27-2002, 02:43 PM
You had better not say that, as you never know, I might knock on your door one day ( 'what a scary thought', says Meg!)

LOL!:) :eek:

06-27-2002, 09:16 PM

06-28-2002, 11:32 AM
You'd be welcome in Ann Arbor too.....we have a LOT of bunny lovers here!:D