View Full Version : Lucky is missing

02-09-2007, 10:08 AM
Lucky was out in the yard with the other dogs and we went inside for 10 minutes and when we came back out he was gone. We think someone stole him because we couldn't find any way he could've got out and we couldn't find him anywhere. I looked through my neighbors land (with their permission) and he was no where. He was a very pretty dog so we think someone just came by and took him. This is the fourth dog in two years that has dissapeared out of our yard without a trace. Please pray that we find him or that if someone took them they feel guilty and return him (which is unlikely) He's been gone since Wednesday. :( I miss him so much and I won't stop looking for him.

02-09-2007, 10:24 AM
This is the fourth dog in two years that has dissapeared out of our yard without a trace.

WOW!! :eek: Have you called the police?

I pray for Lucky's safe return.

02-09-2007, 10:25 AM
The police where I live don't really care about missing dogs.

Pawsitive Thinking
02-09-2007, 10:26 AM
What sort of world is this where your dog isn't safe in its own back yard? I hope you find Lucky

02-09-2007, 10:32 AM
Four dogs in two years?? WOW that's quite a bit! I will be praying for Lucky's safe return. Keep us updated!

02-09-2007, 11:01 AM
I feel for you. I remember when Mist bolted and disappeared for 4 days after she heard a really loud firework. I was physically sick with worry until we found out where she had ended up.

I hope you get your dog back soon. :(

02-09-2007, 11:29 AM
aw. well I hope you find your dog..

Do you think that there is some sort of whole under the fence or something that the dogs keep getting out? I hope you find the solution & your dog.

02-09-2007, 01:10 PM
Put up posters with a photo. Every 4th utility pole, and all 4 at an intersection. Cover at least a mile in all directions. If there is a school nearby, post near the school, kids love to be on the look out! Take a poster to animal control for your city / town, and to all the vets in the area.

M&M's Mommy
02-09-2007, 01:23 PM
I'll keep you & Lucky on my thoughts & prayers. Hope he finds his way home safely.

02-09-2007, 01:44 PM
The police where I live don't really care about missing dogs.
However- dogs have a value and this is theft..

02-09-2007, 02:06 PM
Yes, dog theft is on the increase and they often pinch them not to sell them on but to demand ransoms out of their owners by threatening to kill or torture the dog. Such sickos, they need stringing up. Still, if it was that, you would probably have heard from them by now so hopefully, it isn't.

I'd make a point of having your back yard more secure. Put locks on any gates and make sure they are high enough so that a dog can't be picked up and carried over them.

When our Mist went missing, the couple who found her saw a poster we put up in a petrol station and phoned us. Fortunately, we'd already got her back anyway but we invited them round and I bought them a box of chocolates for rescuing her to start with otherwise anything could have happened to her. They stayed at our house and we all chatted for a while and I let Jess and Mist in so they could see Mist again because they fell in love with her when they found her and told the police they'd have her if they didn't find her owners. She just laid on the guys knee and let him stroke her belly the whole time, lol.

02-12-2007, 02:59 PM
It's been almost a week and still there is absoulutely no sign of Lucky :( . But I won't give up. I just can't.

02-12-2007, 03:03 PM
Do me a favor - Send us a photo, age, size, temperment, location of disappearance write-up of Lucky and I will crosspost about his missing.

I know many sites for missing dogs when my Kiara went missing.

This is why I refuse to leave my dog outside by themselves. :(

02-12-2007, 03:07 PM
Do me a favor - Send us a photo, age, size, temperment, location of disappearance write-up of Lucky and I will crosspost about his missing.

I know many sites for missing dogs when my Kiara went missing.

This is why I refuse to leave my dog outside by themselves. :(

I don't have a digi cam so I'm not able to put any on the internet. :(

02-12-2007, 03:09 PM
I don't have a digi cam so I'm not able to put any on the internet. :(

Do you have access to a scanner? That's how I put mine on.

finn's mom
02-12-2007, 03:11 PM
I hope you find Lucky, that is very sad. :( I would be making my back yard a lot more secure, as was suggested already. I would also get to know my neighbors. If my neighbor told me that they had four dogs go missing in two years, I'd be helping them watch out for strangers around the yard. Do your dogs not bark when there's someone near the yard? I mean, Finn's not an obsessive barker like Freckles and Dudley are (you can't even be within 100 feet of our house without them going crazy), but even Finn would bark if someone came right up to the fence and it would be insane if someone came into the yard! I would see if maybe you can set your dogs up, too, to see if they are getting out on their own. Maybe watch them from inside and place something irresistable on the other side of the fence to lure them out. Or have someone call them and get them excited and see if there's some way they're getting out on their own. If you decide 100% that there's no way they're getting out by themselves, I don't think I'd be leaving them alone outside for even ten seconds anymore. Four dogs in two years is absurd! How big is your yard? What kind of fencing do you have?

02-12-2007, 03:34 PM
Oh no this is horrible. I would feel like dying if one of my animals ever got lost or stolen, you never know what sick people are out there.

I hope you find Lucky soon, and I agree with everyone else that you should really be posting everything about him everywhere!

02-12-2007, 03:46 PM
I don't have a digi cam so I'm not able to put any on the internet. :(

Okay, could you answer the rest then, as well as a very good decription of him? Colors/markings/size/ears/breeds/etc.

02-13-2007, 12:30 AM
Don't want to start anything but to me it sounds like you need to either find a new fence or build covered kennels or just fool proof your fence like mad. With the amount of dogs you have, I know things happen, but a lot of the things that have happened with you involve your dogs getting out of your fencing. You've had dogs disappear, get shot, get hit by cars a few times, and one that routinely chases cars because he breaks his chains everyday. Find some better fencing or build kennels and you will find your answer.

I am sorry that Lucky is missing and I hope you can find him again. Is he neutered? Maybe he found some lucky girl he wanted to "date".

02-13-2007, 03:09 PM
Okay, could you answer the rest then, as well as a very good decription of him? Colors/markings/size/ears/breeds/etc.

markings-a small white streak on his chest
size-large-lab size
ears-drop-medium size
breeds-lab/golden retriever/samoyed/redbone
temperment-very friendly-would go up to strangers very easily and doesn't really bark at them

I couldn't find anywhere in the fence where he could've got out and the fence is tall enought to keep him from jumping out and would make it difficult for someone to reach over and haul him over it. The only thing I can think of is somebody might have left the gate open by accident but nobody has said that they done that and I'm sure they would have told me. :confused:

areias-we can only get the cheapest fencing (some kind of wire :confused: ) because we fell on some hard times lately (but I'm not going into that) so building kennels is definitely out of the question. I would gladly sell everything in the house for the money to keep my pets safe but since I live with my parents and they believe that people always come first......I can only do the best I can.