View Full Version : Vote for the best Valentine for Redfurd

02-07-2007, 11:56 PM
The following sweet kittygirls have responded quickly to Refurd's request for a Valentine. Due to the tight competition and great qualifications of each kitty, we resorted to a poll! Which of the lovely ladies listed below would be the best Valentine for my boy Redfurd?

Girls .... feel free to solicit votes in this thread through pictures, or comments! ;)

Here is the original thread http://www.petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?p=1738725#post1738725 .

and HERE is Redfurd:

02-08-2007, 12:33 AM
I voted fer me cuz , Lilly has all the best stuff, and I have nuffin! She has da babies and everybody fusses over dem, but when I bring ones out in my mouf, I get yelled at :eek: ! Even Daddy yelled at me :( . Lilly is getting all kinds of extra evertink! Salmons and fishies and mommy let her have some of that liver too! :eek: Da boys all gets cuddled and told how wonderfuls they is for being sweets to da babies and no one says that to me! My brudders are all teasing me and laffin cuz I was the princess and now Stinky meanie Lilly is!!
WORST IS SHE GITS A VALLEY TIME!!!! I know cuz I saws his pic! and cuz she said I hafta kitsit while she is on a beach wherever dat is! NO FAIR!


Iris the Ex Princess......

Laura's Babies
02-08-2007, 08:19 AM
Hay Handsome boy! If you choose me you will have the adventure of your life! I will show you how to cut doose apron strings with dat Momma and start to LIVE and have dat fun! I have TONS of toys we can play with and a nice high perch by the window dat we can bask in da sun on and watch the world go by.. Hay! I can also show you how to give dat Momma TAIL! I dust my Momma's face with da tail everytime I get near her.... I LOVE doing dat! (I bet you got a nice fulffy tail like I have...all da better!) I will lay by your side an call you "Daaaaaaahlin" all day! Kiss Kiss! Giz

02-08-2007, 09:59 AM
I can't vote. I say we just call Redfurd the Ladies Man of PT Cat General, lol!

02-08-2007, 01:10 PM
Wow that valentine picture of Redfurd is terrific! He is such a hunky handsome kitty. :D

02-08-2007, 01:22 PM
LOL! Oh, I love the comments! Lori, you might be right! :D

02-08-2007, 04:21 PM
The Princess Is Praying Thst She Is The Winner.
She Hasnt Been On A Date With A Hot Young Stud Like Redfurd In A Long Time , And Wants To Prove That Though Theres Snow On The Roof, Theres Fire In The Furnace.

02-10-2007, 01:39 PM
Thank you everyone for voting for my Mitzi! She is pleased as punch to have Redfurd as her Valentine as right now her big red brofur, Mishi, is at the vet's. He's having one of his what I call "kidney episodes." He stopped eating Thursday night and has been lethargic - that pathetic kitty look that every meowmie hates. I know it's his kidneys, so he's at the vet's right now being pumped up with fluids. PT prayers please - Redfurd, you may have to share Mitzi with her big red brofur, although I'm sure Mishi won't mind you taking over affection duties while he heals from his latest episode.

Thanks, again, everyone for voting for my pretty girl.

02-10-2007, 02:28 PM
The Princess Is Praying Thst She Is The Winner.
She Hasnt Been On A Date With A Hot Young Stud Like Redfurd In A Long Time , And Wants To Prove That Though Theres Snow On The Roof, Theres Fire In The Furnace.

Well, if no one has snagged Princess yet, Honeybun says he would be absolutely THRILLED to be her Valentine this year! He's confided that he's never had a Valentine, and that he feels like nobody wants him (that bad FIV+ stereotyping has him down....).

Will you be Honeybun's Valentine, Princess?! :D :D

02-10-2007, 03:08 PM
All the entries were so precious, and Redfurd would have been honored to have been Valentine's with any of them!!! Thank you for the offers, and the votes! Stay tuned for pics of Redfurd and Mitzi! ;)