View Full Version : Company is reorganized, people are b*****

02-07-2007, 05:01 PM
Is this normal?

We aren't talking restructuring or downsizing - just something that is getting us on a very good track, and of course it takes a while.

Maybe I am a doormat, or just very patient - having worked on contracts much of my life.

There seems to be much digging in of heels at the change in chain of command...those who approved the changes get p***** because it is not happening yesterday.

Someone's spouse called today - I had just gotten off the phone with our new Operations Manager, and the spouse sounded like the OPs person, so I called them by the manager's name. The spouse said he didn't want to sound like that person, from what they had heard, and he didn't sound nice!

All this gossip going at contractors' homes.

I am going to talk to my boss....but all these wee slings and arrows, and people getting their knickers in a knot because of a feedback questionnaire and that it should have been given BEFORE the big restructuring meeting...and even questioning contracts, which we were told look much more attractive to potential investors if a company like ours that says they HAVE contractors have contracts to prove it!

Thanks for letting me vent. Is all this bitchiness during change normal?

OUCH! I am just letting it go by as much as possible.

Thanks again... :(

Lady's Human
02-07-2007, 05:16 PM
Catty, just remember.

Change is BAD.

Even good change to some people is BAD.

We recently installed a machine to make a certain job easier. No one was going to lose their jobs, no one was going to have to change their jobs, it just meant that there wouldn't be work at the end of the shift left over for the next tour (which they have been complaining about the whole time I've worked there)

What happened? everyone in the affected department got PISSED. Why? When it would make their job easier? Mainly because change is BAD.

02-07-2007, 05:58 PM
Human nature. NO ONE likes change. It means they will have to pay attention for a while, can't follow the old rules. People have their hands full with their families, hobbies, etc. They THOUGHT they knew what they had to do and with whom at the job now that is going to pull their attention. It means they have to shift mode a bit.

Good Luck!

02-07-2007, 09:07 PM
Is all this bitchiness during change normal?

There are a few of my coworkers who go crazy every time there is a change. They get everyone on edge. In the end everyone adjusts and most of the time the change turns out for the better. I don't know why these few people can't figure this out. :confused:

Queen of Poop
02-08-2007, 09:36 AM
Sounds like your group could use a read thru the book "Who Moved My Cheese". We gave it to all of our managers a while ago when change was happening here. There are those who can deal with change and those who cannot. Good luck, roll with it.

02-08-2007, 12:03 PM
Not long ago I changed the position of time cards in the file next to the time clock.

There was NO CHANGE to how anyone punched in or out, just where their time card would be located.

You would have thought I cancelled paydays altogether!

Some people just like to b*****.

02-08-2007, 12:53 PM
I think for a lot of people change is a scary thing. It's the "unknown"
about change that sets many people on edge.I hope things sette down
for you soon.