View Full Version : Need Advice - Fenway's Leg

02-07-2007, 12:23 PM
As some of you know, Fenway was in the hospital for one night last week.

They shaved his little leg so they could put a needle in it. However, he's been licking that area and I just noticed last night it's all red & scabby (I'm sure the freezing weather doesn't help).

Should I:

a. Call the vet?

b. Buy something to wrap his leg in?

c. Buy one of those satalite dishes (cones)?

d. Other (and what would that other be)?

Thank you.

Daisy and Delilah
02-07-2007, 12:30 PM
I have no advice but I wanted to send kisses and best wishes along to Fenway. xoxoxoxoxo From, Terry, Daisy and Delilah :)

02-07-2007, 12:31 PM
Bud had the same thing this past summer from an IV after spending the night at the vet. He was licking it too, it was from the fur growing back.
I sprayed it (lightly) with apple bitter and he left it alone.
He didn't lick it to the point of scabs that's why I sprayed it, if there are open wounds spraying apple bitter in it would have hurt.

Since Fenway's leg is already scabby I would put antibiotic ointment on it and wrap it up. If you have apple bitter (or something like that) I'd spray the wrapping to make sure he left it alone and didn't tear it off.

You can take a sock and cut the toe out, and pulled it up over where he's licking and tape it in place.

02-07-2007, 01:34 PM
My view: it never hurts to call the vet. The techs that answer the phone at my vet are very knowledgeable and don't ALWAYS say bring the pet in. Hence I trust them when they DO say that. You could call and explain and ask if it is OK to put xxx on it. Don't leave it open ended, as in "what should I do?"

Fenway, please let everything heal up!

Hey, is this the leg that was way up in the air in the sleeping photo?

I liked the idea posted earlier of putting something on and letting the air get to it to let it keep healing. I'm never sure (even for myself) when a sore is best covered and when it is best open to the air.

Good luck.

02-07-2007, 01:43 PM
Thanks for the advice everybody. It's not the leg in the "strange position" photo. :)

I called his vet and they said to put Hydracortisone cream on it 3 times per day. More than likely, it's just itchy because the hair is growing in. If it gets worse, I need to call them again and they'll give me prescription hydracortisone cream.

I have to laugh because that is what I was just prescribed - for poison ivy that ended up getting all dryed out, making my skin dry out and all itchy.

It's like we have the same symptoms. It's on my arm too, just like it's on Fenway's.

Isn't that just cute? :D :eek:

02-07-2007, 01:54 PM
It's like we have the same symptoms. It's on my arm too, just like it's on Fenway's.

Isn't that just cute? :D :eek:

Ahhh... how cute! It's sort of like a sympathy pain thing!!

02-07-2007, 02:46 PM
:D Well they do say that dogs & their owners look alike after a while! The sock idea is a good one, still lets it ventilate but keeps that busy tongue off of it. Hope Fenway heals up soon.

02-07-2007, 02:51 PM
If it looks bad- call the vet. Otherwise- when fenway is asleep, put a little regular neosporon on it. If he wakes up rub his head and try to keep him from licking it for like 30 minutes it will soak up. Put it on like 2-3 times a day. Its probably a razor burn from the shaver/ clippers . I would call the vet so they know he has a razor burn- the tech should have been more careful.