View Full Version : I need a shoulder to cry on. And a little help, if possible.

Prairie Purrs
02-07-2007, 12:17 PM
A city inspector just showed up and told me I can't feed the local ferals any more. I also have to remove the shelters that I put out to try to give them some protection from the horrible cold this winter.

Not only that, she says she'll be back in a month to check inside my house to make sure I don't bring the ferals inside. The limit on cats is five, so I'm five over the limit. I'm hoping that I get enough notice of the inspection that I can temporarily relocate five cats, but I don't know whether that will be the case. If they show up and find 10 cats, I'll be fined and will have to rehome five of them. My youngest is nearly six years old, and the oldest are 13. And nearly all are very shy of people. So rehoming would be difficult, to say the least.

It's so sad. It's bad enough to deprive the ferals of food and water during warm months, but to take away their food, water, and shelter during the winter is too cruel. I'm going to see whether the local Alley Cat Allies chapter can help me, but they haven't been any help in the past.

I wish I could afford to trap them all and move somewhere more sympathetic. But that's not possible.

If anyone in the Denver area would be willing to foster a shy cat or two for awhile, I'd be so very grateful. Or if you'd be willing to try to tame a feral, that would be wonderful, too. There's a little tortie hanging around, and I think she'd tame up well.

02-07-2007, 01:06 PM
Did someone report you to them about feeding and housing them?? Normally they don't get involved if they aren't given a heads up. I know I was stressing when I turned in a bat my guys had killed in the house (freaked me out), and then the health department wanted copies of all their vaccinations within 5 days and some were behind, and the fosters were way out of date (giving vaccinations to the FIV guys every year is not recommended). Thankfully when when asked how many cats I had, I was clear headed and said "Four." I think at that time, I had about 13 total (mine and fosters), so any inspections would have been a disaster.

Is there any way to conceal the enclosures once the city inspectors are happy with what they see? Try to make something that is "part" of the house looking kind of deal? Poor things. I hope you can find a solution for them and for the ones inside. Will they inspect your entire house??? Do you have a crawl space or something where you can tuck them into while the people are there that they wouldn't suspect anything being in? Or a friend who can take them for a few days when it's close to the 30 days???

02-07-2007, 01:15 PM
definately cruel.........

I thought only dogs had a limit........I donīt see the problem with cats, I mean they are not romping around.........I donīt see a problem with dogs either but some may be disturbed by noise or something........but inside cats? come on..........

somewhat I understand not feeding ferals (as to prevent more population) but depriving them of food/shelter in winter? thatīs just too cruel.......

hope you can solve it out.......anything you need we are here for you

02-07-2007, 01:19 PM
please contact your local TV and Radio...getting stories like this out there will really help and sometimes laws get changed! PLEASE get the media involved!

Prairie Purrs
02-07-2007, 01:24 PM
Did someone report you to them about feeding and housing them??

Yes, someone did. I've been feeding them for years, but this winter is the first time I've needed to put out shelters. In the past, they'd sneak around for a bite of food and then run away. But during the cold weather, several have been hanging around near the food and the shelters, so they're more visible. It's hard to believe that someone would be so callous as to report me this time of year--when the cats most need help.

Is there any way to conceal the enclosures once the city inspectors are happy with what they see? Try to make something that is "part" of the house looking kind of deal? Poor things. I hope you can find a solution for them and for the ones inside. Will they inspect your entire house??? Do you have a crawl space or something where you can tuck them into while the people are there that they wouldn't suspect anything being in? Or a friend who can take them for a few days when it's close to the 30 days???

There's really no place around the house where I could hide them--either ferals or my own. The yard is open to view. If I know when they'll be here for the inspection, I could board five kitties somewhere, but I'll be surprised if they give me a particular date.

Prairie Purrs
02-07-2007, 01:28 PM
please contact your local TV and Radio...getting stories like this out there will really help and sometimes laws get changed! PLEASE get the media involved!

The only story that the local media would be likely to do would be a "crazy cat lady" story. Every single local news story I've seen that involves an animal control inspection portrays the owner as a nutcase horder.

02-07-2007, 01:29 PM
I wish I could be of some help but I agree with what everyone else wrote. Try to see if a friend would be willing to take in 5 of your cats when it's close to 30 days.

I wish I had better advice. As for feeding ferals, that's so mean. I live in an apartment complex and I set food out for 2 cats I feed (I'm not sure if there are more than 2 but I assume there is) I had one cat (female) fixed and I let the male go and didn't fix him. I want to work with them when springs comes around to get them to like me more but we'll see.

Good luck,

02-07-2007, 01:34 PM
Whoever reported you will get their payback at a later date....and boy will they be sorry they were so cruel.

I wish I could help in someway other than sending good thoughts and prayers your way.

Prairie Purrs
02-07-2007, 01:37 PM
One really frustrating aspect of it all is that I've been trying to get a local spay-and-neuter mobile operation to come over to trap and neuter the ferals. I don't have a car, so trapping them and transporting them myself is a problem (not to mention the expense). But I can't get the mobile unit dispatched unless there are at least 10 ferals in a colony, and they won't do it unless there's a caretaker for the colony--i.e., someone's feeding them.

Just recently, I've seen enough cats showing up for meals that I figured I could convince them to send out the mobile unit, but I hesitated to have the cats operated on and released while there's still a chance of nasty weather.

But now I discover that the city won't allow anyone to feed more than five ferals, and you can only do that if you don't have any inside cats! So unless you're breaking the law, you can't get help with spaying and neutering.

02-07-2007, 01:41 PM
I just did a google search and found this group:


Have you contacted them? Could they provide any assistance for you?

Wish I could offer more ideas.

Prairie Purrs
02-07-2007, 01:45 PM
I just did a google search and found this group:


Have you contacted them? Could they provide any assistance for you?

Wish I could offer more ideas.

They're the ones I've talked to before. I'm going to try to get them to help, but they haven't been willing to assist me in the past.

ETA: I did send them an email, and I hope there's something they can do for the ferals.

02-07-2007, 01:47 PM
That's awful. I'd call the local media. It might be a human interest story they'd be interested in covering.

You shouldn't have to take the shelters down. I bet if people heard about this, they'd freak and demand the city let you keep them up.

Good luck.

oops...I see Catty1 beat me to it.

Prairie Purrs
02-07-2007, 02:01 PM
That's awful. I'd call the local media. It might be a human interest story they'd be interested in covering.

You shouldn't have to take the shelters down. I bet if people heard about this, they'd freak and demand the city let you keep them up.

Good luck.

oops...I see Catty1 beat me to it.

The sad thing is that people in this neighborhood see feral cats only as a nuisance and would definitely side with the city.

Laura's Babies
02-07-2007, 02:13 PM
I would get thrown off PT is I wrote what I am wanting to write...

That is a load of Cr**! Someone has the kindness to feed the unwanted/discarded and build them shelters and they want to punish them???? Their efforts would be better spent catching and fineing the people who DUMP these helpless creatures by socking it to THEM and making and example out of them! This really ticks me off! :mad:

K & L
02-07-2007, 02:26 PM

Go to this site and click on Advocator/Caregiver and see if there is some helpful information on this subject. They have all kinds of information!

Prairie Purrs
02-07-2007, 02:50 PM

Go to this site and click on Advocator/Caregiver and see if there is some helpful information on this subject. They have all kinds of information!

I just got off the phone with a wonderful person from the Rocky Mountain Alley Cat Alliance, and that was one of the sites she recommended that I check out.

The RMACA is going to talk to the city zoning inspector (apparently the zoning people are real jerks when it comes to feral cats), but I'll most likely have to go along with what the city wants. And apparently, once the zoning people get on your case, they don't leave you alone. But the RMACA may be able to help me with relocating some of the ferals, if it comes to that.

I still have to figure out how to keep anyone from finding out about the indoor numbers. I think I already ticked off the inspector by telling her that I didn't believe she was allowed to search the house without a warrant.

02-07-2007, 03:37 PM
Also - if you want to try the media with a different angle, AGREE with whoever reported this and say that the best way to help - use it as home wanted for kitties! ASking the public for HELP might be different.

02-07-2007, 03:38 PM
I think I already ticked off the inspector by telling her that I didn't believe she was allowed to search the house without a warrant.

WHO CARES? Of course she'll have to have a warrant, unless you just kindly allow her to search your home! What do they expect???? :mad:

You are wise not to get the media involved! I can promise you that it would turn into a "animal hoarder" story rather than a empathetic story for the kitties. Unfornately "hoarder" stories are more "human interest" to most "people" these days than helping innocent animals! :mad: :(

02-07-2007, 03:46 PM
Hi try this place


I understand you don't have a car but if you had someone willing to drive you to the vets to drop off and pick up the feral cats maybe best friends would be willing to help fund to get these cats fixed.

It's worth a shot, I know when I was dealing with a colony of cats I got a lot of help from them.


Prairie Purrs
02-07-2007, 03:55 PM
Hi try this place


I understand you don't have a car but if you had someone willing to drive you to the vets to drop off and pick up the feral cats maybe best friends would be willing to help fund to get these cats fixed.

It's worth a shot, I know when I was dealing with a colony of cats I got a lot of help from them.


Unfortunately, it's not a matter of getting them fixed. The city doesn't care whether they're fixed or not--they just don't want anybody feeding them, or at least not feeding more than five total cats, whether those cats are indoor or feral. So if I got them fixed, I'd still be expected to let them starve.

Prairie Purrs
02-07-2007, 04:04 PM
WHO CARES? Of course she'll have to have a warrant, unless you just kindly allow her to search your home! What do they expect???? :mad:

You are wise not to get the media involved! I can promise you that it would turn into a "animal hoarder" story rather than a empathetic story for the kitties. Unfornately "hoarder" stories are more "human interest" to most "people" these days than helping innocent animals! :mad: :(

Not only did the inspector get defensive when I said that an indoor inspection would require a warrant--she told me that she would assume that I was breaking the law because I told her that she'd need a warrant! She kept saying that the city ordinance allows her to go wherever she wants. I suggested that the U.S. Constutition might trump a city ordinance.

And yes, a hoarder story is exactly what I'd get from the local media. Apparently the zoning inspectors have been harassing cat owners to the point that they move out of town, but that's not the sort of thing that the local news outlets cover.

02-07-2007, 04:06 PM
She was down right hateful!!! I'd be careful, it sounds like they will be watching you closely, and you can bet they will come unannounced again! :( I wish I had something to say to help you.

Shoot, I would consider trying to move them in the wee hours of the night, to another location where you could still go and feed them discreetly!

Prairie Purrs
02-07-2007, 04:20 PM
She was down right hateful!!! I'd be careful, it sounds like they will be watching you closely, and you can bet they will come unannounced again! :( I wish I had something to say to help you.

Shoot, I would consider trying to move them in the wee hours of the night, to another location where you could still go and feed them discreetly!

Even if I had someplace to move them to, I wouldn't be able to get there easily to feed them (no car).

The inspector was a piece of work, all right. She told me that the cats would probably go eat from bowls of dog food that people leave out (as if the dogs would allow that). Then she went on her merry way to ticket people who hadn't removed the snow and ice from their walks--which probably includes a bunch of little old ladies who can't get out and shovel.

02-07-2007, 05:05 PM
I Know What You Are Going Through As I Was Reported Myself Last Year.
I Have 12 Where They Are Only Supposed To Be 3 At The Most.
I Had My Vet, The Animal Welfare And Help A Furry Friend Write Letter.
The Animal Control Lady Came, And Inspected The House And Saw That They Were All Well Cared For, Well Fed And Clean And They Havent Been Back Since.
I Have Moved The Feeding To The Side And Back Of The House So Noone Can See The Porchies.i Would Gladly Put Up Your Cats For As Long As You Needed Penny.
I Am Hoping And Praying That Things Work Out For You And Your Friends.

Prairie Purrs
02-07-2007, 05:12 PM
Thanks, Gary! I know you'd take them in if it were possible.

If this had been a normal winter, there wouldn't have been a problem because the ferals would come and go--usually, I'd put some food out and never see the cats. It's so frustrating to try to do something to help, only to find that people care more about rules than they do about living creatures.

02-07-2007, 07:21 PM
The inspector was a piece of work, all right. She told me that the cats would probably go eat from bowls of dog food that people leave out (as if the dogs would allow that). Then she went on her merry way to ticket people who hadn't removed the snow and ice from their walks--which probably includes a bunch of little old ladies who can't get out and shovel.

GRRRRRRRRR! It's a good thing I didn't meet up with her. It's people like that that challenge my ability to speak in a calm manner, and not regret my actions later! :mad: :(

02-07-2007, 07:40 PM
It sounds like your city has a history with hoarders. We have a city with such a history nearby. They have a limit of 3 cats per home. And they are anti-TNR and such. They see ferals on the same level as rodents. Sigh.

Maybe you need to focus on rehoming the ones in your house so YOU don't get into trouble. Then you can pick up with the ferals in the future. Maybe if you do it with a sponsor / backer / organization, you will have more success. Do you have family / friends who can put up some cats for a week or 2? Hope you can work this out.

Prairie Purrs
02-07-2007, 07:56 PM
It sounds like your city has a history with hoarders. We have a city with such a history nearby. They have a limit of 3 cats per home. And they are anti-TNR and such. They see ferals on the same level as rodents. Sigh.

Maybe you need to focus on rehoming the ones in your house so YOU don't get into trouble. Then you can pick up with the ferals in the future. Maybe if you do it with a sponsor / backer / organization, you will have more success. Do you have family / friends who can put up some cats for a week or 2? Hope you can work this out.

An organization is going to try to help me with the ferals (although there may not be much they can do), but I still don't know where I can temporarily relocate the indoor kitties.

Although I love living in Denver (and have lived in the same house for 15 years), if I had the money I'd move away and take as many ferals as I could catch with me. I can do my job anywhere in the country that has a high-speed Internet connection, but I don't have the funds to make a move.

02-07-2007, 09:33 PM
Y'know, when I was sheltering and feeding ferals, every rescue group and organization that I called turned me down flat w/out explanation. Fortunately, I lived on a hill, far from view of everyone else, so my shelters went virtually unnoticed. Do your best to get friends to shelter them if/when the inspector comes back. Then when you feel it's safe, bring the ferals back to where they know they'll get fed and sheltered. These people just don't get it. I hope they come back in their next lives as feral cats. Then they'll get it.


Prairie Purrs
02-07-2007, 10:42 PM
Well, it just got worse.

This morning's visit was from a zoning inspector. Tonight an animal control officer showed up and ticketed me, and I have to show up in court in about a month. It looks like they're going to keep bugging me, so I will probably have to permanently rehome five of my indoor cats.

The worst part is that the animal control officer insisted on knowing the names and descriptions of the five cats I "officially" have. So I had to think on the fly about which ones to make "official." That means I will probably have to give up Katie, Hagrid, Angel, Oz, and Cricket. They're shy, older cats and not likely to be adopted from a shelter.

The animal control guy told me that whoever reported me claimed to have tried to talk to me and that I wouldn't respond. That's a lie! Nobody has ever come over to talk to me about the cats.

I am so miserable right now.

02-07-2007, 10:51 PM
I wish you could find one decent person at a shelter or somewhere that could give you legal advice, or if you could talk to someone who has "been there".

I remember Catmandu, with the help of his vet, was able to have his home declared some sort of shelter, legally...if you can get a free consult with a lawyer, or a kind zoning officer, maybe there is something you can do?

I hope they know your neighbour or whoever lied. That no one spoke to you.

Even if you APPLY for re-zoning or whatever, that will buy you some time! They can't do anything til it's refused!

HUGS and prayers!

Prairie Purrs
02-07-2007, 11:01 PM
. . . legally...if you can get a free consult with a lawyer . . .

This actually gave me my first smile for the day. Although I'm not licensed at the moment, I do have a law degree and I've practiced in the past. So in a way, talking to myself could be considered a free consult with a lawyer.

Imagine this: if I were to throw five of my cats out on the street, refuse to feed them, and shoo them off my property any time I saw them there, the city would be fine with that. The cats would die, of course. But the city would be fine with that, too. They would rather have dead cats than live ones.

What in the world is wrong with people?

02-07-2007, 11:05 PM
SOOO - look into having your house declared a pet refuge, or whatever the legal term is for it there!

Ya don't swing, ya don't hit! :)

K & L
02-08-2007, 06:41 AM
This whole issue just burns me up! :mad: Why don't they take the efforts and go after the ones that are abusing the animals! All I can say is they're a bunch of IDIOTS! I'm sorry you have to go through all of this.

02-08-2007, 07:51 AM
I'm so sorry to hear about this. Maybe it is time to get the media involved.


02-08-2007, 12:45 PM
I am SO very sorry to read this. :( :( It's disgusting how cruel and ignorant people treat homeless and helpless animals! :mad: How can these people get up in the morning and face themself!! I'll quote Medusa and say: I hope they come back in their next lives as feral cats. Then they'll get it!

These cats don't harm anybody, they just need a shelter from the cold and some food every day. I could understand the inspector getting worked up about it, if they were left to fend for themselves and no one wanted to care for them, but that's not the case. This is just too much!! :mad:

I see some have suggested you contact the media, and perhaps that's what you need to do. There must be humanity somewhere! If you could get hold of the right person to write an article about this, it might help. Does anyone here have contacts in the media world?

As Kim suggested, perhaps you try to move them in the wee hours of the night, to another location where you could still go and feed them discreetly!I really hope the RMACA will be able to help relocate them - and I hope you can find homes for Katie, Hagrid, Angel, Oz, and Cricket, if neccesary.

I'm sending my best throughts for the kitties and you.

What a sad world!! :(

((((((Big hugs)))))))

Prairie Purrs
02-08-2007, 01:02 PM
Thanks, everyone, for the kind words. I haven't heard anything yet from the RMACA, so I'm still pretty much in limbo. I have talked to a couple of friends, but they can't take in any of my cats even temporarily.

I'm really wondering whether I should just pack up and leave. I'm not sure that I want to live in a neighborhood where the neighbors are going to be spying on me around the clock to make sure that they never see a cat in my yard.

02-08-2007, 02:07 PM
Hey, if you don't have a car or a friend who would be willing to drive you during the wee hours of the night, how about calling a cab? I'm sure for the right tip, a cabby would keep his mouth shut about your trips! What does everyone think? I've never been in a cab in my life, so I may be way off base here?

02-08-2007, 02:33 PM
First of all, your shy and elderly cats are not going to end up at a shelter. I would lose my mind if I was threatened with this so I can imagine how you are feeling. Between us all we can shoe-horn in another one or two here or there, we just have to get our rears in gear on how to transport. Both B.F. and 911Rescue, and lots of Yahoo groups, have tons of experience in long-distance transport (cheaply).

You are going to be miserable in your neighborhood from now on, not knowing who is spying on you and when, knowing how your neighbors feel about other forms of sentient life. Can you move to a place outside the city limits where you can have more animals and still do your job?

I know what it feels like to be spied on although the neighbor who was the greatest threat to me sold up her house last year - relief! However, the people living next to me are the kind to judge first and ask questions later. I try to make sure that only one front window is available for cat sitting at any time.

I hope the rescue can help you with the ferals because it's going to be unendurable to you to simply stop feeding them, or move away from them and leave them to their miserable fate.

Do you belong to the Best Friends Network? They have a Colorado community that you can post to and it may make you feel less alone.

Prairie Purrs
02-08-2007, 03:16 PM
Hey, if you don't have a car or a friend who would be willing to drive you during the wee hours of the night, how about calling a cab? I'm sure for the right tip, a cabby would keep his mouth shut about your trips! What does everyone think? I've never been in a cab in my life, so I may be way off base here?

There's really no place I could relocate the ferals, though. Maybe I'll be able to find someone with a barn who would be willing to take them, but I can't just move them to another part of town.

Prairie Purrs
02-08-2007, 03:33 PM
First of all, your shy and elderly cats are not going to end up at a shelter. I would lose my mind if I was threatened with this so I can imagine how you are feeling. Between us all we can shoe-horn in another one or two here or there, we just have to get our rears in gear on how to transport. Both B.F. and 911Rescue, and lots of Yahoo groups, have tons of experience in long-distance transport (cheaply).

You are going to be miserable in your neighborhood from now on, not knowing who is spying on you and when, knowing how your neighbors feel about other forms of sentient life. Can you move to a place outside the city limits where you can have more animals and still do your job?

I know what it feels like to be spied on although the neighbor who was the greatest threat to me sold up her house last year - relief! However, the people living next to me are the kind to judge first and ask questions later. I try to make sure that only one front window is available for cat sitting at any time.

I hope the rescue can help you with the ferals because it's going to be unendurable to you to simply stop feeding them, or move away from them and leave them to their miserable fate.

Do you belong to the Best Friends Network? They have a Colorado community that you can post to and it may make you feel less alone.

Thank you! I haven't given up on finding a solution that will let my feline family stay together, but the worst thought of all is the idea of surrendering them to a shelter. I'll do anything to avoid that.

I certainly am feeling like I'm under the microscope. It's horrid. To have lived here for as long as I have and to suddenly have the neighbors turn on me is heartbreaking.

One of the few bright spots is that my job is done entirely via computer. I can work from anywhere in the U.S. (except Alaska or Hawaii), as long as I can hook up the computer to a high-speed Internet connection. So I think I'll be looking for a cat-friendly place that I can afford.

I will check out the Best Friends Network. Thanks!

02-08-2007, 03:38 PM
Hi I really wish I could be of some help to you.

This situation however has opened my eyes to my own situation. I have been feeding ferals for well over 1 year and a 1/2 now and just last night I had a few cats (cat fighting) over the food. I have two bowls but it made me think about your situation and how I couldn't afford to move anywhere else right now and plus they let me have 5 cats and haven't said crap to me about it. Of course I keep things very well clean so they shouldn't say anything about it but it made me realize that what if my neighbors would turn me in..... I really hope something like that won't happen because it would be heartbreaking to stop feeding the ferals especially in the dead of winter right now.

My prays are with you and your cats.


02-08-2007, 03:49 PM
The Found Cat Hotel Is Designated As A Rescue Shelter.
I Have Signed An Agreement That I Will Take No More Animals In, Except For The 8 That I Have Listed With Them.
They Know That The Found Cats Will Be Cared For When My Time Comes.
I Was Reported As A Hoarder With Sick And Ill Cats And They Came In Expecting The Worst.when They Saw All The Food, The Vet Records And The Excellent Condition Of The Found Cats, They Were Relieved And We Came To An Accord.
I Had Gotten Them To Accept 7, But Then Joseph Howled, I Think He Thought The Visitors Had Treats.
So I Had To Admit To One More.
We Are Praying Penny That You Can Find A Place To Temporarily Rehome Your Cats.
The Found Cat Paradise Hotel Has Done That Many Times, I Wish You Were Closer.
The Best Of Luck With You And Your Cats.
Have You Asked Your Vet For Ideas?

02-08-2007, 04:22 PM
Reading your thread made me so sad, i just wish there was something one could do to help your situation, it really is a catch 22, and yes the damn city should be spending their time prosecuting those who dump these poor animals, my heart goes out to you right now, i can only imagine how you must be feeling, i hope and pray their will be a happy ending for you and your ferals, please keep us posted and HUGS, and best wishes for the best outcome.

02-08-2007, 07:36 PM
Good luck with all of this. I have come so close to losing my house and so losing a place for my "guys" that I can barely allow myself to think about it. For me, help came when I least expected it. I hope it does for you too. The animals know we are on their side.

02-08-2007, 08:29 PM
I wish I could help. This makes me feel so sad. I hope RMACA comes through for you for the ferals.

If it was me, I'd move ASAP and get away from your uncaring neighbors. I feed ferals in my backyard, too, and no one has griped. At least not yet.

Praying for all your kitties and you.