View Full Version : New Siggy!

Laura's Babies
02-07-2007, 09:35 AM
Since there have been some changes in my house, I thought I should make a new siggy. You will notice there is somebody missing... My big boy Chester. Rie and I have discussed it and we have decided that he will stay at her house since he is so happy there and hates coming home. He is a completely different boy at her house than he is here and that has bothered me a lot but I just couldn't give him up.

When I got home and went to Rie's house this time, when he saw me, he ran from me, afraid I would bring him home. I guess since we have done this back and forth thing since he was a baby, he thinks THAT is HIS home and he loves it there and is bored here. Now with Kitty Boo here, I think it is time to let him have his perfect world and stay there. If he wasn't so happy there, I would never agree to it but he is so much more happier there.

So I am still a 4 cat household because Chester has finally got his perfect world. I told Rie, I will still pay his vet bills and for whatever he needs, in other words, pay child support!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-07-2007, 10:17 AM
Oh Laura, it must have been so heart breaking when Chester ran from you. :( But it sounds like you made the right decision, especially with the arrival of Kitty Boo. And just think, now you're a complete household of girls. :D

Love the siggy! :D

02-07-2007, 10:24 AM
Laura, love the new siggy. I know it must have been hard to let Chester go but it sounds like you did what was best for Chester.

02-07-2007, 10:32 AM
It must have been hard for you to part with Chester. I am glad he is happy though...do you get visitation rights with that child support? :) I love your new siggy by the way...very nice.

Laura's Babies
02-07-2007, 10:42 AM
Chester is only 2 miles away and I can see him anytime I want to.... as long as he don't run to hide thinking he has to come home... I KNOW he will be happier there and I already miss him. He is such a sweet boy...

Yes, it is a house of girls now. I have always had male cats so this is a first for me!

02-07-2007, 11:36 AM
It sounds like the perfect situation for everyone, Laura! Now poor Chester can feel settled, but you can still see him regularly. ;)

I love your new siggy!

02-07-2007, 06:07 PM
It Takes A Very Good Meeowmie To Do Whats Best For Her Cats, And Thats Wonderful Knowing That Chester Has A Place Where He Will Be At Peace, And Where He Can Still See You Once In A While.
The Best Possible Solution To That Dilemma.

02-09-2007, 11:14 AM
Oh Laura, I'm just now seeing this. I'm sure it is hard not having him home with you but like you said, you can go visit. I bet once he realizes you aren't taking him away he will be out to greet you.