View Full Version : Hero dog saves woman - touching story

02-06-2007, 03:50 PM
Oh how I would love to meet this dog:


Wayward dog is Georgia woman's Hero

Associated Press
Published February 4, 2007

THOMASVILLE, Ga. -- A Georgia woman bloodied in a car wreck says she owes her life to a German shepherd who--thankfully--just wouldn't stay in his yard.

Shannon Lorio says that after her car careered down an embankment, the wayward dog found her bruised and battered on the vehicle's trunk, dragged her about 50 yards through briars to a highway and let her lean against him so she could flag down a passing motorist.

His new name: Hero.

"That dog is always going to have a special place in my heart," Lorio said Friday. "He's my hero."

His previous owners signed him over to the Thomasville-Thomas County Humane Society after the Jan. 26 accident because he kept wandering off.

He won't be in the shelter long. At least 50 people offered to adopt him.

Lorio, 36, of Pavo said she can't adopt Hero because she already has six dogs, but she's showered him with gifts.

"If he ever needs anything, I'll be there," she said.

Dog trainer Heidy Drawdy of Thomasville will take Hero to see if he's cut out to be a search and rescue dog.

First item on the agenda for the wandering canine: obedience training.

Although, it does make me mad that his owners just signed him over. What an amazing dog!

02-06-2007, 03:59 PM
That's an incredible story!
Why in the WORLD would his owners give him up?
I'll never understand that!

Way to go Hero!!
I pray you have a wonderful life with owners that appreciate you!

02-07-2007, 08:10 AM
I know! I can't understand why they wouldn't want him anymore, but I hope he has a happy life from now on :)

02-07-2007, 09:17 AM
Ah, I read this touching story in our news paper here in the U.K. It did bring a little tear to my eye.

I hope the dog gets a great life doing rescue work or something else fulfilling. I'm sure he'll end up somewhere great as there are so many people who want to own him.