View Full Version : Speeding Tickets?

02-06-2007, 01:41 PM
I was just wondering, how many people here have gotten at least one speeding ticket?

Just a random question in my brain from a little incident that happened today...I think you know what happened seeing as my question lol.

02-06-2007, 01:44 PM
I have never gotten an actual ticket, but have gotten warnings several times in my life. If you get three written warnings in a year, it counts against your insurance, but I have never had more than one in a year.

critter crazy
02-06-2007, 01:45 PM


02-06-2007, 02:10 PM


haha...yeah...GUILTY! Too!

Wow, Karen you've been very lucky:)

02-06-2007, 02:13 PM
I've never...knock on wood. I guess I still have lots of years for that. I've only had my licence for 6 years.

02-06-2007, 02:41 PM
I haven't in over 30 years of driving, but I know I've been very lucky. I try never to be the only fast car on the freeway, that helps, and that's the only place that I speed. I drive only slighly over the limit in neighborhoods. And I've never gone over 85, has anyone else? Probably people who have driven on the open stretches of places like Nevada.

I've only been stopped a few times. I remember the first time well because I stupidly leapt out of the car right after stopping. Fortunately, I started babbling in a British accent so the cop knew the error was cultural. (I'd forgotten to put my new tabs on.)

02-06-2007, 02:42 PM
One in my life and it was a long time ago. I was going 50 mph in a 35 mph zone. That guy was going to nail me and my red car, no matter what! :o My husband (now ex-husband) was furious at me! Never could understand how he got so mad at me when he had gotten a speeding ticket before I did!

02-06-2007, 02:43 PM
Guilty! I got a speeding ticket when I was 19.

critter crazy
02-06-2007, 02:45 PM
And I've never gone over 85, has anyone else?
my biggest ticket was on the highway, i was going 86 in a 65 MPH zone. Oops!!:eek:

Lady's Human
02-06-2007, 02:58 PM
As usual, I must plead the 5th. :p

02-06-2007, 03:03 PM
I have been very lucky, I've never been pulled over. Only been driving for 10 years though, so I suppose it will probably happen someday. Though I would be just fine if it didn't happen! :D

02-06-2007, 03:46 PM
I used to be very bad! :o
My first one was just a few months after I got my license!
I had a Camaro for a few years... enough said!
At one point I had 4 tickets on my license!
(woops! That's a lot of points! My car insurance went Waaaaay up!)
The most expensive one was when I was caught going 92 in a 60.
As soon as I sold that car I didn't get speeding tickets anymore... Hummm... go figure!
I've gotten myself out of 2 tickets by crying! :o

02-06-2007, 03:47 PM
Guilty! I got a speeding ticket when I was 19.

Wow, this is my first time I ever got pulled over and I'm 19! Wow, I'm glad I"m not the only one who has gotten one. I was wanting to get some gas on my lunch break, so I went down to the gas station and found a nice line up of cars waiting to get gas. When I finally got gas and got back in my car, it was 3 minutes left of my lunch and my work is like 6 mins away or 10 something like that.

Anyways I didn't want to be late so I was speeding 19 over the speedlimit and just as I went around a corner a cop caught me from a small parking lot he was sitting in. Luckily he was a very nice cop but his ticket charge wasn't noice :o

critter crazy
02-06-2007, 03:49 PM
Wow, this is my first time I ever got pulled over and I'm 19! Wow, I'm glad I"m not the only one who has gotten one. I was wanting to get some gas on my lunch break, so I went down to the gas station and found a nice line up of cars waiting to get gas. When I finally got gas and got back in my car, it was 3 minutes left of my lunch and my work is like 6 mins away or 10 something like that.

Anyways I didn't want to be late so I was speeding 19 over the speedlimit and just as I went around a corner a cop caught me from a small parking lot he was sitting in. Luckily he was a very nice cop but his ticket charge wasn't noice :o
hmm....my first ticket was when i was 19!!!!:eek: Creepy!

02-06-2007, 03:51 PM
Nope ~ Not yet ~ Of course, I've probably just jinxed myself! :p

critter crazy
02-06-2007, 03:55 PM
Nope ~ Not yet ~ Of course, I've probably just jinxed myself! :p
you know, I had once told a friend, after he had hit a deer with his car, that I had never done that, and as luck would have it the very next day, I hit a deer!:eek: So yeah, you Jinxed yourself!!:D

02-06-2007, 04:00 PM
I haven't yet, but that's not to say I haven't deserved one! The speedometer on my car only goes up to 100, so I can't say what the fatest I've driven is. :p

My boyfriend once got a ticket going 107 in a 65. He lost his license for awhile. He's also taken me up to 140 on the bike.

02-06-2007, 04:13 PM
I've never had one...but then again I've only been driving for about 2 years.

Lady's Human
02-06-2007, 04:33 PM
One bit of advice when pulled over for speeding............

Never, EVER tell the officer "No, officer, I don't know how fast I was going, the speedo only goes up to 85" :p

02-06-2007, 04:43 PM

02-06-2007, 04:50 PM
I've gotten 4 --

1. One because i was driving fast, and got busted -- knocked down to 14km over from 40km over -- i was like 18 at the time

2&3. I was in a line of cars all going the same speed, and we all got pulled over in a random cash grab speed trap long weekend (2 different weekends). One was for 8 over, and one was 17 over -- the officers walked down the line of cars, collected info, processed tickets, and returned info without -any-talking at all. talk about stupid.

4. A speed trap near my home when I was late for work. I was driving with an expired sticker on my plates, my insurance and license addresses didn't match my ownership address (i'd just moved), and i was doing 30km over hte speed limit. The nice officer looked down my top, and let me off with a warning and knocked it down to 14km over (no demerits).

02-06-2007, 04:51 PM
ONE- coming back from a gospel concert- I uh was going 85 in a 65 mile uh zone..

02-06-2007, 05:18 PM
Nope !!! :p *grins slyly*

02-06-2007, 06:21 PM
Three total in my life time. The last one was in 1997. I was 18 for the first ticket and 19 for the last.

First was for 70 in a 55.

Second was 50 in a 45.

Third was 30 in a 25. I was coasting downhill not riding the brake and the cop nailed me when I reached the bottom of the hill. Tried fighting it but lost.

I've been pulled over a few times since then for other things, but only given warnings.

02-06-2007, 06:38 PM
Only had one speeding ticket & that was many years ago. I had just
gotten a Pontiac Firebird. :D Couldn't help myself.

02-06-2007, 07:02 PM
Not yet... But I certainly have deserved them a few times!! When you live in Japan and you have a rare chance at an open road you HAVE to take it. I think I got up to about 125kmh or so. That isn't even 80 mph but when the speed limit is 80kmh that is a pretty big deal :rolleyes: :D

02-06-2007, 07:05 PM
One in Texas and one in NH.


02-06-2007, 08:10 PM
wow, once again I will say that I am glad I'm not the only one, makes me feel better. I guess most people always gets at least one in their lifetime, but for those people that haven't yet, keep doing what you're doing to not get one, the tickets are money suckers lol.

Thanks everyone, your replies have all made me feel better:D I'm glad all of you were okay though and never got in accidents.

And I drive a Pontiac Sunfire GT, I know its not that great of a racecar or anything, but its a sportscar so I like using its power once and awhile :p but today I learned a lesson. I was driving through town later tonight and I was certainly going the speed limit. But most people I have talked to told me the fear of being caught again only lasts for a few months then you go back to speeding sometimes again lol.

02-06-2007, 08:25 PM
Luckily I've never had one. I've been pulled over a few times, but just gotten a warning like Karen. I don't really speed that much though- I never speed in residential zones and the speed limit is 75 on the highway so there's really no need there.

02-06-2007, 08:52 PM
In 35 yrs of driving, never. Did get stopped once though, was so nervous that I got off with the cop telling me I should go home and rest. :)

02-06-2007, 09:34 PM
Only had one just a year after I got my license. Was going 45mph in a 25mph zone, I was testing out the 'passing gear' in my new car to impress a friend. Ooops! Cop was nice enough to knock it down to 30 in a 25 since it was my first ticket, but he had to give me one just to scare me when I was young (which it did) so I wouldn't do it again (and I haven't done it again).

I got pulled over once for a burnt out headlight. I had to pick up my then fiance' from work at 2a.m. and didn't know it was burnt out till I started the car to leave. It's not like I can buy a new bulb at 2a.m. so I only got a warning, and first thing in the morning I got the bulb replaced, which I would have done even if I hadn't been stopped.

My mom on the other hand has had the darndest luck with cops!

*first wreck at 18, she slid off a side road on sheet ice, Normally around here she'd have gotten a ticket for 'failure to control the vehicle'. The first wrecker and police car on the scene BOTH slid off the road in the same spot right into the car!! It crushed my grandpa's car to bits!!! Needless to say she didn't get a ticket!

Her next 2 wrecks were in an ORANGE Pinto...

*One the driver was going wrong way on a one way street while mom was at the intersection, driver cut corner too close and hit her. It was icy that day and had only cleared a very tiny portion of his windshield, so that's why he didn't see mom. When the cop showed up he didn't buy the guys story of just plain not seeing her (omitting the part about not clearing the now defrosted windshield). The cop took one look at the bright orange pinto and said 'there's no way in heck you can NOT see this car!'. Needless to say mom didn't get a ticket.

*Next wreck in same orange pinto was when she dropped me off at school. Some high school kid came zooming out of the lot about the space of 10 parking spaces, and rammed right into mom's front fender! When the cop showed up the guys claims my mom got up to 'at least 50mph' in that same space and hit HIM! Cop took one look at the now bondo-ed orange and gray pinto, and said 'there is NO WAY a pinto can reach a speed like that in that distance'. Needless to say mom didn't get a ticket.

*mom got a red pickup truck with 4 wheel drive, and one winter after a BIG snowstorm was going to show me how to drive it since I'd never used 4 weel drive or a rear wheel drive vehicle. So she took me to an empty snow filled parkinglot and let me try sliding and correcting a skid with and without 4x4 in. Mom laughed at me while I was doing these teeny little skids. So she gets behind the wheel and starts doing these fabulous 180's and 160's all over the lot reving the engine and having a blast. That's when we saw the cop pull into the lot!! With snow bucking the cop car's headlights, mom drove over to him so he wouldn't get stuck trying to get to the back of the lot. The cop was trying SO HARD not to bust out laughing when he saw an old gray haired woman roll down the window when he expected a bunch of teens!! Mom explained how she was teaching me to drive 4x4 and figured an empty lot was the safest place. The cop agreed and said it was ok. He was grinning from ear to ear the entire time he was sliding backing out of the lot!

*Mom's next wreck was trying to turn left (without a light) at a busy intersection. This particular day there was a parade of antique cars in a LONG line coming towards her on a 4 lane highway, they were using the closest lane to mom so she couldn't see the far lane. One car in the middle of the parade finally stopped to let her turn, and as she turned a car shot out of a nearby gas station in that far lane and RAMMED right into mom's car! When the cop showed up the parade was STILL going on and the cop had to WAIT to even get to the wreck. The parade cars wouldn't even let the cop in! The cop found out that they were running the red lights with only a cop in the lead and no cop at each intersection directing traffic, nor anyone following the parade in the rear. That made the cop mad, so mom didn't get a ticket because if the cops had been stationed where they should have been the wreck would never have happened. So much to the annoyance of the other driver, mom didn't get a ticket.

*mom got pulled over once when she was young, after she took a friend to the bar and was parked there all day. Mom drank only Pepsi and was driving, but her friend was blasted! This cop sat outside the bar and followed mom all the way to drop off her friend, AND all the way to the babysitters house to get me. Apparently I was sleeping in the carseat. The cop finally pulls mom over and when he walked up to the car he shined his flashlight in and it woke me up, and of course I cried my fool head off (I was very little at the time). Mom lit into that cop for following her so far without stopping her, for stopping her without cause because he'd seen the car parked at a bar all day, and woke up her baby! She demanded his car number, badge number and name of his supervisor the works. I guess that really got the cop nervous, so he let her go. The next week mom goes to the same bar all day with the same friend, and this time they were BOTH blasted! As they left they looked across the road and here sits that SAME cop! Mom's friend got all nervous, but mom just smiled, and as she pulled out of the lot she honked her horn and waved as she drove past the cop, and he did NOT follow or stop her!!!! ROFL

If all that isn't luck I don't know what is! That's just the funniest ones I can think of, there are more!! ROFL

02-06-2007, 09:43 PM
Yep, I've got a speeding ticket. It **knock on wood, or Frankies head** has been my only one so far. I got it when I was 16 for going 35 in a school zone; there weren't any kids present, but the cop was a jerk.
For the most part our main freeways average 75-80 mph, so you really have to be going fast to get the highway patrol after you. The city cops are the ones to watch out for, they set speed traps regularly.

I've been rear ended three times, but none of them did any damage to my truck because I leave my tow hitch in for this very reason. The first one was a kid that had just got his permit and was driving with his dad. I didn't take any insurance because I felt bad for the poor kid, not to mention that it destroyed the front end of their mini van.

I've also been in a nasty wreck that put me and my passenger in the hospital. A girl that had just got her license did an illegal U-turn on a 2 lane highway in the middle of the night. I somehow managed to avoid hitting her square in the driver's door, but I didn't have any time to even hit my brakes. There wasn't a whole lot left of my truck after that; I miss that truck too.

02-07-2007, 07:27 AM
I'll never forget my first speeding ticket...

It was just after we had brought our little Angus boy home.

I'd written a check and needed to get the money in the bank asap before going to work. Of course I was on cloud 9 because I had a brand new little rottie puppy at home and was in la-la land while I was driving.
I was caught speeding in a school zone:o

That boy cost me $85 extra dollars...but he was so worth it:D

Pawsitive Thinking
02-07-2007, 08:31 AM
Had two (so far) - £60 each and 6 points on my license :( Am a very good girl now

02-07-2007, 07:57 PM

South Africa can be a little like driving in Germany - you either go fast or go home ........... so needless to say, I went fast, and got caught.

and Anna - Yes, I think that was worth getting a fine for - darlin Angus boy.:D

02-07-2007, 09:02 PM
In 33 years of driving, I've never got a ticket. I'm boring.;)

02-09-2007, 12:41 AM
not yet! :p ... really, am a honest driver. I speed with flow, sometimes it's 80 or 85MPH. not when I have my furrtravellers with me, so, oftenly impossible being ticketed.

this october will be my seventh year driving! :eek: I remember the day one I got my new car. :D