View Full Version : Jess had to stay at the vets...

02-06-2007, 07:27 AM
Well, like I couldn't get anymore bad luck lately after Mist being put to sleep and other stuff going on unrelated to the dogs, our Jess suddenly came down with mild vestibular disease symptoms last week. Knowing that there are numerous possible causes for vestibular and sometimes no obvious cause at all, I took her into the vets to find out and she was put on anti-biotics and given an anti-inflammatory injection.
She went back the next day and the vet I saw then also saw some small seeds in her left ear near the ear drum. There was no soreness or inflammation around them and she doesn't know whether they had anything to do with the vestibular symptoms but she said they were better out than in but as Jess was still suffering the verstibular symptoms and still had some nystagmus, she didn't think it would be a good idea to put her under at that time to get the seeds out and confuse her brain even more so I had to go back today. Jess is practically back to normal now. The nystagmus has gone and she just has a slight unsteadiness in the odd situation but looks normal most of the time.

The seeds are still there and being as she is much better, the vet is going to put her under this afternoon to get rid of the seeds so that they aren't able to cause a problem in future even though they aren't now.

They'll be phoning later to let me know when I can pick her up.

Wish her luck. At 13 years old, you can't help but worry a bit more even though it isn't invasive surgery.

02-06-2007, 07:28 AM
I will do more than 'wish luck"- I will put her and you in prayers... Keep up posted ..

Daisy and Delilah
02-06-2007, 08:30 AM
Poor Jess and you :( I'll keep that sweet girl in my thoughts and prayers. GET WELL SWEETHEART!!! {{{{{HUGS}}}}} :)

02-06-2007, 09:57 AM
Thanks guys.

Well, she's home and seeming quite pirky for a 13 year old dog who's just been put under.

The seed is out and the vet said it had caused a bit of infection which is the likely cause of the vestibular symptoms.

She's on anti-biotics still and steriods for a bit and has to go back to the vets for a check in a couple of weeks.

****** seeds...!!!!