View Full Version : Transporting a kitty in very cold weather

02-05-2007, 11:19 AM
My parents are going out of town for a week and a half. Their heater was acting up today and the repair man said it should be watched each day to make sure it doesn't go out again. My mom called to ask if Cassie and I would like to stay at their house while they're gone, as opposed to me just going over there and then coming home. It is so very cold out, I can't imagine putting her in the carrier and going out in this weather. We make our annual vet visit in the summer when this isn't a problem. Friday (2nd) was her 10th Gotcha Day, but it wasn't nearly this cold out when I brought her home. I just remember letting the car warm up for a long time so it would be warm when I put her (in the carrier) in. If I wrap the carrier with her in it in a heavy blanket, and the car is warm, will that be okay? Their house has a big window facing south, and she could sit there and watch the trees and birds.

02-05-2007, 11:28 AM
I have had to transport in cold weather and I warm the car up first, then place my carrier in the front seat and buckle it in and then put a nice heavy blanket over the carrier as well. Also you can warm a blanket for the inside of the carrier in a clothes dryer, just be careful that the blanket is not too hot when you put Cassie in it.

I have also used a hot water bottle underneath a blanket to keep a cat warm.

02-05-2007, 11:38 AM
I just put towels/blankies in the carrier and then cover the carrier so the wind doesn't get in to the cat. Unless the cat is ill, the short trip to a warm car (or back to the house) should not harm them. BUt I always feel bad if I need to take them out in the cold. :o

02-05-2007, 11:59 AM
Warm your vehicle up before putting kitty in and drape a blanket/afghan over the carrier to keep wind out till get kitty in vehicle or house.

Laura's Babies
02-05-2007, 12:27 PM
All good advice.. Brief trips out in the cold will not hurt them.

02-05-2007, 05:01 PM
Thats What Worries Me About The Porch Cats As Its Very Cold And Windy In Ontario.
But A Short Car Ride Should Be All Right, In A Warm Car.
The Porch Cats Are Cold , They Must Have A Warm Spot To Hide.
But In This Terrible Weather It Must Be Hard To Find A Safe Warm Place.
Please Pray For The Porchies.

02-05-2007, 06:56 PM
Is there a way to put her in the carrier so she won't freak? I hate trips to the vet because every time I have to put her in the carrier, she freaks. Coming home the tech helps me.

02-05-2007, 07:07 PM
Is there a way to put her in the carrier so she won't freak? I hate trips to the vet because every time I have to put her in the carrier, she freaks. Coming home the tech helps me.

Try backing her into it. Sometimes if they don't see where they are going, it is easier to trick them! ;) I'm sure she will be fine. You got lots of great tips on keeping her warm! I like the warm blanket from the dryer alot!


02-05-2007, 07:41 PM
Or - put the carrier on end, door end up and open

Pick up Cassie and gently and firmly hold her back legs together, as well as holding her front paws together.

Put her in tail end first, and "thread" her into the carrier!

It's the back legs that create all the trouble.

Learned this one at the boarding kennel where I worked :)

02-05-2007, 07:49 PM
Or - put the carrier on end, door end up and open

Pick up Cassie and gently and firmly hold her back legs together, as well as holding her front paws together.

Put her in tail end first, and "thread" her into the carrier!

It's the back legs that create all the trouble.

Learned this one at the boarding kennel where I worked :)

This is how I do it also..... Sooooo much easier.

02-05-2007, 08:58 PM
She'll be fine with warm blankets.Bring extra blankets in case of a pee accident.That we do because sometimes they get nervous and pee....but I wouldn't worry too much.Don't open the car door at all if you have to throw in an extra blanket.She could get loose.Always have the cage door shut and locked if the car door is opened for any reason.
In fact don't open the cage door at all unless you know she's soaked and need a new blanket.She sounds like she's in great hands anyway :) Don't worry...she'll be fine. :)

02-05-2007, 09:05 PM
A lot of cats do better with a top-load carrier. The top is a second door, larger than the front door. You put them in feet first and it's not as scary, and also easier to get those helicopter legs inside. :)