View Full Version : Has Anyone???????

02-04-2007, 07:25 PM
We are still struggling with Little Chloe we changed the litter....... I found the feline pine doesn't work real well with 4 cats because the odor as pretty bad at times????? Unless I was not taking very good care of it??? I also found that they really don't care for that much. They kept going down stairs to use the litter because I still used the clay litter down stairs it also was an alternative to the pine in case we had problems with the change. I found that it has made NO difference with Chloes chewing it I think it has made it worse. She is almost all the way up all legs completely gone! :eek: :eek: I suppose it stressed her out even more not liking the new litter...... I feel helpless with this.......

So before we go back to the vet and try the alternative I have decided to try Composure???? I am not sure if anyone has heard of it??? It is an herbal calming serum that my mother in law and sister in law are using for their animals. My mother in law has a dog that has stress induced seizures usually for around the holidays especially at the 4th of July. My sister in law has a male cat that feels the need to pee on the leather furniture whenever he is upset. Both have had very good results on both animals so I thought that I would give it a shot with Chloe I really don't want to start with the antidepressants with her she is just to young and cats systems are just so sensitive and I really don't want to go there quite yet. So any feed back would be wonderful.... You all have been such a good help with this Thank You so Much!!

Laura's Babies
02-04-2007, 07:39 PM
I would try EVERYTHING natural on the market before I started giving her man made stuff...(antidepressants).. Like you, if she is young, man made stuff can not be good long term... what would that do long term to her? I was on antidepressants for awhile and it took a lot longer to get off of them than I took them for need.

I got this at my vets and have found it works. I get the "Calming Spray" and it helped a lot with Amy and the car trips and helping Samantha getting tolerated when she first came to live here. I have had good results with this!


02-04-2007, 07:48 PM
I Use The Pet Valu Clumping Litter And I Tell That Works The Best.
And Is The Most Economical.

02-04-2007, 09:07 PM
By all means, try the Composure.

Also, Nancy Efrusy, a pet psychic that many here have used, might be able to find out what Chloe is so stressed about.

I think she charges only about $30 US...and free readings in the future.

If you look for Kirsten's thread here in Cat General about animal communicators you will find Nancy's address there.

HUGS and good luck with Chloe! :)

02-04-2007, 09:34 PM
Try Nancy, she helped me a lot with Allen. Even though he still insists on going outside the box I at least know why. She told me that another kitty was stalking Allen in the box. I rolled my eyes and thought, "yeah right". Well, don't you know ever since I've spotted Harry stalking Harry a hundred times over!?!?!

I've been thinking of calling her again to seek help on Harry stalking Pouncer now. Harry's seriously stressing out Pouncer. Poor Pouncer's been on and off valium for months now for his stress issues.