View Full Version : Animal psychic Nancy Efrusy: Who here at PT has contacted/used her?

02-04-2007, 12:31 PM
A while ago, I asked for experiences with animal communictors/psychics (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=119667) to help a friend with her cat Cleo, who suffers from a very bad case of phychogenic alopezia, and aggression.

In that thread, someone mentioned Nancy Efrusy and said that many PTlers have worked with her, with good results. Sounds interesting, so I'd like to learn more. How it worked, how to contact her, what to tell her etc.

To make it short, we (my friend and I) just don't know how to start. My friend is living in Germany, so we hope it's not a problem, but as it was said she works from a photo, I think this should be no problem.

You can pm me if you like. I would really like to help Claudia with this as she's really on her wit's end with Cleo. She's in such a terrible state that she has been recommended several times to put her to sleep, but as we all know, that's a decision that's not so easy to make, and she just wants to try everything possible that may help Cleo to get her out of her self-chosen (mental) prison.

BTW, I haven't met Cleo in person yet, but what Claudia's telling me about her is breaking my heart for both of them...


02-04-2007, 01:22 PM
You may wish to post this on the dog side as well, as I know at least a few people over there have contacted her.

02-04-2007, 01:36 PM
Thanks! I'll do that! :)


02-04-2007, 02:21 PM
efrusy @ yahoo. com - Nancy Efrusy

She works from a photo, and her prices are resonable. She lives in the USA.

Lots of folks here on PT have used her, with great results.

Sorry, it took me a bit to find her email address!

02-04-2007, 02:31 PM
I've used her before because I've been having problems with Starr pooping outside of the litterbox. I e-mailed her a picture of him and then she'll e-mail you her readings. She also called me so we could talk by phone. She did 2 readings and then she later gave me her mailing address so I could mail her a check. She's not interested in making money but in helping you learn more about your animal's personalities or whatever problem that they may be having. She'll also do future readings for the same animal for free.

Since my Starr is still having diarrhea problems, I've asked her about this and he really can't tell her exactly what the problem is so sometimes health issues are very hard for her to diagnose. The animal can only let her know how they're feeling. Good luck.:)

02-04-2007, 05:55 PM
Here's my thread about Kiara and Nancy.


She was very wonderful. I'll admit, I was incredibly wary at first. She said a lot of things that she couldn't have just come up with - especially mentioned a red-skinned man that was nice (my dad.)

02-05-2007, 11:22 AM
Thank you very much for your replies, that was very helpful. I hope she will do readings of cats living outside the US.

I think it would be very helpful to know what Cleo has to "tell", maybe that way Claudia can find the key to her obviously tortured soul. I think the next time I talk to Claudia on the phone, we should try to set up such a list of questions.

Thank you very much!


02-05-2007, 11:51 AM
I have used her for Kylie - she is amazing.
I'd go ahead with it -
not sure how easy it will be to get American money to her but I'm sure she will work it out with you/Claudia...

02-06-2007, 11:54 AM

I'm sure the American money thing won't be a problem.

BTW, are there any requirements regarding the photo of Cleo that Claudia has to send? I figure it's important to see her eyes? And does the photo have to show the entire cat, or just her face? Cleo is always wearing an Elizabethan collar because otherwise, she would hurt herself. Do you think it would be better to take a photo of her without it?

Do you think a photo like this one will do?


Here, she's not wearing the collar (as you can see), and the camera is scaring her. Also, she's under the influence of her "kitty prozac"...


02-06-2007, 12:07 PM
Great picture...from Nancy's point of view, I don't know.

Send her this one, and see if she needs another one. Or email her first, and ask her how many she needs.
