View Full Version : Two New Rescue Pups. SAD UPDATE 2/11/07

02-04-2007, 01:16 AM
Today one of my foster moms and I pulled 4 puppies from an Indiana shelter. One is in her care at her home, one is staying with my brother, and the other two are here. Here are a few pics of the ones I have here. They are 9 wk old Beagle mix pups. Our pup Dozer is twice there size and he is only 10 wks....it is soooo funny watching them play. The pups have been given their first vaccination and will go in for their second and to be altered in three weeks. They need some new names... Right now their names are Barney and Brenda...I want to change those, any suggestions??

On with the pictures...

This is Brandy. She loves Dozer's rope toy. Don't mind the stains on my carpet. We clean them every month, but they just get messy again....
She loves that rope!!
Here is Barney wrestling with Dozer....see the size difference?
This is the best picture I was able to snap of them...they are not very photogenic!!

02-04-2007, 08:17 AM
Hey, these are PUPPIES, they are automatically photogenic, just not into posing!!! What fun to have in the hosue all together. Best wishes little ones!!!!!

02-04-2007, 08:20 AM
They are too cute!!! I love Beagles and espically puppies!!

I do have a request of you...I'm not sure I've seen pictures of your Scruff. Could you post some for me?

Lori Jordan
02-04-2007, 08:20 AM
They are adorable!!!!!!! what about Bonnie and Clyde???Those are always cute names?

02-04-2007, 08:24 AM
They are just PRECIOUS! How about Indy & Ana? :)

02-04-2007, 08:35 AM
How cute I love puppies how about bright (like brite eyes) and scruffy

02-04-2007, 10:10 AM
What cuties! I'm glad you pulled them! They look like Cornfield, the rescue I had this past summer. Good luck with them and keep us posted! :)

02-04-2007, 12:26 PM
I do have a request of you...I'm not sure I've seen pictures of your Scruff. Could you post some for me?
Here is our Scruff. He is a big boy.

They are adorable!!!!!!! what about Bonnie and Clyde???Those are always cute names?
Those are cute names....but one of my good friends is named Bonnie, and it would just be wierd!!

How cute I love puppies how about bright (like brite eyes) and scruffy
I can't name them Scruffy, because our dog is Scruff. Thanks though!!

02-04-2007, 05:11 PM
They are just PRECIOUS! How about Indy & Ana? :)

Hey, I like that. :D Best of luck to both of them. :)

02-04-2007, 07:16 PM
Thanks Tracy! Scruff is adorable!! I have a soft "spot" for the black and white polka dotted puppies!!!

02-04-2007, 10:54 PM
They are precious! I hope they thrive well for you! ;)

02-05-2007, 11:39 PM
Well the two pups are sick. They are coughing, well more like hacking alot. They have thrown up a bit and have soft stools. Their gums are a bit pale too. The males nose is a bit runny and was crusty this evening. I cleaned him up and gave them some food, but they would not eat. I offered them some turkey lunch meat and the male ate it, but the female did not. I am taking them into the vet tomorrow at noon. They were vaccinated on January 23rd, at the other shelter, for distemper/parvo, but not bordetella. I sure hope they are okay. I am leaning towards kennel cough or the start of pnemonia...but hopefully it is not that serious. I still need names if anybody has any suggestions. I do like Indy and Ana though. I will post tomorrow after their appointment.

02-06-2007, 11:04 AM
Well, I just got back from the vet. The pups do have Kennel Cough. They were given a antibiotic shot, were dewormed, and are now on Amox. for 10 days. They are not eating, so the vet said to give them baby food through a suringe (can't spell today!) until they feel better. He also gave them some stuff to help harden up their stool. Just wanted to let you all know.

02-11-2007, 10:09 AM
I just wanted to update everybody on the puppies we pulled. Well, it turns out that it was Kennel Cough, but it also was Parvo. Brenda died on Thursday. Barney is currently at the animal hospital being treated, but it is not looking good for him. They were very far gone by the time I even got them. It is weird though, because they were so perky on Sunday, then Monday it changed. By Thursday they were helpless. I did all I could by giving them fluids and their antibiotics, but I still feel guilty. If the doctor only did a Parvo test...I even asked him if it could be Parvo and he said "no it's kennel cough"....boy was he wrong. I will never go there again. This is too much. I just went through this in December. It is very hard. I know that it is part of doing rescue, but it is so hard. Well, I just wanted to update everybody.

02-11-2007, 10:26 AM
I am so sorry to hear about the Parvo outbreak, it is such a tough thing to get rid of.

I have used and still swear by a product called Kenic Parvo-lan. I get mine through Jeffers pet supply. I use it all over my house.

Hugs to you and to your guys that they stay healthy!

02-11-2007, 10:29 AM
I just wanted to update everybody on the puppies we pulled. Well, it turns out that it was Kennel Cough, but it also was Parvo. Brenda died on Thursday. Barney is currently at the animal hospital being treated, but it is not looking good for him. They were very far gone by the time I even got them. It is weird though, because they were so perky on Sunday, then Monday it changed. By Thursday they were helpless. I did all I could by giving them fluids and their antibiotics, but I still feel guilty. If the doctor only did a Parvo test...I even asked him if it could be Parvo and he said "no it's kennel cough"....boy was he wrong. I will never go there again. This is too much. I just went through this in December. It is very hard. I know that it is part of doing rescue, but it is so hard. Well, I just wanted to update everybody.
Okay- now having parvo twice- I would not bring in another puppy into the house for at least 6 months. Even then- they should be complete on their shots.
I know you are trying to help, but parvo can live in the environment for a long time. Even best case with bleach, there is still a risk..

02-11-2007, 09:06 PM
Okay- now having parvo twice- I would not bring in another puppy into the house for at least 6 months. Even then- they should be complete on their shots.
I know you are trying to help, but parvo can live in the environment for a long time. Even best case with bleach, there is still a risk..
I have already decided that we are holding off on any type of puppy for a very long time. If we pull dogs (if that is) we will be sure they are adults, but I don't think I will be pulling any for about a month or so.

The last two pups had their first set of shots, but they must of had the virus prior to coming to me anyway. It was so sad. Once I get a building it will be easier to seperate the sick pups from the healthy ones, but for now...we are taking a break.

02-11-2007, 09:27 PM
I have already decided that we are holding off on any type of puppy for a very long time. If we pull dogs (if that is) we will be sure they are adults, but I don't think I will be pulling any for about a month or so.

The last two pups had their first set of shots, but they must of had the virus prior to coming to me anyway. It was so sad. Once I get a building it will be easier to seperate the sick pups from the healthy ones, but for now...we are taking a break.

I'd follow borzoimom's advice and wait 6 months or more to keep risk of reinfection down.

First set of shots mean nothing. Puppies don't get their full immunity until a few weeks after their LAST shot! That's why we always recommend to clients that even though they are in a hurry to take the puppy out to socalize it, show it off, or even enroll in puppy classes, that they should WAIT until the series of shots is finished first.

02-11-2007, 10:52 PM
Ohh no...:( I'm sorry for you and the pups. How is Dozer doing?

Perhaps Barney will pull through-I'll send some good vibes his way. Parvo isn't a death sentence, I've only personally seen one death from parvo (that was treated) out of probably 15-20 cases in the clinic I worked at (yes we have a lot of that down here..). Good luck to you guys.

You've had such a hard time lately-what with ringworm, and now parvo-hopefully some good luck is around the corner. You deserve it.

02-12-2007, 09:15 AM
This is aweful Tracy! I'm so sorry! :( Let me know if you need anything!

P.S. I'm leaving right now to pick up Bruce. ;)

02-12-2007, 09:25 AM
I'd follow borzoimom's advice and wait 6 months or more to keep risk of reinfection down.

First set of shots mean nothing. Puppies don't get their full immunity until a few weeks after their LAST shot! That's why we always recommend to clients that even though they are in a hurry to take the puppy out to socalize it, show it off, or even enroll in puppy classes, that they should WAIT until the series of shots is finished first.
Also- considering they are not sure when the immune system of the mother " kicks off" from the pups, is why we give multiple shots. Lets say moms immune system with one female kicks off at 6 weeks, while another might be 10 weeks- the pup that gets the shot at 6 weeks, when really, the system doesnt need it- probably stresses the sytem as well..
I am relieved to hear you are not taking on anymore pups. Remember and adult, if not cared for and doesnt have the shots as well also can catch this disease.

02-12-2007, 09:26 AM
Oh No!
How sad!
I hope Barney gets well soon and finds his furever home!
{hugs} to you!
I hope your pups stay healthy!

02-12-2007, 08:23 PM
Thank you everybody for your kind words. Sadly, Barney did not make it and the one sibling that was put in a foster home was tested postitve for Parvo. He never had any runny, bloody stool, he was eating, no vomiting, no signs of Parvo. The vet said just to keep him well hydrated with water/pedialyte mix, and to be sure he eats. Well, he died on Saturday night. It is so sad. I am taking a rest from pulling dogs for a bit. I may pull an adult or two from another rescue I have pulled from before (never had a problem with their dogs) in mid March, but I am not sure if I will even pull that soon. I am so hesitant now. My head is just spinning. Everytime I try to do good, bad happens. So far Dozer is okay. He is eating well and his gums are look great. I am taking him next week for a fecal to test for EVERYTHING! I just hope my lil' guy is okay. Thanks again for your kindness everybody.

02-12-2007, 09:01 PM
I'm so sorry about all this Tracy! :( I hope Dozer didn't get anything from the pups! Don't stop rescueing pups just because of a parvo outbreak! Keep your chin up, make sure all your pets are ok. Do a major cleaning and take a beather. You know if you ever have an emergancy I can take in someone. :)

02-12-2007, 09:05 PM
Just so you know...household bleach is the disinfectant of choice when it comes to killing parvo, so cleaning with some diluted bleach might be a good plan. I'm so sorry for your loss, you did what you could. :(

Daisy and Delilah
02-12-2007, 11:37 PM
{{{{{{Hugs To You}}}}}}

02-13-2007, 12:26 AM
I'm so sorry about all this Tracy! :( I hope Dozer didn't get anything from the pups! Don't stop rescueing pups just because of a parvo outbreak! Keep your chin up, make sure all your pets are ok. Do a major cleaning and take a beather. You know if you ever have an emergancy I can take in someone. :)
Thank you Lexie. I am not going to stop rescuing, just putting it on pause for right now. I will let you know if I need you. Thank you so much.

Just so you know...household bleach is the disinfectant of choice when it comes to killing parvo, so cleaning with some diluted bleach might be a good plan. I'm so sorry for your loss, you did what you could. :(
I already cleaned with bleach & water...have been everyday just to be sure. I steamed cleaned the carpet in my living room too and bleached and put away the cage they were in. Thank you for your kind words. It is just a big bummer.

02-13-2007, 05:21 AM
I am sorry to hear he didnt make it.
As far as taking on pups, that is a decission only you can make. I know what I would do- given the same situation- I wouldnt risk the life of a puppy with such a contagious disease.
Last year we looked into adopting a GSP. The dog had a terrible infection of pyrametia ( spelling- sorry its too early..) and we didnt take her at the time because of my female Galina was showing signs of a heat. Sometimes we just have to make decissions based on the health of what we have- other times we make decissions based on what potential harm could come to a new pet.
Remember- puppies are easier to adopt out from a shelter than an adult dog. Maybe you could work with the adults for the next couple months- if not longer. Remember however- just because its an adult dog, there is still no guarrentee that the adult dog had the proper vaccines either.
My heart goes out to reachoutrescue- you have had two seperate incidents of this terrible disease, with results that were not positive to help you. With these results, it would be easy to feel discouraged. With two situations in such a short time frame ( 2 months), just take a breather here for a while, while the concentration of the disease drops in the home. Yes- you cleaned with bleach etc- but still.
Also- just curious- are you getting these two sets of pups from the same place?? If the pups are getting it at the source- that might be something to consider as well..

02-13-2007, 06:59 AM
I know borzoimom just posted something about the dog flu, looking similar to parvo. I wonder if this is related? It actually surprises me that this disease has been so fatal for you. :( RIP Little Barney

02-13-2007, 07:17 AM
I know borzoimom just posted something about the dog flu, looking similar to parvo. I wonder if this is related? It actually surprises me that this disease has been so fatal for you. :( RIP Little Barney
Dog flu is spread dog to dog- it does not lay retained in the environment like parvo does. ( at least that is the current thinking on this.) The problem with the "new dog flu" is that there is so much thought and different views how it is spread, and treatment.

02-13-2007, 09:37 AM
Also- just curious- are you getting these two sets of pups from the same place?? If the pups are getting it at the source- that might be something to consider as well..
These two sets of pups were from two different pounds. The two rottie mixes in Dec. were from a pound in Olney, Illinois and the two beagle mixes were from a pound in Hammond, Indiana.

I can not pull from either pound again, I can't risk it. I even asked the girl at the Hammond pound to test for parvo, she said they do not do parvo tests, but the pups were vaccinated. By the time I got her email it was the day we were meeting. I had a very bad feeling about these pups from the time I read that email until the diagnosis of Parvo was made. I knew. I don't know how, but I knew what was going to happen. I should of called off the transport, but by that time, she was on her way. You live, you learn.

Thank you for your kind words everybody, it does help. I have decided to wait about a month or two to do any more "pullling" of dogs and/or cats. I am going to just take a breather and focus on what I have here. I am not going to give up rescue, I love it too much, just takin' a break. When I do go back to it, I will focus mainly dogs 6 months and up and be sure they are vaccinated prior to entering my house. Even if I have to send the vaccine to where every they are!! Thanks again everybody, I really appreciate your advice and understanding.

02-13-2007, 09:49 AM
Tracy, here is a link I hope it helps with some of the confusion about Parvo, and also breaks down what can and cannot be expected now that your home has been exposed.

You may also want to try Kenic Parvo Lan, I have been using it for many years, I am allergic to bleach so I needed an effective killer. I also add it to my carpet cleaning solution.


I do hope things look up soon! Hugs to your guys.

02-13-2007, 10:38 AM
Tracy, here is a link I hope it helps with some of the confusion about Parvo, and also breaks down what can and cannot be expected now that your home has been exposed.

You may also want to try Kenic Parvo Lan, I have been using it for many years, I am allergic to bleach so I needed an effective killer. I also add it to my carpet cleaning solution.


I do hope things look up soon! Hugs to your guys.
Thank you so much for that link. Where can I find Kenic Parvo Lan?

02-13-2007, 11:08 AM
Thank you so much for that link. Where can I find Kenic Parvo Lan?

I get mine through Jeffers pet supply, but any good vet ragmag will have it, you may try also groomers mags, i will look up the website info and post a link. It is Kenic Parvo-lan 128. btw it smells SOOOO good!

here is the link