View Full Version : Pitbulls :(

02-03-2007, 09:42 PM

This article was just in my local paper. It makes me sad so many are euthanized each year, but I am happy to see our local shelter is doing the best they can to get them into adoptive homes. I really wish our shelter had more funding. It would save so many lives. :(

02-03-2007, 09:46 PM
that is not right that they are making her stay outside because of her being hard to adopt out because she's a pit bull. :mad: of course, they are sooo flippin' hard to adopt out! we have had a lot of pitties at the shelter where I volunteer and we have 2 pure pitties and 1 mix now and we have found the others AWESOME homes!! :) It just takes patience and you cannot save them all, unfortunately. :( we do home visits and background checks and screen the people real well if they want to adopt a pit bull from us.

02-03-2007, 10:05 PM
They didn't make her stay outside. She was just skittish and preferred being out there instead of inside. ;) Just wanted to clarify. The runs are made so they can go back and forth from the inside to the outside, and she just chose to stick outside.

02-03-2007, 10:09 PM
oh, I see. :o well, they should have taken her in anyways even though she will be hard to adopt out. :( it just takes love and patience and a little TLC. :)

02-03-2007, 10:13 PM
Aww the poor dog needs time, if she wants to stay outside, I would let her rather than stress her out by making her come inside. :(

We have 3 pit pups, 1 pit mix pup, and 1 adult pit bull at my shelter right now. I believe 3 of them are on hold right now. And Tony this pit bull we had for about 7 months was FINALLY adopted yesterday, the people called us today and said everything was going fine. :D

02-03-2007, 10:15 PM
Like I said, she can go inside if she chooses too. If she chooses not to I see no reason to make her stay inside. That would only make her skittishness worse.

Right now there are about 40 pitbulls there. Yes, it does take love and patience but our shelter does not have the funds to care for these animals for that long unfortunately. We just barely got our shelter back up and running after about a year of not having any animal control services.

02-04-2007, 07:23 AM
Like I said, she can go inside if she chooses too. If she chooses not to I see no reason to make her stay inside. That would only make her skittishness worse.

Right now there are about 40 pitbulls there. Yes, it does take love and patience but our shelter does not have the funds to care for these animals for that long unfortunately. We just barely got our shelter back up and running after about a year of not having any animal control services.
Question- is your shelter a pitbull rescue? I am wondering why so many. Our shelter can only hold 50 dogs-( the one closest to me that is of the 3 shelters). They were getting alot of pitbul and pitbull mixes as well- they started to do some research to find the " supply source". The found this lady that was massively breeding whatever, in awful conditions and shut her down. I am afraid several had to be distroyed from them living in those conditions for so many years- but several were placed.
Maybe your shelter could do some research to find out the supply to have so many- unless this is a breed shelter- then never mind my question..

Lori Jordan
02-04-2007, 08:23 AM
That is so sad,Makes me so mad!I dont find anything funny like they do,Who could?

02-04-2007, 01:06 PM
If I'm not misteken, pits/pit mixes make up more than half of the dogs that come into the shelters in my area.

One shelter teamed up with BAD RAP and created a special wing "Pit Bull Hall", where BAD RAP keeps up to five adoptable dogs at a time. They do more educating than adopting there (BAD RAP screens adopters very rigorously) but it's been a pretty successful program so far.

Looks liek the pup in the piture has a doorway to go between in indoor kennel and an outdoor run. How nice! None of our shelters are set up like that. I do hope she finds a home, she looks so sad and lonely.

02-04-2007, 02:32 PM
Question- is your shelter a pitbull rescue? I am wondering why so many. Our shelter can only hold 50 dogs-( the one closest to me that is of the 3 shelters). They were getting alot of pitbul and pitbull mixes as well- they started to do some research to find the " supply source". The found this lady that was massively breeding whatever, in awful conditions and shut her down. I am afraid several had to be distroyed from them living in those conditions for so many years- but several were placed.
Maybe your shelter could do some research to find out the supply to have so many- unless this is a breed shelter- then never mind my question..

there are so many in so many shelters, borzoimom. :( It's not rare at all. they are overbred and the most abused breed out there and that's why they are in shelters. :(

02-04-2007, 02:56 PM
Pitbulls are banned here in the UK but people who do illegal dog fighting still breed these dogs.

It all came to light recently when a dog belonging to a drug dealer mauled his neice to death at home. In the papers, they never state what happened prior to the attack, they just tell everyone how the dog mauled the child to death and people think the dog just decided to get up and go maul the kid for no reason.
It turned out that the dog was pitbull and it was destroyed in the back yard. After this episode, they found a whole load more pitbulls being bred for dog fighting and they took them away, apparently connected to the original guy in some way although he didn't do dog fighting himself, he knew the breeder of the pitbulls found. There was footage of an officer carrying one dog out to the van and its tail was going ten to the dozen, bless the poor thing.

No doubt all of these dogs would have been destroyed for being pitbulls.

It's such a shame that it's often the idiots that are attracted to this type of dog. It isn't the dogs that are dangerous, it is the idiots that too often own them as status symbols.

02-04-2007, 03:54 PM
Well it comes back to liability. The shelters are worried about their liability in adopting a breed/ or type if something happens. Our county has done this as well because of several serious attacks from "pitbulls"... If not claimed- they will put them down.. And within town limits, they are now banned..
If you have a "pitbull type"- make sure you microchip so if lost, the dog will be returned..

02-04-2007, 03:57 PM
Well it comes back to liability. The shelters are worried about their liability in adopting a breed/ or type if something happens. Our county has done this as well because of several serious attacks from "pitbulls"... If not claimed- they will put them down.. And within town limits, they are now banned..
If you have a "pitbull type"- make sure you microchip so if lost, the dog will be returned..

I really don't think they are worried about liability.. we aren't. we say they have to get their rabies shot first thing becuase of the breed.. we are worried about finding the RIGHT home for the dog and do home checks, background checks, and screen the people REAL well. we had a pit bull pup at the shelter where I volunteer and it took awhile to find her a home and not every dog attack is a pit bull type dog. :rolleyes: she found a great home with great people who also have a redbone coonhound. :)

02-04-2007, 03:58 PM
I really don't think they are worried about liability.. we aren't. we say they have to get their rabies shot first thing becuase of the breed.. we are worried about finding the RIGHT home for the dog and do home checks, background checks, and screen the people REAL well. we had a pit bull pup at the shelter where I volunteer and it took awhile to find her a home and not every dog attack is a pit bull type dog. :rolleyes: she found a great home with great people who also have a redbone coonhound. :)
I am applaud you for trying to help. The breed club is totally " ostrich with their head in the sand" and doing nothing to help... This is what makes me sick... They have done nothing to eductate owners- the breeders are not screening owners etc..

02-04-2007, 04:02 PM
yes, I don't think a lot of pit bull breeders screen their homes, but they are mostly the backyard breeders.. responsible pit bull breeders screen their homes if they don't screen them, then they just want money. I think it's VERY important for them to screen the homes when it comes to pit bulls. I think every shelter and rescue should screen the homes like we do, but unfortuantely they are not like us. some shelters just want to get rid of them and could care less if they end up in a good home or not. :(

02-04-2007, 06:51 PM
No, the shelter is animal control for all of Lane County so there are many different types of dogs there. We just expanded our shelter due to donations after it reopened. There are now about 20 more kennels and the outdoor runs all got replaced etc.

We do have pitbulls that are transferred (along with other dogs) to other rescue groups through their second chance program. Some go to Greenhill Humane Society and others go to private organizations so that more of the dogs can be adopted. We have pitbulls everywhere here. They are very common.

All homes for any dog, cat, chicken etc. that gets adopted are screened very very hard!!! Trust me, I know. ;) They house their adoptable cats are my work so they can adopt more out. My friend is the volunteer adopter outer person so to speak. LOL. :p

The reason why they did the article was to point out that pitbulls are great dogs. They are trying to draw more attention to them as family pets so they can get adopted out quicker. Unfortunately, even most purebreds dogs that wind up at the shelter are euthanized. :(