View Full Version : Me working while while Mike and Cats partying it up

02-03-2007, 06:44 PM
It snowed last night and instead of waiting for Mike to get going on the driveway.I got the snowblower out and did the WHOLE driveway myself.I didn't know until the end he was taking pictures. :rolleyes: :D
Then when I went inside.I saw him and Bowie with Ice Cream bowls in front of them having a blast.So I took pictures of them. :D
And what was going on inside :D
Mike and Bowie having a blast
I have to add that my back is killing me,but that was fun.He showed me how to use it last year...just in case.I guess this was 'a just in case'.lol
He needed an ice cream private party.He knows I don't like him giving anything to them...especially at the table :rolleyes: :D
I won't be doing that anymore.I didn't think it would hurt the old back.
I took out 2 pic's because of negitive feedback on my personal email.They said others thought I was showing off.I'm sorry.I wasn't...I accually thought this would make everyone laugh.I am finnally feeling some pain relief on my back from a pain specialist so it's nice to be out doing things and even laughing again.

02-03-2007, 06:54 PM
LOL! Just like a man! LOL! What great pictures, Carla!!!! :D Hey, take a peep at the Valentine's Request Thread!


02-03-2007, 07:00 PM
Just Like A Man!
As Culy The Stooge Once Said
Hey I Resemble That Remark!
Besides Making Bowie Happy Is Important Work Too!!!