View Full Version : Need Help Uploading Video on Tiny Pic

02-02-2007, 06:49 PM
I am so frustrated. I've uploaded videos before, and they went fine. Now I've tried several times to upload one and it will not work on Tiny Pic or on Photobucket. When I accidentally picked the wrong video, it worked! :rolleyes: The file type is one that is accepted, so I don't know what is going on. Can anyone help?


02-02-2007, 07:06 PM
I have no idea how tiny pic works but I know that Photobucket wants clips to be 5 minutes or less. Also the file needs to be saved directly onto your hard drive when youa re trying to upload it versus being on a camera or CD/DVD. Can you watch the video just off of your hard drive?

02-02-2007, 08:05 PM
I have no idea how tiny pic works but I know that Photobucket wants clips to be 5 minutes or less. Also the file needs to be saved directly onto your hard drive when youa re trying to upload it versus being on a camera or CD/DVD. Can you watch the video just off of your hard drive?

I've uploaded there before with no problem. Maybe this particular video is too long. Anyway, I found another host that has a neat dropbox where you can download the dropbox and literally "drag and drop" your videos / pictures from your own files! It's FREE and it's at www.dropshots.com! Thanks for the help, Missy! You should try Dropshot! ;)
