View Full Version : No Bite Collar

02-02-2007, 03:33 PM
Someone recently posted about a cat who kept grooming and pulling the hair out. I just did a quick look in Cat Health and in Cat Behaviour, but I can't locate the thread.

Anyway, I just learned about this Bite Not collar, which may be of interest to some of you.


02-02-2007, 06:35 PM
That Looks Interesting For Miquelito Who Overgrooms.
I Will Have To See If My Vet Carries That Item.
Thank You.

02-02-2007, 07:24 PM
OH My...that will surely stop them from pulling out their hair.
But they may go crazy because they can't :D :eek:
I have a very old cat I rescued that does that.The poor thing was abandoned in a home around here with other cats and dogs.She was in the worst shape(that was alive).So I had to take her.She was just brought in the day before..skin and bones.Soaked with pee and drooling terribly.(dehydrated...I don't believe she would of made it after 2 days more there)
So...I took her.She gained 4 pounds and looking great.The most loveable cat.I'm sure out of appreciation.But she groomes and pulls her hair out a lot too.I couldn't put that collar on her though.
Not this cat.She's been through too much.
That looks like a great collar for a cat that does it though.