View Full Version : Outside Cat ~ How Do I Know?

02-02-2007, 03:09 PM
How do you know if your cat wants to be an outside cat? I want it to be an indoor only as I've had 3 now that I let outside and they have disappeared. My kitty always is sitting in a window and seems to be very curious about the outside. I'm afraid I'm being cruel by not letting her experience the outdoors and I don't want her to become unhappy. She doesn't know it, but being an indoor cat is for her own safety.

02-02-2007, 05:16 PM
Hi, Jeri, and welcome to Pet Talk!

I'm sure most people here would say you are right in keeping your cat indoors. Outdoors can be a dangerous place, as you have found. I let my cats out, but they are confined to the back yard.

And ALL cats love to sit and stare out the window!

If you don't mind a suggestion, you really should post your questions under the 'Cat General' heading. This would bring you a large number of replies, and I'm sure others would be more helpful than I've been!

02-02-2007, 05:20 PM
I don't think cats mind being indoor cats. If you like, I'm sure there are cat leashes and harnasses around. lol, you could take her for a walk! :D

I agree that she should be kept inside for her own safety. Outdoors is dangerous for cats. My gramas cat has three legs because he ran infront of a car. :(

02-02-2007, 05:55 PM
All of mine are indoor cats. I do train many of them to walk on leash and harness. And now the backyard is enclosed, they go out with uswhen we garden. Only 4 of my 7 are permitted outside. The others stay indoors all the time.

It is good they look out the window and watch the birds and squirrels, gives them some mental stimulation. Doesn't necessarily mean they want to go out there!

It is much better for domestic cats to be indoors. They are not equipped to deal with the dangers - cars, dogs, coyotes. And mean people.

Laura's Babies
02-02-2007, 09:04 PM
All of mine are indoors only. None show any desire to go out. They have a perch at the window for them to look out if they want to watch the TV of life in our neighborhood, watch the birds and squirrels and often neighborhood kids come up to the window to speak to them and they enjoy that. One time a bug ran across the screen and Giz dove for it and the screen popped out... She was terrified of being in that scarey world out there and ran to the front door and screamed to come back inside.

Smanatha was thrown out by her former owner who claimed she wouldn't stay inside but she has NEVER shown any interest in going out since I have had her. She has had both worlds and preferrs the safe, secure inside world.

02-02-2007, 09:18 PM
All mine are indoor kitties. We do have most of them (not the kittens yet) trained to a leash (some better than others) and have a custom built outdoor cat enclosure for those nice days. The cats don't seem to mind for the most part. Cami ocassionally wants to go out to kick some squirrel butt, however with Jack you can't even PUSH him out an open door unless he has on his leash! lol

As long as your cats have windows to look out, room to run around, toys to play with, and human interaction, they will be fine indoors only.

Outdoor cats have an avg. lifespan of about 7-9 years, and indoor cat has an avg. lifespan of 14-18 years. 'nuff said!

02-03-2007, 05:13 AM
Hey Jeri, think of it this way.....if your cat were a human toddler (say about 2 years old) would you allow him to roam outside without supervision?? The child (or cat) may think they wish to be outdoors, but WE as the adult KNOW better. So don't wonder if the cat wishes to be outside, it doesn't matter, he MUST stay inside in order to stay safe. Provide lots of toys and maybe a cat tree or two and he should be happy.

02-03-2007, 10:52 AM
Why has it taken you 3 cats disappearing to realize that it's best they be indoors only??? Cats live better, longer lives when indoors. PLEASE keep your furbabies indoors.

02-03-2007, 11:03 AM
Great analysis Jen.
Yep, Moosmom, I was thinking the same thing.

02-03-2007, 05:59 PM
I have an indoor and an outdoor cat

The outdoor cat (she'll be 13 this year) has always been out she was originally a farm cat...when i moved into town she came with me and would have no part of being indoor

I also have a nearly 15 week old male kitten, he is not permitted outside unless he's got his harness & lead on....it doesn't really phase him....though he is a real people cat....and if you're outdoors he want to come too *LOL*

02-03-2007, 06:30 PM
My cats were indoor cats- the fact is a cat allowed to go out has less than half the life span of a cat left indoors.
The cat wants to go out because there are things to do... You wont believe this- but I set the house up. I put streamers like used on pom poms on the vent covers so when the heat or ac went off they would blow- .. I had tons of cat toys of feathers and played with the cats when I was watching tv- or even drinking coffee... As long as they can use that natural hunting ability- they are happy. I also had ping pong balls as I had hard wood floors- they loved those too...

02-03-2007, 07:00 PM
Hey Jeri, think of it this way.....if your cat were a human toddler (say about 2 years old) would you allow him to roam outside without supervision?? The child (or cat) may think they wish to be outdoors, but WE as the adult KNOW better. So don't wonder if the cat wishes to be outside, it doesn't matter, he MUST stay inside in order to stay safe. Provide lots of toys and maybe a cat tree or two and he should be happy.

As usual Jen, VERY well put and Donna, I couldn't agree more with your statement, as I thought the same thing.

I have 6 cats that love to sit and look out the window. It doesn't mean that they are unhappy or want to go outside at all. They are all happy and contented cats because they get plenty of toys and playtime to keep them that way. Interact with your cat, give him lots of love and you will have a happy cat.

02-03-2007, 07:05 PM
Someone Once Said That Letting Your Pet Out Unsupervised Is Like Admitting That You Truly Dont Care About Them.
While Thats A Little Extreme I Never Would Let A Found Cat Out As This Is Just Not The Right Place For Them To Be Out Safely.
And All It Takes Is For One Thing To Go Wrong For Your Pet Companion To Become A Memory.