View Full Version : Funny But painful story!

critter crazy
02-02-2007, 01:44 PM
I went over to my SIL's this morning, as I had to help her go and pick up her Mini van from the shop, when we got back to her house we were just hanging out, with her 3 kids. She took me into her bedroom to show me her new Bedroom set, which was very nice! matching bedspread, curtains, pretty much new everything, but she was in love with the bedspread, as was I it was gorgeous. Her mom got it for her, for her Birthday. any ways so we sat down on the bed, just chatting, and her two daughters came in, ages 5 and 3, well they got up on the bed with us, and BAM! I got a 3 yr old head, right on my nose!! Well the blood just gooshed out of my face! All over my SIL's Brand New Bedspread!!!:eek: I was trying to control the bleeding, but it just wouldnt stop! finally my SIL brought em a towel, but the damage had already been done! Blood everywhere! I felt so bad! the whole time I am appologizing to her, and she is appologizing to me. Once my nose stopped bleeding, we were laughing so hard, it started to bleed again!:rolleyes: Geesh!! we were able to get the blood out, but i was so upset about bleeding all over her new bedspread! :( It is amazing how hard a 3yr olds head is!!! Talk about seeing stars! I have a huge headache, and am working on a nice shiner! Thank god my nose didnt break! it sure felt like it did tho!!!http://bestsmileys.com/beatup/2.gif

Daisy and Delilah
02-02-2007, 01:52 PM
OUCH!!!! That must have been awful!! I'm sorry it happened and amazed at your sense of humor over the whole thing :)

critter crazy
02-02-2007, 02:01 PM
OUCH!!!! That must have been awful!! I'm sorry it happened and amazed at your sense of humor over the whole thing :)
well I look at things like this: either you laugh about things, or you can get upset, I prefer to Laugh! Makes life much easier!:D

02-02-2007, 02:02 PM
Thank goodness the blood came out of the new bedspread. Ah well, she's got a 3-year-old - she knew it wouldn't remain pristine for long, anyway! :)

02-02-2007, 02:16 PM
OUCH!!! I am sorry... :(

02-02-2007, 03:49 PM
OUCH!! :eek: That had to hurt really bad. I am so sorry, I just had to laugh. It is a very funny story :D

critter crazy
02-02-2007, 07:46 PM
Okay what is it about a booboo, that once it is hit it gets hit again! Since my incedent at my SIL's house, I have been hit in the nose twice more!!:eek: Once by my own sons head, and once by dukes tail!! jees louise!!! What gives?? do I now have a permanent target on my poor Racoon eyed face????

critter crazy
02-02-2007, 07:47 PM
Okay what is it about a booboo, that once it is hit it gets hit again! Since my incedent at my SIL's house, I have been hit in the nose twice more!!:eek: Once by my own sons head, and once by dukes tail!! jees louise!!! What gives?? do I now have a permanent target on my poor Racoon eyed face????