View Full Version : Prowling the nation with a pet

06-25-2002, 09:35 AM
Summer vacation time! This article had some good points when it comes to vacationing with your pet. :)

By KELLY WOLFE Scripps Howard News Service
June 24, 2002

Pet owners have their own version of a dream vacation.

Maybe driving along a winding mountain road, cool, wraparound sunglasses on, and man's best friend leaning way out the passenger side window, tongue flapping, saliva spraying. Or perhaps relaxing in a luxury suite in Montreal, drawing a bubbly bath and selecting treats off the special doggie room service menu, served in a little doggie dish which was presented at check-in.

Pet care specialists says it's now easier than ever to live out those daydreams. But planning for your pet-inclusive trip will take a bit more research than simply choosing a destination and booking a room.

"It's a fun idea to take your pet, at least once, with you," says Joel Tatum, a Los Angeles-based pet care specialist who appears on DIY - the Do It Yourself Network. "Especially dogs, which are pack animals; they just really love to be included and not left behind."

But there are rules. Tatum says if the pet is too young or too old, it's best to leave it at home with a sitter or in a trusted kennel. And make sure pets have had all necessary vaccinations before hitting the road.

When boating, Tatum says, put life jackets on pets. And when driving, restrain pets with animal seat belts, which can be purchased at pet supply stores. He also suggested owners install sun visors in the rear and side automobile windows to keep the back seat from getting too hot.

AAA, which publishes an annual 700-page guide Traveling With Your Pet, says owners should take pets on a couple of day trips before setting off on a long journey. A short hike or a two-hour drive will give owners a good indication of how their pets will react to several hours in the car, says AAA spokeswoman Janie Graziani.

And before heading out, says Steve Tempelman, managing member of takeyourpet.com, call vacation destinations and accommodations to make sure pets are welcome.

"The largest problems happen when people don't discuss their (pet) situation with the lodging" before arrival, Tempelman says. He advises travelers to call and ask lots of questions. Some hotels may allow pets, he says, but that may mean staying in a room designated for smokers or paying an additional fee.

Some hotels, however, offer special amenities to attract vacationers with pets in tow.

"There's a trend toward pampering your pet and people are more serious about pets than they have ever been before," says Emily Kanders, a spokeswoman for Loews Hotels, which has 17 properties in the Unites States and Canada.

At Loews, pet owners are showered with such goodies as pet food and water bowls, a special pet food room service menu - that includes food for both dogs and cats - dog-walking services and a pager so hotel employees can reach sightseers whose pets are getting loud or destroying property.

"It's been a huge success for us," says Kanders.

Tatum agrees that's the trend: hotels with both the owner and pet in mind.

"More and more people want to take their pets with them," he says. "Our culture is getting more and more attached to pets as they are to human relatives."