View Full Version : This is what I found downstairs this morning... Too cute

02-02-2007, 07:44 AM
I was expecting to come down to the usual accident left by Bear (shes very obese so she cannot hold herself like a normal dog can). But not this morning!

1. Shes not suppose to be on the air bed.
2. Shes not suppose to have my shoe.

She wouldn't even lift her head to greet me, she was too comfy. Silly bugger. You can see houw much weight she has lost cause her tummy is really flabby hehehe I call it her Jello tummy

Here are 2 pictures I took.

02-02-2007, 08:55 AM
Awwwww! What a sweetie! And the look she is giving you - just to guilt you into not shooing her off! :D

Give her a big hug for me!

02-02-2007, 09:11 AM
Awwwww! What a sweetie! And the look she is giving you - just to guilt you into not shooing her off! :D

Give her a big hug for me!

She came off very willingly when I asked if she had to go pee hehe it was a hoot watching her trying to walk on it heheh

I'm sure shes back on it by now. I can picture it now. Chad walks down the stairs, goes awwwwwww & cuddles up to her & goes back to sleep lol

Chad is always cuddled up to Bear. While I'm at work I'll get a random phone call from Chad telling me that Bear is sleeping on his back & he can't breath or move lol Yesterday Dale said Bear was on Chad's back & had her paw on the back of Chad's head. He said it looked like she was trying to smuther him into the pillow lol

She is such a clown

Pawsitive Thinking
02-02-2007, 09:11 AM
Aww bless her - she looks so cosy

02-02-2007, 10:22 AM
awww haha what a cutie Bear is!

02-02-2007, 10:33 AM
What happened with Mr.Biggles?

Please keep on topic. If you have questions that are off topic use the PM feature please.

02-02-2007, 10:41 AM
Please keep on topic. If you have questions that are off topic use the PM feature please.
I post pictures of one of mine, and get asked all the time about one of my others not shown... I just answer...

02-02-2007, 12:32 PM
What a sweetie! She looks so cozy up there!

02-02-2007, 12:51 PM
So cute!! She looks like she is saying....I didn't chew on the shoe..I promise! :D

02-02-2007, 02:06 PM
It looks like Bear was named appropriately! Just a great big teddy bear! Cute pictures!!! :D

02-02-2007, 02:08 PM
Bear is so pretty - she's already a looker but she's going to look even better when she loses all that weight! She's looking GREAT and very cozy. :)
Thanks for sharing her with us, Jess.

I post pictures of one of mine, and get asked all the time about one of my others not shown... I just answer...

Please do not cause anymore grief than you have already.

02-02-2007, 02:12 PM
Bear, you are one big beautiful girl! Cuddles to you, sweetie!

02-02-2007, 02:21 PM
She didn't chew my shoe at all.. no slobber no nothing. Thank goodness, cause I paid 100.00 for them.. no wait I made my ex do that the day before I left hahaha but ya I'd have no way to replace my only shoes right before work lol

So I'm going to keep them in the closet from now on, just incase lol

She hasn't chewed anything since she ate Chad's fav. hat. I think she realized how hurt Chad was, casue after that shes been sucking up to him big time lol

OMG Bear is the biggest teddy bear in the whole world!!! She'll do anything to cuddle. I'm slowly teaching her its ok to lay on me.. I think she knows I'm smaller & more fragile then Chad, cause shes always very careful when cuddling with me. She'll only put 1 paw & her head on me :D

I'll try to get pictures of Chad & Bear cuddling, as its just so cute!!!

We have a guest over for the weekend & I think Bear is gonna hog that air bed lol

I would offer my room, BUT I have the OMG noisy rats in there :rolleyes: + I don't think she likes spiders lol So She'll have to put up with Bear lol

OH Chad gave Bear a nickname.. he calles her Care Bear :D

02-02-2007, 02:27 PM
Bear is so pretty - she's already a looker but she's going to look even better when she loses all that weight! She's looking GREAT and very cozy. :)
Thanks for sharing her with us, Jess.

Shes doing soooooo much better!
We think shes loosing weight at a stedy pace. We can tell shes built a lot of muscle since shes been here, cause she tries to bounce all over the place. He balance is WOW, so much better!!

I think a lot of her balance issues were from those sores as well. They hardly ever bleed now & she picks at them only here & there. Shes doing FAB!

I'll try to take pics of her prancing about behind the river this weekend, as she acts just like a little puppy!!!