View Full Version : Pet Loss

06-24-2002, 11:46 PM
I still miss my Teal baby, and whenever I look at her picture, I cry!:( :( I miss her soooo much! Do any of you know of any Pet Loss sites?? Thanks!

Here is Teal, she's the Yellow Labby.

Aspen and Misty
06-24-2002, 11:49 PM
O I am so sorry, Hugs to you. I don't know of any sites, sorry, but I know how you feel.

06-24-2002, 11:56 PM
Here is one I found, I have not used them.
Personalized Pet Slate Plaques and Memorials (http://www.petslates.com/)

06-25-2002, 12:14 AM
Fortunately I have not really lost a pet...yet...Smokeys been around since I can remember. I don't know how I would deal with it either. I'll have to see what websites I can find.

I don't see the picture of Teal, did you post it?

06-25-2002, 12:25 AM
I guess I musta missed something? Would you mind if I asked what happened? I usually get into trouble for asking questions, so forgive me if I should not ask..?????

06-25-2002, 12:57 AM
I'm sooooooooo sorry...I lost a cat that was older than me and he was at the door when was brought to our house for the first time from the hospitle. :( So I know how you feel.I lost him in October (close to my birthday) and I still cry all day if I think of him.So many hugs to you!Just remember that it's always with you,in your heart and nothing will ever change that!

06-25-2002, 12:59 AM

This is a very good site.

06-25-2002, 07:53 AM
http://www.creatures.com/ (http://)
www.geocities.com/heavens_garden_memorials/ (http://)
www.petloss.com/ (http://)

I'm sorry your feeling so low, I understand totally how it is to loose a member of your family. We lost our Chow-Keisha one year ago on the 22nd of this month. With all of the other things going on in my life right now, I can't believe I forgot it. But in a way, I'm glad I did. With my nieces and nephew here, at least I was happy instead of sad.
But I still think of her and miss her alot, the pain has never went away, but I just don't think of her as often as I did before. If you would like to read about her, here is my link Keisha's Webpage (http://www.geocities.com/annamarieadkins/Keisha.html) just click at the bottom for pics of her and her story. If you ever want to talk pm me.

06-25-2002, 11:58 AM
Losing a pet is so hard. Like losing anyone you love, it is a long healing process. It is normal to miss your lost pet, but you must remember that your life must go on. Your sweet dog loved you, and would want you to be happy.

In high school, I lost my first dog, a 10 year old Golden Retriever to cancer. She had had tumors removed in the past, but this trip to the vet was sudden. It was a saturday and I, as most teenagers do, was sleeping in. Ginger was acting funny and could hardly walk. My parents rushed her to the vet, not knowing what the problem was. Her liver was engulfed in cancer and there was no way to help her. Rather than to extend her pain, my parents made the decision to put her to sleep right then. I woke up, while my parents were at the vet and was shocked when they came home, without Ginger. For at least a month afterward, I slept with my light on at night. The house was so empty. I felt vulnerable and incomplete. I missed her so much (Eight years later, I am still on the verge of tears re-living this story).

Within a few months, after her death, my family did something we had never done before. We rescued a pup from a shelter. I will never forget Ginger, but I know, being the wonderful dog that she was, she would never want her family to dwell upon her death. Helping another dog was a way for my family to build on the positive aspects of Gingers' life and all that she gave to us.

Sometimes, in the process of grieving, people find it helpful to do something in the name of their lost loved one. You may want to make a small donation to a pet charity in the name of your dog. You may also want to do something else to help unfortunate animals that are still living. I believe that our lost pups would want us to help others. No sweet animal will ever be forgotten, but there are so many still alive that desperately need someone to love them.

I'm am truly sorry for your loss. I hope you will soon find the emotional peace you are looking for.

06-25-2002, 09:01 PM
Thank you all for your kind words. Thank you also for all the links!

06-25-2002, 11:00 PM
I`m so sorry!! I went through the same thing last year!! I`m sorry!!

Heather Wallace
06-26-2002, 07:40 AM
I am sorry for your loss and I can relate. i hate lost 2 pets in the last month and am still greieving too.

Here is a link to site, they are desperate for new members so please guive them your support.
