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01-31-2007, 01:47 PM
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v334/fritz26/suppertime.jpg Fritz curled up in the corner of the kitchen waiting for supper.He was good ,ate all his up,so he will get a little Apple Pie and Butterscotch Ripple Ice Cream.Decided to start a new thread,other one was getting large.Fritz has been keeping Dad company pretty well today,has even got up in the chair with me .He has kissed Dad today,not me.Had his porridge ,cereal and a bit of toast,i had to feed it to him by hand,wouldn't eat it off the plate.He will most likely have a play with a Squeaky after supper.He willl keep mom and dad company,I go to a hockey,the Eagles playing the Lindsay Muskies. :p

01-31-2007, 01:54 PM
You never know where you'll be sleeping Fritz! He's so cute.

Have fun at the Hockey game Barry! :D

01-31-2007, 03:23 PM
Nobody puts baby in the corner. :D

I'm glad you started a new thread because it took forever for my computer to load the other one. :cool:

Fritz, I can't believe you're eating ice cream. You really are a king, aren't you? It's nice that you are keeping your Mom & Pop company.

01-31-2007, 06:59 PM
I am glad you started a new thread as well - it was hard looking thru the other one!

What a good dog, Fritz! Will you share your ice cream with me? :)

Daisy and Delilah
01-31-2007, 07:55 PM
Hi Fritz!! We see you looking as cute as ever. That ice cream sounds yummy!! :D

02-01-2007, 07:03 AM
Fritz we think you are pretty smart there curled up in the corner in the kitchen. You never know when a tasty morsel might just fall off the table! :) Bella and Ripley are very jealous over your snack of apple pie and butterscotch ripple ice cream As a matter of fact, so am I. :)

02-01-2007, 07:23 AM
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v334/fritz26/outsider.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v334/fritz26/stretchyout.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v334/fritz26/staring.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v334/fritz26/fritznbirdy.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v334/fritz26/warmup.jpg Fritz Wednesday afternoon,laying on a cold day on the patio,Fritz stretched out between mom and dad ,Monkey on his paws,staring out the Monkey.I sat it on the footstool,I think he was expecting it to move and got closer to it and growled,everyone got a kick out of it.Fritz in the window last night with the Cardinal,Fritz warming up Dad this morning.Fritz behaved himself while i was out and when I got home,Fritz was in bed.he was snoozing with dad this morning and was in no hurry to get up and have cereal,toast or porridge,but he did eventually.He has been out twice today in the cold,around 20 fahrenheit,windchill makes it feel much colder,on the weekend ,windchill is going to make it feel like in the -20' fahrenheit, actual temperature 14 fahrenheit.Dad seems to be doing fairly well,hard to understand at times,can get up fairly well using the cane and his walker as support with me holding the walker.Dad has another appointment in Toronto next Thursday,not sure what for yet.The tractor is here until spring,Larry's brother- in -law Don Jensen is buying it and his other brother-in-law Al Flintoff is buying the trailer.I was finally able to print off some pictures of Fritz after getting some ink,dad perks right up and smiles when he sees these pictures,he just loves them.

02-01-2007, 01:12 PM
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v334/fritz26/amzonked.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v334/fritz26/bushed.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v334/fritz26/biscuit.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v334/fritz26/wantin.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v334/fritz26/sleepiehead.jpg Fritz on Mom's lap as she reads the paper,Fritz snoozing in the chair,took this while I held the above right above Fritz,Fritz wanting a biscuit from my sister Marlene,Fritz wanting to come in the house and flipped over on the couch,snoozing.Fritz had a play with his Monkey and Duck when Marlene was here,gave her kisses and a big wag of his floppy tail.Fritz always makes a big fuss when I have lunch like today it was a Hot Dog, anyone else and he is fairly quiet about it.I think he goes outside sometimes for nothing,know he gets a treat when he comes in.He was at the shoe snatching again grabbing of one of my sister's boots and just a few minutes ago,grabbed mom's had to give him a Jerky treat to give it up as he is under the dining room table with it.Dad is fine today,Fritz stays right with him,dad got up to ggo to the kitchen for supper and Fritz is right there waiting for him to go so he can follow.

02-01-2007, 01:19 PM
Fritz, look at you do some tricks just to get food. You little stinker you. You're funny. I love the picture of you laying on the patio, guarding the door and making sure nobody comes in. You are such a good boy.

Daisy and Delilah
02-01-2007, 03:15 PM
Will do tricks for food....huh Fritzie?? :) You look adorable buddy! Great pictures Barry! :D :D :D

02-01-2007, 06:36 PM
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v334/fritz26/mychum.jpg Fritz on my lap in the living room after a play with his monkey.it was just after supper and i was down on the computer when Mom calls me up,Fritz is barking at dad to play ,he then saw me barked at me,then again in the living wanting me to have a play.It may have lasted 5 minutes and he got tired and this is where he got.After that ,he got up with dad on the couch and was there until 6:30 when he had to go out,He is now up in the window,dad has gone to bed,Mom went with Marlene and Larry too the funeral home,Larry's sister's father-in-law died,it is windy here,cold and starting to snow.Around 12:30 this afternoon on the 401 20 miles East of here there was a serious accident during a snowsquall,,a truck carrying lumber flipped,cars crashed into that and a tanker carrying gas tried to avoid it,it also crashed and huge flames shot up.It inolved 4 big trucks and 15-20 other vehicles.5 people were killed and numerous other injured,none serious.

Daisy and Delilah
02-01-2007, 07:01 PM
Hi Buddy!! You look so relaxed Fritz. That sounds like a terrible accident, Barry. We'll probably hear about it on the news. :(

02-01-2007, 07:08 PM
Fritz looks adorable in all of the pictures. His fur looks so soft, almost like a pillow!

02-02-2007, 06:34 AM
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v334/fritz26/chums.jpg Fritz with old chum Papa this morning,keeping him cozy.Fritz sat up and begged for my cereal and toast, had it .He also had Porridge from Dad,had to go out in the cold,came back in and is curled up with Dad again.I picked up a little bit of a cold from somewhere,don't need to get near dad with it.they are still cleaning up from the big accident on the 401 yesterday.The east bound lanes there were damaged and so were the concrete barriers from the heat of the fire.They still don't know when east bound will be open,but they sai maybe one westbound lane may be open by noon. :)

02-02-2007, 12:45 PM
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v334/fritz26/sitdown.jpg Fritz sitting outside in the patio,have no idea what he seems to be looking at.He constantly wants to go out ,I think for no other eason than to play in the snow and get it in his whiskers.We just had a little short play with his monkey,then got on my lap.He was staring at Dad who was laying down,so I tol Fritz go see him,Fritz sat up and looked at me.i kept asking him if he was hungry,he tilt his head to one side and then the other and then he kiss me.He then sat out by the phone ,kept asking him about supper,he look at me and he look out to the kitchen.Dad said to fill his dish with food,he went out there,don't know if he had any.Just checked him ,hadn't touched it,he was laying at the top of the stairs.Terry(daisy and delilah) if you see this post,your mailbox is full here and i just tried sending you a message and your message box is full,I heard about the tornado down ther in Deland,Florida ,north of you and i am concerned .

02-02-2007, 12:48 PM
Fritz, why were hanging out by the phone? Were you expecting a call? :D

Have a nice weekend King Fritz. :)

Daisy and Delilah
02-02-2007, 01:01 PM
Thanks for asking Barry. I just emptied my mailbox. Deland has alot of damage. My kids live in Deland and they're ok. Not hit by the tornado at all. Alot of the damage is close to where I work. Some of the roads are closed so we can't get through as of yet. Thanks so much for your concern.

Fritz, you're adorable !! Don't get too cold buddy!! :)

02-02-2007, 07:34 PM
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v334/fritz26/lazyguy.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v334/fritz26/flippyguy.jpg Fritz snoozing next to dad and flipped over next to mom.Didn't have much of a play after supper,stuck close to dad until he went to bed.When he gets down here,he is constantly sitting up begging to go upstairs.i finally let him go up when I had to check on dad.Fritz come in,wanted a dish of water,shook a paw got it,he drank some and he is now under the couch until I go to bed.

02-02-2007, 07:54 PM
I so enjoy the "titles" to your Pictures !!!!

And, when time allows, I have to click onto the Fritz03 Thread and View the Splendid Photos, reading every update!!

Fritz, It's really cold outside, so you'll need plenty of water~ :cool:

You certainly make all of us feel warm~ :o

Daisy and Delilah~ I'm sooo glad you are alright!!!

Daisy and Delilah
02-02-2007, 08:12 PM
Thanks Dorothy!!

Look at you getting belly rubs from Papa, Fritz. You're just the cutest little man. I love the way you ask for water. What a special little man you are!! How's the cold, Barry? Feel better!! :)

02-02-2007, 08:46 PM
He is such a charactor. Love the one of him with your mom on the phone - it's sort of like "Lady, why aren't you playing with me instead? I'm cute!"

02-03-2007, 08:24 AM
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v334/fritz26/cozyguy.jpg Fritz keeping Papa cozy on a cold morning.I get a little bit of a cold,stuffed up,,headache,took an Advil last night and slept until 20 after 7 this morning.Mom thinks I have getting it from going to the hockey games.I have going since September,I am rarely near anybody to pick up something.It is really cold here 9 fahrenheit,windchill of -6 fahrenheit, not going to get better for a few days.Fritz was still in bed with mom when i got up,he sat up and begged when i had cereal and my toast,had porridge,he has been out twice in the cold and goes out and barks.Hasd a little snow around our place,too cold for anything else,try to stay in and get rid of this cold,not give it to Dad. ;)

Daisy and Delilah
02-03-2007, 08:39 AM
Awwwww!!!! You look so cozy, Fritz!! Keeping Papa warm. What a good boy.
Take care of that cold Barry. I hope you feel better. Stay warm. :)

02-03-2007, 06:09 PM
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v334/fritz26/stealer.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v334/fritz26/cuteguy.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v334/fritz26/fuzzyguy.jpg Fritz with his haul of Dad's sweater and green blanket and two pictures of him this afternoon on my lap keeping me warm.Still a little stuffed up,I am sure i will be fine and can go to the hockey game here tomorrow at 1:30,The Eagles playing the Wellington Dukes for first place in the East and home-ice advantage in the playoffs.Fritz kept being a nuisance wanting to go out for no reason and then not wanting to come in from the cold even with a Jerky treat.Mom and I had Chinese food and dad ribs for supper.Fritz got some meat from the ribs.Fritz had one of his blitzes that tired him out finaly and mom gave him a good brushing so he looks nice.Really cold here 14 fahrenheit,windchill much colder,had maybe an inch of snow today,cleared off now, a little more tonight.Dad is well as can be,talking really hard to underastand at times,stayed in the livingroom most of today either sleeping or listening to Country music.

02-03-2007, 06:30 PM
AHHHHHH Fritz, you're even making me feel all warm and cozy now too!!!!

Fritz looks so comical underneath that table with his stash, and I enjoyed the close up picture of his fuzzy face!!! And , of course, I like seeing pictures of your Mom and Dad!!!!

It's too darned cold outside for me, SO, be careful when you go to that Hockey Game, bundle up big time!!!


Daisy and Delilah
02-03-2007, 06:36 PM
You're too much Fritz!! Dragging all that stuff under the table like that. I try to picture it and I can do nothing but laugh out loud. What a funny boy!! A cute and funny boy!! It's freezing outside Fritz!! Stay in the house! :)

02-04-2007, 07:49 AM
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v334/fritz26/curlyguy.jpg Fritz curled up on Papa's lap this morning on another very cold day here.It is 5 above fahrenheit and a windchill of around -17 fahrenheit,and i had to go out cold and all to shovel. I wore two pairs of mits with handwarmers,wore pajama bottoms under my pants, a sweatshirt and a heavy socks.I still hope i can go to the game today if i am up to it.Fritz finally settled down and went under the couch and he went up when I did after the Maple Leafs game last night.He had his toast.porridge and cereal as usual.He is now up with dad,keeping him cozy.I shovel snow for people across the street who are staying at their son's place in Florida,which is 20 miles away from where that Tornado hit in Deland,Florida,apparently it rained heavy and windy,couldn't sleep.

02-04-2007, 08:44 AM
Well, You're sure getting your Morning exercise.

We have the same blustery COLD temperatures here in the Mitten State too, so I know all about such Shoveling Excursions!!!! I sure hope you can make it to that Hockey Game, you need that Reward for all your hard work!!

We are getting ready to venture out again today~ (yikes!!!)

Fritz and Papa look so warm and toasty in the picture~

I'll keep that one in the back of my head today :o

02-04-2007, 09:01 AM
Oh Fritz you are a silly boy wanting to go out in the freezing cold and then not wanting to come in. My Bella is like that too though. I am laughing at all of the things you have dragged under the table. You are such a little character. :) By the way Barry be careful with all of that shoveling. You don't want to hurt your back. Oh, and it is freezing here today too and supposed to get even colder. Wind chills later on will be around zero and we have a very cold week ahead. Brrr!

Daisy and Delilah
02-04-2007, 09:10 AM
Wow Barry. You sure are busy. I hope you're taking care of that cold and be careful with that snow shoveling. That's a very demanding job-I remember it when I lived in Virginia. Take it easy.

Fritz, you and Papa are such good heaters for each other aren't you? Stay warm you guys!! It sounds like it's really really really cold there :)

02-04-2007, 04:42 PM
The weatherman asked "who left the door open to Canada"? Because we're going to be getting the weather you're having now. I'm not looking forward to it. :(

Anyhow, I love that picture of Fritz. He's keeping his Pop all nice and toasty. What a good boy, Fritz. :)

02-05-2007, 07:17 AM
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v334/fritz26/eating.jpg Fritz cleaning out the cereal bowl this morning.He had his toast and porridge.Marlene and Larry were here while I was at the game and I am sure he greeted them in his usual way.I had some Chinese Food we had from Saturday for supper and Fritz waited until i was done and he licked the plate clean.Fritz was pretty good,out a couple of times,then under the couch.Fritz went before I went to bed,he wanted,he didn't need so I just told get to bed and he eventually did.I guess dad didn't like the picture of himself with Fritz yesterday,hair wasn't combed,had Mom rip it up.Still bitterly cold here,still windchill and snowsquall warnings,supposed to better by Wednesday or Thursday.Still coughing a little,i was only in the rink during the game,went to the lobby to warm up in between periods.Friends we know have a 8 year old Bichon Female Cleopatra,Cleo for short and the owner let her out,she got under a fence and went into the subdivision next to them and was gone overnight.He put out leaflets and he did find her, someone had taken her in and given her a bath.he never ties her up,that is what happened to their Bichon Angel and she was hit by a car and eventuly died and is buried in their backyard.

Daisy and Delilah
02-05-2007, 07:58 AM
Fritzie looks so cute!! I sorta got a smile out of your Dad not liking yesterday's picture, Barry, he still has the desire to look his best and that's a great thing! Tell him, I don't care what his hair looks like, he should see mine right now ;) ;) ;) Anyway....he's a good looking guy no matter what his hair looks like.
I'm glad your friend found Cleo. I sure hope they keep an eye on her so she doesn't get killed :( That would be so sad.

02-05-2007, 01:38 PM
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v334/fritz26/fritznpals.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v334/fritz26/fuzzyboy.jpg Fritz with Papa on one side and his Pals looking on at the other side and Fritz keeping Uncle Barry warm on the recliner.I am not coughing as much,so that's good.I now have to let Dad know I am taking a picture he would be in,seems to be worried about his appearance.Fritz had some of my Hot Dogs and he hoots and hollers at me for it and when Mom had hers which was biscuits,he sat on her lap quiet.A case worker was to come to see Dad,the weather was bad where she was and will have to com at another time.Fritz ate all his supper,might have gotten some Pork.wil probably play after supper.Doesn't stay out long before he starts hopping around,to cold on his paws.

02-05-2007, 04:30 PM
Fritz, Fenway hops around too when it's this cold. I hope it warms up real soon for the both of you. :)

Daisy and Delilah
02-05-2007, 08:56 PM
Awwwww!!! Don't let those footsies get too cold Fritz! We know it's cold up there. Come on down to Florida buddy. Our Mom made some hot dogs for dinner tonight. We have some leftovers for you.
Tell your Dad he couldn't look any better, Barry!! That's a great picture of him. :)

02-06-2007, 07:38 AM
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v334/fritz26/hungryboy.jpg Fritz this morning eating cereal.He also had toast and porridge,had to go out in the cold and he run around while i was out cleaning off a little snow.doesn't feel as cold,not much wind,but it is sunny 9 fahrenheit.Fritz was getting cold ,he was lifting one paw off the ground ,so he went in.Fritz stayed up with Dad last night to sleep while Mom was at church,never heard a word from him which was good.Dad got in the recliner ,Fritz is there with ,both covered with the blue blanket,got a picture. :cool:

Daisy and Delilah
02-06-2007, 08:28 AM
You're looking extra spiffy today, Fritz!! That bandana is such a statement on you. Be a good boy and stay warm!! :)

02-06-2007, 12:59 PM
I love Fritz's little bandana. Very cute.

02-06-2007, 01:50 PM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/2674duckieplay.JPGMy Uncle was here visiting dad and he was playing with his ducky squeaky in his paws while on his back.He had also grabbed his shoe and got his glove.Fritz also gave him big kisses like he does to all visitors.

02-06-2007, 01:58 PM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/331squeezin.JPG Fritz squeezed himself in between the glass jar and the window.Looks really cute.Mom thought it was.

02-06-2007, 03:18 PM
It's always so nice to see your pictures! Fritz is such a darling little guy and obviously much loved and a bit spoiled too! ;) I love the picture of him begging for your sister's food.

I pray that your father's illness progresses slowly and the doctor's appointment is a positive one! ;)


Daisy and Delilah
02-06-2007, 09:47 PM
What a cutie pie you are little fluffy fella!! We love the way you're wedged in the window, delicatley avoiding knocking that gorgeous goblet down. You're a wonderful boy Fritz!! :) :D :)

02-07-2007, 06:45 AM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/1228fritznpoppy.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/1094monkeypal.JPG Fritz covered up with dad yesterday on the recliner and Fritz snoozing in the chair with his monkey,he had all fours in the air before i got there to get the picture.He pretty much behaved himself,didn't ask to go out much ,once and then he went under the couch where he stayed until i went up and he soon followed.Fritz is now keeping dad company on the couch,another cold day,5 above fahrenheit,windchill -20 ,-25 fahrenheit and maybe snowsquall warnings.Dad was talking to my sister Tuesday morning in the first picture.

Daisy and Delilah
02-07-2007, 09:29 AM
It's freezing up there, Fritz and Barry!! Bundle up and take it easy!! You look adorable as always buddy :) :) :) :)

02-07-2007, 12:29 PM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/8265boot.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/7452flippyfella.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/2692sleepyguy.JPG Fritz has Mom's boot before she went out shopping,Flipped over next to dad and laying on dad's knee which he did the whole time mom was out except for going outside.He had a small play with his duck,got thirsty and wanted some fresh water.My Niece Shannon has started a daycare website.This is the site: www.funmomdaycare.homestead.com .

Daisy and Delilah
02-07-2007, 12:38 PM
What are you doing with that boot under the table Fritz? You crack me up so much!! Great pictures, Barry!! I'll take a look at the website when I get home from work. Take care!! :)

02-07-2007, 12:46 PM
I love that picture of your Dad & Fritz. It's really nice & suitable for framing!

02-07-2007, 12:53 PM
Humm... looks like Fritz was doing all he could to keep someone home huh?! :D
The website looks great!! I hope she does well with it!

02-07-2007, 05:19 PM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/7556twistyguy.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/4457sleepybye.JPG Fritz all twisted around between Mom and Dad,Fritz snoozing on his side.As far as i know,is still there now.He ate all his supper,mom helped out by putting some gravy on it.As soon as dad goes to bed,Mom will come down,Fritz will come too,hopefully to stay and not wanting out all the time.He will probably wait until I am ready to up,then he follows me. :cool:

02-07-2007, 07:06 PM
Wowzies,, i missed out on a ton of pictures. :eek:
as you know i love that fuzbucket of yours. i cant get over how cute he is :D

Daisy and Delilah
02-07-2007, 07:33 PM
I loved the website, Barry. She did a beautiful job.

Fritz, you're so cute with all fours up in the air. You look so cute sleeping. Your Mom and Dad are looking great too, Barry :)

02-08-2007, 07:52 AM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/2158barking.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/875taffyonbed.JPG Fritz barking a kids waiitng for the school bus and Taffy in on Mom and Dad's bed..Fritz did follow Taffy around for a few minutes,has since settle down since there are no kids to bark at outside.dad is off to Toronto, supposedly for blood work again.Mom talked to Auntie

02-08-2007, 07:55 AM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/2158barking.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/875taffyonbed.JPG Fritz barking a kids waiitng for the school bus and Taffy in on Mom and Dad's bed.Fritz did follow Taffy around for a few minutes,has since settle down since there are no kids to bark at outside.Dadis off to Toronto, supposedly for blood work again.Mom talked to Auntie Bev last night,Irene goes tomorrow for chemotherapy.They are moving to a smaller apartment and are having friends help them move in.

Daisy and Delilah
02-08-2007, 08:58 AM
Uh oh! What's Taffy doing on that bed, Fritz?? That's your spot isn't it? Awwwww!!! That's really nice of you to let Taffy sleep on one of your beds ;) You're both looking good Fritzie!! :)

02-08-2007, 09:06 AM
There is a lot for me to see as I haven't visited this thread in a little while! As always the pictures are terrific! Fritz's little personality shines in each one! I just love the one of him in the window barking at the kids. I think if I lived across the street from you it would be so much fun to look out and see Fritz every day in that window. What a good boy he is to share his bed with Taffy too. :) I hope your dad will have a good report on his blood work. We are always thinking of Aunt Irene too and wishing her a successful outcome after chemotherapy.

02-08-2007, 12:37 PM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/4751lazydogs1.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/997lazydogs2.JPG Fritz in the window and Taffy on the couch.Stayed out of each other's way.Fritz had some Bologna sandwich with me,went out a few times whether he needed to or not.Dad is back ,not sure how it went,he is tired out. :)

02-08-2007, 05:34 PM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/4413kozyguy.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/7968restyguy.JPG Fritz cozying up between mom and dad and Fritz looking up the street from the front window.The second,i held the camera straight up and down and when i downloaded ,it was sideways.I put it through a photo editor and got it rightside up.Fritz is right there keeping dad company .Dad might watch a little of the Leafs-Nashville game tonight,it is not til 8 and he might not stay up.Check my thread Not good news on the General forum about Dad.

02-08-2007, 05:51 PM
Wow! I love that photo of Fritz and the parents. He looks so cute & cozy and it looks like he's keeping Dad warm. What a doll! :)

02-08-2007, 06:13 PM
Fritz, what a good fluff you are! Sharing your bed and then your sofa with Taffy; but NOT dad, as far as I can see, ha ha!!! I lvoe seeing you in the front window, that sill was made with you in mind. Nice photos of your Mum and Dad, Barry, thanks for posting these.

02-08-2007, 06:19 PM
Oh Fritz, I haven't been able to get onto Pet Talk as often as I would like, but I always have you and everyone else on my mind throughout the day.

You're just as sweet as can be, curling up beside Mom and Dad, Barking at the children as they come home from school, and teasing everyone with your clever tricks!!!

It felt so good, seeing you and Taffy again today~ :o

Daisy and Delilah
02-08-2007, 08:44 PM
We can bet you were ecstatic when Papa came back, Fritz!! I love the pics of you looking out the window at the snow. You look so handsome with the beautiful snowfall outside. You're as white as the snow buddy! I see that Taffy is making herself comfortable too. You're such a good boy, allowing Taffy to be so relaxed when she visits. Great pics, Barry.

I'm still keeping all of you in my thoughts and prayers :)

02-09-2007, 07:03 AM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/7564daddynfritz.JPG Fritz snoozing on the blue blanket with Dad this morning.Fritz followed Mom up then went to the livingroom then on to the bedroom where he slept with rear end right in between mom and dad all night.Fritz ahd his creal,toast and porridge and is now cuddled up to dad.it snowed a little last night and dad was upset that he can't help me out.It hasn't been bad this year, an inch at any given time.He talked to Marlene and so did I ,it is her 55th birthday today.Larry may take her out to dinner. :cool:

Daisy and Delilah
02-09-2007, 08:35 AM
What a cute cuddlebug you are Fritzie!! I see you're being a very good boy as always. Happy Birthday to Marlene!! Help her celebrate buddy. Maybe you can invite Taffy over so they can go to dinner :)

02-09-2007, 12:27 PM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/5255beggyguy.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/4956hider.JPG Fritz begging to get up on the couch with mom and Fritz in the window,squeezed between the glass and the window.Dad also had tests where the doctor stuck needles in his arms and legs,probably checking for reflexes.Apparently this Doctor in one of the best in the field of ALS and Sunnybrook was lucky to get him.he will be having blood tests at some time for the pills he ahs been taking,hasn't got anything for the Iron level problem yet.My Aunto come over to see Dad,Fritz greeted her and then grabbed a shoe of hers and a glove and under the table he went with them.I had to get an old workglove of Dad's so Fritz can chew as he is fascinated by gloves of any kind.Mom and i are having Pancakes today,dad is having Scrambled Eggs and Sausage,so Fritz will love all this yummy food.He will have to eat all his first before he gets any of ours.Marlene has a cold,so they will hold of on going out.Mom was talking to Marlene earlier and there was a knock the door and there was someone from a florist with flowers,which Larry had sent for her birthday.Mom gave Fritz a brushing so he looks a little sprucier.

Daisy and Delilah
02-09-2007, 02:20 PM
Just as we think you can't get any cuter Fritz!! You do!! We love that begging pose-what a doll!! Peek A Boo.....we see you Fritzie!!

Wow! I bet Marlene loved the flowers. Sorry she has a cold :(

Fritz, you're just killing us with these stories of you stealing the visitors belongings ;) Could you be any funnier? :D

critter crazy
02-09-2007, 02:22 PM
OMG!! I just love the begging shot!! I cannot get enough!!

02-09-2007, 04:00 PM
Fritz, stop eating shoes and gloves! You're so funny! :D

02-09-2007, 05:22 PM
Oh Lordy, I sooooo Love seeing Fritz and reading about his many antics with gloves, shoes, and socks!!! He really sits up Pretty too Barry!!!

I'm so sorry that Marlene had a COLD on her Birthday too~ But I know the Flowers had to make her feel so much Better!!!

Barry, you always mention FOOD, and you whet my appetite for eating a better Breakfast!!! So, Thanks for talking about wholesome morning meals!!!

I really liked the pictures today!!!!!!!!!!! :cool:

02-09-2007, 05:52 PM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/1046coolnap.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/9955shoe.JPG Fritz cooling off on the carpet and under the dining room table with my running shoe,took the same one twice and was using it as a pillow.Last i saw,he was in the window,may be with Dad now.Soon as Dad goes to bed,he will be down,begging constantly to go up.He ends up under the couch and stays there until i go to bed. :D

Daisy and Delilah
02-09-2007, 07:06 PM
How did you get that big shoe under the table, Fritz? Determination will do it. Right sweetheart? Be a good boy. Have a good night!! :)

02-10-2007, 09:31 AM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/784flippieboy.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/8996fritzynbarry.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/2301fritzyndad.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/3435snoozyguy.JPG Fritz flipped over in the chair, with me and he had just kissed me prior to the picture being taken,with dad this morning and curled up in the corner of the chair.He is now with dad in the recliner.I am a liitle lighter on top,had my hair cut.Mom has gone out to get a new electric shaver and I am babysitting the both of them .

02-10-2007, 05:00 PM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/8484lazyfella.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/3382sunnyboy.JPG Fritz being lazy on the arm of the chair while dad is reading the paper and Fritz enjoying the sun while lazing in the chair.Dad had KFC for supper,Fritz had some,I don't think he got Pizza from mom and me,never finished his own food.He had a big play wiht the Monkey,got tired out and ende up on Mom's lap.panting.Earlier,he and grabbed her boot and the stereo remote.He has just gone out,maybe for a good reason,sometime it not.Fritz is now inside,hopefully for awhile.Auntie Irene had a Chemotherapy session yesterday,went well, probably 2 or three more sessions

02-10-2007, 05:29 PM
Oh gee Fritz, You're always such a sight to behold !!!!

You're so full of energy and determination too!!!

I really like the picture of Fritz , being Lazy on the arm of the chair, while Dad reads the paper. And now, I want Kentucky Fried Chicken :D

You're subject titles are sensational too!!!!!!!!!!

Daisy and Delilah
02-10-2007, 09:11 PM
We would love some KFC here too :D Sounds really good!!

Fritz, you look especially cute today sweetie!! Great pictures, Barry!! :D

I hope Auntie Irene gets through the chemo and is completely cured.

02-11-2007, 06:32 AM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/6598bedboy.JPG Fritz at the end of the bed this morning,stirring to get up.He went just before I did and he slept right in between mom and dad,fours in the air.This morning,Dad wanted Sausages and Eggs,the Sausage patties were frozen,they had to come apart and I guess Fritz smelled that,he is begging for it before they are cooked.I went up a few minutes to get dad some coffee and there is Fritz sitting on the couch,wanting eggs and sausage,he didn't touch the cereal or toast I had for him.Dad used his new electric shaver that mom got for him and was using in the living room,Fritz didn't like the noise of it,he barked and barked at it.It is easier for dad to shave there than to get up and go to the bathroom to do where he would have to get up and go there.

Daisy and Delilah
02-11-2007, 08:24 AM
Yes Fritz, every man needs to rest after caring so well for his Papa. It looks like you're getting in a good nap. You look pretty exhausted. Have a fun day Fritz!! :D

02-11-2007, 08:32 PM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/8364chairbuds.JPG Fritz and Dad this afternoon in the recliner.Later on,Dad wanted a comb,a mirror and a dish of water,he wanted to comb his hair.As soon as I put the dish down in front of Dad,Fritz took a drink of it.Dad and i had a laugh out of that.He got into shoe snatching and taking mom's boot again today.At one time today,he followed Mom down and brought his soccer ball up and later had a play with it.he had a snooze after supper,he must have been dreaming because he was twitching,yipping and barking in his sleep,must have seen something he didn't like.Dad had his shaver out again,Fritzdoesn't like the noise of it and jumped out of the chair.Hewent to bed with Dad when Mom went to pick me up at the hockey game which the Eagles won 4-1 over the Lindsay Muskies and lead the series 1-0 going to Lindsay on Tuesday.Mom figured he would be in the windowwhen we got back,he was still in bed.

02-11-2007, 08:36 PM
Aww what a sweet boy that Fritz is! I'm sure your dad loves the cuddles. Thanks for sharing him with us!

02-11-2007, 08:38 PM
Barry that last picture is just precious. Your dad and Fritz look so cozy and comfortable, warm and content. That is really one to treasure. I love the smile on your dad's face. Look how comfy Fritz looks. He's the best pup you could ask for!

Daisy and Delilah
02-11-2007, 10:49 PM
Yes Barry, that is such a special picture of Fritz with his Papa. Your Dad looks so happy and proud of his little Fritzie!! It seems Frtiz thinks all fresh dishes of water are for him. I can't stop laughing at him snatching things to take under the table. :)

02-12-2007, 06:39 AM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/1742poppynfritz.JPG Fritz on dad's lap this morning.Fritz seems to be lazy or not hungry,he only had my cereal,not the toast or Porridge.Larry was to pick up the tractor and take it out to his brother-in-law's yesterday,couldn't get a hold of him,so have to wait until next week. Mom made the mistake of mentioning this to dad and he wanted to go out and tighten the oil filter.A lady said oil got on her driveway in the fall and dad wanted to check it.I tried doing it,there is no room in the trailer to do it and ther cab is on it and too much has to come off and while closing the hood on it,pinched my finger,it's fine.He got the same notion this morning,getting mom upset,can't tell him nothing.A case worker is coming today,so we will see what happens with that.From tomorrow night into Wednesday,there may be 4-6 inches of snow,so will have to wait on that.They have wrong on these before,hopefully it will be wrong again.

Daisy and Delilah
02-12-2007, 09:13 AM
It has to be very trying for all of you Barry. It's always so hard to understand that the person that's ill doesn't see things the way we want them to, or vice versa. I guess everyone needs to be patient in these situations and do the best they can. I have to say that it amazes me how tidy the house is all the time and what a great job you and your Mom are doing to take care of your Dad. I wouldn't want to be in your shoes. I always wish you all the best and I always will.

Just keep taking those great pictures of Fritz and his Papa every day. I know that cheers us all up :D Take care!!

02-12-2007, 12:04 PM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/7114sittinguy.JPG We were having Salmon Sandwiches and he wanted some,he did get a little to satisfy him.He had play earlier in the morning with his Soccer ,bunting it around,had a great time.Fritz went out a few time to sit and cool off outside.Later in the morning ,had a snooze on the blue blanket then with me in the recliner.A case worker is here to talk with dad,Marlene come see what she has to say.Fritz had to be put in his cage,didn't lock the latch and he got out,i got him back with a Jerky Treat.

02-12-2007, 12:09 PM
Why did Fritz have to be put in his cage? Did the case worker not like dogs?

Did Fritz get groomed lately? He looks so clean & white - like a little snowman.

Daisy and Delilah
02-12-2007, 12:38 PM
I agree with elizabethann. Fritz, you look like a snowball. So bright and white. You were probably in your cage so you wouldn't grab the case workers files, etc. ;) You're such an entertainer, buddy!! :)

finn's mom
02-12-2007, 02:25 PM
Your home looks so inviting and cozy. I love pictures of Fritz. :)

02-12-2007, 07:27 PM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/377gazerboy.JPG Fritz gazing out the front window tonight.He has been good tonight,went out once,is now under the couch,just got out from under the couch and just went under again.Dad is in bed.he went after the news at around 7.The video I saw of the Bichons at Westminster was very cute,seeing them trotting along just like Fritz does.

Daisy and Delilah
02-12-2007, 10:35 PM
The Bichon that was on tonight was adorable, Barry. I was hoping you would see him. Was Fritz watching somewhere in the house? ;)

02-13-2007, 05:40 AM
Oh Fritz~ You're quite the dog, you are~

Lapping up Dads hair tonic (water) , Now~~ that had to be one hilarious moment!!!

Barry, the captions match the pictures perfectly, and I too feel that you have a Supportive Network going on at all times.

02-13-2007, 06:25 AM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/7133bedbuddy.JPG Fritz this morning in my bed.He came scratching at my door wanting in,then he come in and jumped up and curled up beside me for a few minutes.After a few minutes,I had to go out and put the garbage out,got the picture before I went out and by that time,he was curled up with dad.Fritz had some cereal and porridge.I left two pieces of toast on my plate,he wouldn't eat it,Fritz then layed down on the carpet,he wanted me to feed it to him,so I did and he is on Mom's lap now. The captioning for the pictures is the name I gave the pictures,fits every picture just right.

critter crazy
02-13-2007, 06:28 AM
Fritz, you are just too cute for words!!

02-13-2007, 06:49 AM
It's a good day to just stay in Bed Fritzy~

Daisy and Delilah
02-13-2007, 09:25 AM
Awwww!!! There you are cutie! Greeting Uncle Barry like a good boy and taking a nap with him. You probably wanted to tell him to get that camera going for Pet Talk. Right buddy? :D Have a good day sweetie!! :)

02-13-2007, 01:18 PM
It's a good day to just stay in Bed Fritzy~

I agree. Fritz is one smart pup!

02-13-2007, 01:28 PM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/5315resterboy.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/2484pawguy.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/2348upcloseguy.JPG Fritz with his head resting on my leg,Dad watching proudly.Fritz with his paws in the air next to me on the couch and Fritz squeezed into the glass goblet and the window.Fritz ate his supper got some of dad's casserole that had chicken in it and he will probably get some Vanilla Ice Cream and a part of a cupcake for dessert.Dad said today that Fritz has been a real big help to him and Mom said the long trip to Wiarton,Ontario was well worth it.Supposed to get 6 inches of snow tonight into tomorrow,hope they are wrong,they have about these things before this winter.Mom got pills to help with dad's Iron level and has to take Orange Juice with it.

02-13-2007, 01:37 PM
OMG. Look at this picture. What a cutie pie. I'm melting!


02-13-2007, 01:38 PM
TOO cute!
I love the upsidedown picture!

Cute as ever you are Fritz!!

02-13-2007, 02:35 PM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/3462pawwrap.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/1860fritzynmom.JPG I am playing with in this picture,paws are wrapped around a bone squeaky his Aunties go him at Christmas,he is sitting in the picture and Fritz on Mom's lap a few minutes ago.He always has a play with a squeaky after supper and tonight was no exception.We played a few minutes and he got tired.Last I saw him,he was laying on the floor.Mom just heard the weather and it now says an inch to an inch and a half,another station I listened to says 4-6 inches,so don't know what to believe,get what we get i guess.The Westminster Dog Show won't be on up here until maybe the first week of March on TSN(The Sports Network).

02-13-2007, 06:31 PM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/3482lazypup.JPG Fitz snoozing on the end of the couch.Fritz either layed next to me in the recliner or with Dad on the couch.He sticks pretty close to him.He is right in between Mom and Dad on the couch,Mom just got back from working at the hospital gift shop for 2 hours.

Daisy and Delilah
02-13-2007, 10:16 PM
What a nice group of great photos of you Fritz!! You're just the handsomest boy aren't you? Sorry you have to wait so long for the dog show, Barry. Keep on taking those great pictures of Fritz, the family, and that gorgeous house of yours :)

02-14-2007, 08:07 AM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/166gloveguy.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/4359puptired.JPG Fritz climbing up beside Mom to bury my glove in the chair.He walked all around the upstairs and two other chairs ,whining trying to find a place to bury it.Fritz earlier on still sleeping,he had some porridge ,a little cereal,one piece of toast ,not the other.He had to go outside when i come in from doing snow,the most yet.It was about 4 inches,hard to tell as it has gotten into big drifts due to wind.I am taking a break before doing more.Fritz sure loves the snow,he likes to run it and gets it on his whiskers.Dad is fine,Fritz is with him now i think.

02-14-2007, 08:19 AM
Hello Fritz! Nice to see you today. Love the picture with the glove. You little devil. :D You're so cute.

Daisy and Delilah
02-14-2007, 11:10 AM
Come on now Fritzie!! Don't hide Barry's glove!! He'll need it out there to keep you all free of snow drifts at the door ;) Be a good boy cutie!! :)

02-14-2007, 12:55 PM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/8268snowpic1.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/483snowpic2.JPG A couple of pictures of Fritz in the front window early this afternoon after we had a good 5-6 inches of snow fall.Mom wants to get a good picture of him in the window to use as a Christmas Card.The picture looks better here than when i printed it off,too dark,can't see him.He grabbed one of the heavy socks i wear over my other ones to go out and he got it and under the table laying on it.He left it a couple of times then basck to it,afraid someone might take it

Daisy and Delilah
02-14-2007, 10:12 PM
Those pictures are beautiful, Barry. I love the snow and I love Fritz looking out at you. He always loves to get his picture taken. You can get some gorgeous shots of him that would be really nice on a Christmas card. Either in the house or outside. :) You have such a beautiful house. Most anything will be perfect. :D

02-14-2007, 10:32 PM
I think all of your pictures are GREAT Barry, and I did see Fritz looking out the window in the last one ! ( I'm looking at the same snow drifts that I shoveled through today :D )

Your home is such an inspiration to me, and so is Fritz.

02-15-2007, 05:28 AM
Oh there's that cutie pie in the window. I see him! I think the idea of a Christmas card with Fritz in the window is awesome. I had to smile at the thought of him guarding your sock. What a silly boy! :D

02-15-2007, 07:01 AM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/19fritznpoppa.JPG Fritz keeping papa warm this morning,-3 fahrenheit outside.Fritz went to bed with Dad after and was there when Mom brought me home.Game didn't go well,Eagles lost 4-2 to Lindsay,still lead series 2-1.Fritz was right up in between mom and Dad in bed last night,he gets up when dad gets up in the morning and stays next to him.Too lazy at first,for Porridge,Toast and Cereal,but did have it.I had to go out and clean up some snow the Snowplow threw partway up the driveway and it cold out.I saw at least one other driveway that happened in,not my Uncle's though.

Daisy and Delilah
02-15-2007, 07:26 AM
Great picture, Barry!! Fritz and Papa look pretty cozy. I don't envy all you Northerners who have to shovel the white stuff. It doesn't sound like a bit of fun. Stay warm :)

02-15-2007, 12:07 PM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/8249brushy.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/4167boothog.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/1754coldout.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/5167dadnbuddy.JPG Mom giving Fritz a brush job a few minutes ago,Fritz with a neighbor's boot under the table.He greeted the neighbor with tailwags and got petted.the neighbor came over to see dad and he said he and his wife are going on a cruise around the Dominican Republic for 2 weeks and it is a lot warmer there than it is here now.Fritz out in the patio,didn't want to come out of the cold.Just to the right of him is snow I shoveled from two drifts in front of the shed and between the shed and gazebo.There was no room to throw it in the flower bed and i can't throw it over the fence into the yard next to us,so it stays where it is .Fritz sleeping next to Dad while Mom was out shopping.By next Monday,it is supposed to be 32 fahrenheit and snow showers,significantly better than what it feels like right now,windchill about -25 fahrenheit,cold on the face.Dad is fine,one day one legg feels beter than the other,other than that he is not bad.

02-15-2007, 12:55 PM
Fritz, your coat is so bright white! You are too handsome. Keep Poppa warm on these chilly days, it makes him smile!

02-15-2007, 07:42 PM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/224napperguy.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/2288sleepyman.JPG Fritz flipped over on his back on the floor,got warm on the cocuh and another one of him snoozing on the carpet,layed on the floor to get this,a sunshining in front of him.Fritz was in between mom and dad upstairs while they watched a little of the Leafs games,mom then took dad to bed,Mom is down here and Fritz under the couch.

Daisy and Delilah
02-15-2007, 08:51 PM
Did you grab the neighbors boot, Fritz?? You're too funny!! Under that table with your loot ;) We love the upside down Fritzie pictures, Barry!! It looks pretty cold there. Stay warm everybody. Barry, does your Dad seem to be doing any better since he started the pills? Have you noticed a big improvement? My best to all of you :)

02-16-2007, 07:02 AM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/7446popsnfritz.JPG Fritz curled up wiht Dad this morning.Fritz followed Mom up shortly after she went to bed and was still there after Mom got up at around 6:30 this morning.Had his usual breakfast of Cereal,Toast and Porridge,went out and is with dad.Dad seems to be holding his own.One lower leg bothers him more rthan the other some days.From the knees up ,he is fine except for his talking.There hasn't been any additional problems crop up since he was diagnosed with this 2 months ago.The blood work will done her 1 time a month for 3 months. it is too much getting him ready to take him to the hospital to get it done,so it will be done here.

Daisy and Delilah
02-16-2007, 08:44 AM
I see you're staying warm with Papa, Fritz. Good job buddy!! It sounds like your Dad is holding his own, Barry. I think you mentioned that speech therapy isn't a viable option with ALS. I know how sad you all feel having to see him like this. I'm always glad that Fritz can keep everybody smiling there. He's a true therapy doggie for the family :) What a cute, good boy he is :)

02-16-2007, 05:56 PM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/6209chairguy.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/1630lazynap.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/7304coldsit.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/7065closelook.JPG http://imagebee.org/images/6623fritznmama.JPG Fritz snoozing in Mom's chair,laying on Mom's lap,sitting out on the cold patio,closeup of ritz on my knee in the recliner and Fritz with Mom on the couch.Last i saw he was in the window.Fritz barks at noise on the tv,including one with a phone ringing and he runs off barking every time the commercial is on ,thinking it is the doorbell.During the news,today,they were showing the girl in Florida that has hiccuped for three weeks and as soon as Fritz heard it ,off he went barking,glad he is so alert to every noise.Dad had his blood test,once a month for three months and every 3 for a year.Dad has now gone to bed and Mom will soon be coming down.eH kept himself busy by putting new bungee cord on the cushion so Fritz can't get the cushions off.Mom talking to Bev right now,Irene is doing good,has another Chemotherapy session on March 1.

Daisy and Delilah
02-16-2007, 10:11 PM
Great pictures Barry!! Everyone looks great. Fritz seems to love the snow. Glad to hear Auntie Irene is doing well. Before you know it, Aunties Irene and Bev will be there for a visit!! :)

02-17-2007, 06:06 AM
Oh Fritz, you are giving me chills! Hurry inside! I can't bear to look! LOL!
Great pictures as always Barry. :)

02-17-2007, 06:31 AM
Such great pictures to see in the morning ( with exceptional captions too)!!!

Fritz is such a Rascal isn't he?~~~~Stealing the neighbors boot, barking at the girl with the hiccups, and coping so well with the cold weather. He's such a great Pal to have around the house!!!

I think he would be a perfect picture on this years Christmas Card :o


I'm so glad that your Dad can have his bloodwork done at home, as It's way too cold outside and of course, it removes some stress from all of you.

02-17-2007, 06:33 AM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/3876paperdog.JPG Fritz snoozing next to dad this morning surrounded by newspaper.You can't leave the paper around too long like this or Fritz carts it off and rips it before anybody could read it.Fritz woke Mom up when he started barking at around 1 this morning and Mom had a hard time sleeping after that,stayed there until 7 this morning.Probably before her next chemotherapy we will see Auntie Irene and Bev,Fritz will like that been almost 2 months.Other than losing a little hair,Irene is doing as well as can be.Fritz has had his breakfast,been out and is probably with Dad now on the couch.

02-17-2007, 06:44 AM
I'm happy to learn that Auntie Irene and Bev will soon pay you a visit~ It's good to know that she is feeling well.

Fritz, Are you a paper Shredder too? :eek: You look so innocent in that picture. :p

You sure keep everyone on their toes don't you. :D

02-17-2007, 05:16 PM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/1338papanbud.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/6773pizza.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/2512pizzabeg.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/7418lookie.JPG Fritz with Dad in the recliner,next to me wanting some Pizza,begging in front of Mom for some,got some from her and me,taking a look at dad in the recliner.

02-17-2007, 05:35 PM
Papanbud, pizza, pizzabeg and Lookie~ :cool:

Great Captions and of course, great Pictures!!!!

I just can't decide on which one I like the Best~ It's a toss up between Papanbud and Pizzabeg~ :p

And then, you posted,~~~ Lookie!!!! ~~~

Fritz looks sensational in that last picture !!!!

I hope he got a piece of the Pizza because he deserves a reward for being such a lover boy dog.

Great Pictures !!!!

02-17-2007, 05:38 PM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/8310brushjob.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/3687fluffy.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/6069nodders.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/4276nodding.JPG Fritz getting a brushjob in the kitchen,a fluffed up Fritz in the front window,Mom,Dad and Fritz all nodding off to sleep and Fritz and dad snoozing.We had Fish and Chips for supper,Fritz got a little of it.right now,i guess he is between the two of them on the couch.Fritz kept hearing things and then barking,even barked at a man walking by the house,gues he shouldn't have been walking by.The Westminster show is on tonight at 7 and tomorrow at 7 on Outdoor Life Network Canada.I have to tape it both times,the Toronto Maple Leafs are on TV tonight and the Bowmanville Eagles play tomorrow and i am going to that.

Daisy and Delilah
02-17-2007, 07:16 PM
What a great selection of pictures to greet me after work, Barry!! I love the one of you smiling Fritz!! The one of you begging is priceless too. Oh well, I think I love them all!!!
YAY!! The Aunties are going to visit. You'll be so excited buddy! I can't wait to hear about the visit. It will be a wonderful reunion for everybody!

Stay out of that snow Fritz. You're going to freeze those little pawsies off.

Barry, I can't tell you how much I enjoy the pictures of your family and Fritz. I just feel warm and cozy every time I see new pics and read your nessage :)

02-17-2007, 07:34 PM
OMG. I love that picture of Fritz in the window smiling, with his cute bandana on. I also love the picture of everybody taking a nap on the couch. How adorable.

02-18-2007, 09:15 AM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/7122cuddleguy.JPG Fritz cuddled up to dad this morning on the couch.He goes with Dad to the couch when Dad gets up in the morning .He had his toast and cereal with me in the bedroom as i was watching the first half of the Westminster Show.There wnere some very nice dogs,like Bill Cosby's dog the Dandie Dinmont Terrier.I saw the Bichon Frise High Ridge Is Judge's Choice.He is a very cute Bichon,to bad we can't get the hair to look like that on Fritz,it is probably cut that way for showing.Unfortunately,didn't win the group and he didn't even place,but they sure are beautiful dogs.A couple of times i mentioned seeing a dog on the tv. and Fritz perked right up and looked,thought there was one in the house I guess .He was on my bed watching it with me,probably still there now or with dad.

Daisy and Delilah
02-18-2007, 10:46 AM
Awwwww!!! That other Bichon can't hold a candle to you Fritzie!! You're always going to be our champion!! I think your hair looks cute the way it is. Who cares about that poofy look? ;) Have a great day you guys!! :D

02-18-2007, 12:22 PM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/7458snowsit.JPG Fritz sitting out in the snow this morning.It doesn't bother him at all.Bichons have a second layer of fur that keps them warm,so cold don't bother them,warm weather it is different ,they start panting.Dad was upset,told me his legs felt worse and not long ago,I could hear him talking to mom,he didn't sound happy.He wants to go up to my sister's and see their new kitchen,hasn't heard back from her yet.My Uncle just came over and he seems fine now,Fritz jumped up at my Uncle,don't think he grabbed any boots this time aroun.d

Daisy and Delilah
02-18-2007, 08:09 PM
That picture is making my teeth chatter, Fritz!! It's pretty cold here tonight too-for Florida that is :D I think we're going into the thirties again tonight. I'm glad you're staying warm, sweetie.

I hope your Dad gets to your sister's to see the new kitchen, Barry. Is that Marlene? I'm glad Fritz didn't grab an boot earlier ;)

02-18-2007, 08:43 PM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/9624cushyguy.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/63grabby.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/8799sunnyguy.JPG Fritz snoozing on the pillow while they went to see my sister's new kitchen floor.Fritz has Larry's boot under the table.They come to put a bigger railing outside the bathroom for dad and Fritz on my knee on the reclining chair,looking outside,really loves doing this.Fritz behaved while i was at the game,Eagles won 4-3,winning the series 4 games to 1 and now play Kingston in the next round.Fritz was at the back door when i got back and stayed upstairs and went to bed.

Daisy and Delilah
02-18-2007, 09:12 PM
How on earth did you get that big boot under the table Fritz? It must have been really funny to see you dragging it. Glad they got to see the kitchen, Barry. Fritz couldn't look cuter. I love the pic of him on the pillow. What a little Prince/King!! :D

02-19-2007, 06:39 AM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/164zonkyguy.JPG Fritz with his head on the pillow this morning.Shortly after,he got up ,had Porridge and Toast of dad's,then cereal and toast from me ,went out,went back in and got up with dad.Supposed to warm up to 34 fahrenheit,better than it is right now,0 fahrenheit.

Daisy and Delilah
02-19-2007, 08:43 AM
You had better pull that cover up over your head Fritz. Stay warm while that temp is rising ;) That bed looks pretty cozy and we think you're adorable!! Are you still shoveling snow, Barry?

02-19-2007, 11:18 AM
Great pictures Barry!! I love the ones of Fritz in the window, and under the table. He's such a cutie. :D

02-19-2007, 06:17 PM
Fritz, I just love this picture of your puffy head. It's so adorable. I just want to kiss it. Hope you're feeling better Barry!


02-20-2007, 06:35 AM
Fritz followed Mom up to bed last night and got in between the pillows.At som epoint during the night ,Fritz gor up and went to the living room and slept in the chair all night,only heard when he barkrd at 4:45 htis morning when the paper came and he was quiet.When I got up at 20 to 7,he was in the chair awake.He had his cereal with me,watches until I am done and comes over,had mom's toast,come back and had mine ,went out and is probably with dad now.I am feeling better now, had an inch of snow to shovel yeaterday.Supposed to be 41 and mild until the weekend when it will go down into the 20's.I will take more pictures of my pal when mom gets batteries for the camera,I hope today. :cool: Dad is the same ,no worse,so maybe the pills are helping him.

Daisy and Delilah
02-20-2007, 09:15 AM
Glad to hear you're feeling better, Barry. It must be hard staying warm and trying to mend. Can't wait to get our daily fix of Fritz and the family in pictures again. We'll be patient :) Have a good day!!

02-20-2007, 01:11 PM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/2174grabber.JPG Fritz grabbed mom's boot as soon as she came back from the grocery store.Fritz did the same with Marlene's boot when she come to cut dad's hair.He growled at me and tried biting me.He was digging at the corner of the recliner,there was nothing there,he kept going and when I tried to stop him,he growled,barked and did take a nip at me.He also had a big play with the green neck collar throwing it around.He also got at the blue blanket,digging at it,the blanket still under as kept digging at it and still moving along the carpet with it.dad had me scraping ice at the edge of the neighbor's across the street,they are in Florida.He wanted to put two new pieces of aluminum over the brake handles on the rear wheels of the wheelchair,foam handles covering the pipe,something to keep him occupied.

Daisy and Delilah
02-20-2007, 01:46 PM
Oh Fritz!! You just make my day with these pictures and stories!! You're just unbelievable! I love those "under the table" pics. Glad you got batteries so quick, Barry!! :D

02-20-2007, 03:20 PM
Fritz, are you smiling or about to bite Barry's hand off? :eek:

Now you be a good boy King Fritz. :)

02-20-2007, 03:57 PM
MY... What big teeth you have!!

;) Fritz.. even when you're trying to look mean you're still cute!

02-20-2007, 10:56 PM
:D Oh My Lord, I just had to have a Fritz Fix ( Pet Talk slang for Feeling Good inside)

Great Stories and Great Pictures !!!!!

02-21-2007, 07:52 AM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/3177perchynap.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/8409couchynap.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/1760waterboy.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/2946headyout.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/3244coverup.JPG Fritz sleeping in the window yesterday,then the couch,in front of the fireplace wanting a dish of water,head stuck out of the blan ket this morning and flipped over,still covered by a blanket.Last night,Fritz went up after mom,then shortly after heard him barking and he was under the table in the dining room.After this,mom stomped on ther floor,Fritz got into the spare bedroom and go her scarf and i had to get that from him.Dad kept me busy during the news,just got out of the tub and he is banging for me to take him to the washroom,had to get dressed and do that.He had taken a laxative,mom told him not to and he did anyway.Just got sitting down again and he had to go again.He kept mom up m ost of the night doing this and she was still in bed at 7 this morning,so was Fritz.Last i loooked,he hadn't an cereal or anything and he is up on the couch with dad keeping him company.Mild again today 36 fahrenheit,a litle cooler on the weekend in the mid 20's.

Daisy and Delilah
02-21-2007, 08:14 AM
What great pictures of you Fritz!! You're so cute in all your poses. We know you're a born camera ham buddy!! That bed looks pretty comfy. Get some rest and take care of the family, sweetie!! :D

02-21-2007, 02:15 PM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/4693blankeynap.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/6880comfyguy.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/9389flippydog.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/6741closeylook.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/2839restyfella.JPG Various shots of fritz snoozing.His head on the green blanket,curled up still on the blanket,flipped over on the couch,he looks bright,the only you can see is his black nose,a close look of him in the window and resting on Mom's knee.He had a paly with his Ducky and was tired.He ate all his supper,had some of my Butterscotch Ripple Ice Cream.Fritz had another play after supper this time with the Monkey.Dad had to brush his teeth and he had a dish of water,before he started,Fritz was thirsty from his play so he had a drink,we all got a laugh from it.I think now he is with dad on the couch keeping him company.

02-21-2007, 06:34 PM
OH Fritz, Oh, You sweetheart you, The close up of your face is so Sweet to see~ And I can actually imagine how you drink the water when Papa brushes his teeth. :D

02-22-2007, 06:59 AM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/8143waiter.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/698begguy.JPG Fritz waiting for cereal and toast,then sitting up and begging for it.He did get some,went out and has now crawled up next to dad on the couch.I will soon have to put him in his cage,the speech therapist is coming to see dad at 8:30 this morning.Fritz went to bed shortly safter mom did and stayed there all night and was at dad's side when I come out at 7 this morning.The Aunties can't come,Irene is not up to the long drive here,so it will have to be another time.She had some sort of tests yesterday,not sure what for.Getting a liitle wet snow here,35 fahrenheit.

02-22-2007, 07:34 AM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/8361shaver.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/6880drinker.JPG Dad shaving this morning,Fritz doesn't like the noise of it.Dad needed a dish of water to comb his hair,Fritz got to the water first and had a drink out of it.As you can see,dad got a laugh out of it,so did I.He is in his cage now,the speech therapist is here.Fritz barked for a bit,has quieted down.Snow is really coming down now,a inch and a half this morning.

Daisy and Delilah
02-22-2007, 10:15 AM
What a doll you are Fritz!! Papa's shaving water was just a fresh bowl for you wasn't it. We love the big smile on Papa's face!! You really make him happy sweetie! Sorry to hear that Auntie Irene is not up to the drive now Barry. I hope she will be soon. Fritzie loves his Aunties. Great pictures, Barry!! You're doing a great job with your camera skills. :)

02-22-2007, 11:33 AM
Oh Fritz.... you are THE cutest little thing!

You knew that bowl of water was for you all along! ;)

02-22-2007, 02:22 PM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/516fluffer.JPG Fritz watching out the front window this afternoon.Marlene gave him a brushing.The Reverend from our church Joe Lafave came by to visit Dad and all of us to talk and pray for dad.It should help make us stronger.Dad was getting emotional and got a hug from Marlene.Just before,he wanted me to get Fritz out of the cage to see Reverend Lafave.His tail went and he wanted to kiss him.Fritz got a hold of the Reverend's shoe and went under the table with it ,this something he started this year,never really done it before.The Reverend didn't mind Fritz,his family has a Bernese Mountain Dog named Mocha and Mocha will smell Fritz on him when he gets home.We had a inch or so of wet snow,have done four driveways today,hard work this wet snow.Sunday,another mess of snow coming 6 inches of heavy wet snow,not looking forward to it,hope it goes someplace else,have a hockey game to go to on Sunday.Fritz had his supper,had some ice cream and may have hid after supper play soon.

02-22-2007, 05:11 PM
Oh, Oh, Oh,~~~ I liked the Fluffer picture of you Dear Fritz.

And by George, you got ahold of another shoe when the Reverend Joe came by for a visit!! :p

I know that the Prayers were so soothing and they will help all of you feel stronger !!!

{{{Enclosing a Big Hug for Papa}}}} and of course, one for Fritz too!!!

Barry, Your pictures and added captions are Sensational!! I really enjoyed seeing your Dad with a Grin on his face!!!

02-22-2007, 05:46 PM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/8978lightguy.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/5560fritzncardy.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/6065shuteyes.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/1667nicenappy.JPG Fritz being lazy in the living room.Fritz snoozing between the light and the window,broke the bulb in the light last night,Fritz in the window snoozing alongside Cardy the Cardinal,Fritz on Mom's knee,closed his eyes when i took the picture and Fritz on his in between Mom and dad both with smiles.Mom talked with Shannon asking about Dad and she is coming during the March break when she isn't looking after kids at her Daycare.Dad just gone to be,Fritz will probably stay with him,mom going out to play cards,so i here to babysit the two of them

Daisy and Delilah
02-22-2007, 09:20 PM
These latest pictures are some of your best, Fritz!! It seems someone is always smiling when you're around. I love the pic of you looking out the window. What a property protector and super good boy!! And a cute boy at that!! :)

02-23-2007, 06:45 AM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/50finished.JPG Fritz looking at me after having Porridge.He was looking up at dad after this to see what he had.he stayed in bed with dad all last night,barked once when he heard a girl walking by.Dad somehow got to the bathroom from the bedroom without me,didn't bang on the floor for me to help him.Cold here today 10 degrees,yesterday,it was 40.Supposed to be snow Sunday into Monday with freezing rain,hope not, I got the hockey game to go to on Sunday.If it gets really bad,it will probably be postponed.The breakfast must have been good,looks like Fritz is licking his lips.I think I know how dad made it without me.He grabbed hold of the railings from the bedroom to the bathroom and made it there.

02-23-2007, 07:24 AM
:D There's Fritz.... cute as ever!

Glad you dad made it to the bathroom with out hurting himself!
I think next time he should make sure to bang on the floor to get your attention! This way no one has to worry about him! ;)

Daisy and Delilah
02-23-2007, 08:53 AM
Awwwww!!! What a cute pic of Fritz!! Hi buddy! It sounds like your Dad is trying to do some things on his own Barry. I hope he tries to do something once in a while so he'll feel a little better :) It usually helps if we have our own accomplishments so we feel we're being useful. My heart goes out to him and you and your Mom too :)

02-23-2007, 12:34 PM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/8546cozypozy.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/1561poppanfritz.JPG Fritz having a cozy sit on the chair and Fritz cozyingin with dad on the couch.Apparently when Dad got up to go to the washroom,Fritz was on the end of the bed, and he moved to the pillow.After dad was coming back,he got up from the pillow and back to the end of the bed.Not long ago,he was at Dad's side,then he must have known Dad wanted to lay down,so Fritz moved to the end of the couch.Fritz is sure one intelligent little fella!. Dad said he wouldn't know what he would do without Fritz.

Daisy and Delilah
02-23-2007, 02:38 PM
I ask myself every day.....what would any of us do without Fritz? Such a good little caretaker and smart little guy. As I always say, I love the smiles he puts on Papa's face. Even on the worst of days, our pets always make us smile. They're just the best little companions in the world. Fritz is a great example of that!! You look adorable little man!! :D

02-23-2007, 05:51 PM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/5406gazeyguy.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/36standupguy.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/2428blankyguy.JPG fritz gazing out the front window,Fritz standing with his front legs on the arm of the chair and covered up with his blue blanket.He is now in ther front window laying down,candle on.Apparently last night Fritz got out of bed,got mom's scarf,maybe took a chill.Larry made up another cushion to make it easier to get up off the couch,it would be that much easier if he used the recliner,it is higher up.

Daisy and Delilah
02-23-2007, 07:31 PM
The second pic looks like Fritz is keeping his eyes on the neighborhood. I see you still have snow on the ground Barry. Great pictures!! :)

02-23-2007, 07:46 PM
I LOVE this picture! The lighting is just beautiful and Fritz is his usual handsome self checking out the neighborhood. :)

02-24-2007, 07:13 AM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/6532lazybones.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/5090cerealguy.JPG Fritz having a lazy snooze with dad this morning and having some cereal.Fritz was sent to hi sown bed last night.Two or three times,he got out of their bed and was barking and Mom woke me up at 25 after 11 to get him and I gave him to her and she put in his cage and he was quiet after that.Then at 10 after 2,dad was getting up to go the washroom,his legs gave out and i had to gert up and help Mom get him up.Got him up,it is a struggle,he can't help much,I had to do the lifting.The reason he is losing weight is the iron pills he is taking,a friend of Mom took the same things and she lost weight,so mom will try to get dad off of them.Last I saw Fritz,he was at the end of the couch,Dad at the other.

02-24-2007, 07:22 AM
Yum! Breakfast looks yummy this morning Fritz!

Looks like you're doing a great job of keeping Dad warm Fritz!

Daisy and Delilah
02-24-2007, 08:46 AM
You look mahvelous Fritz!! You're such a cute little boy!!

I'm sorry your Dad fell, Barry. How scary. How did you find out that the iron is making your Dad lose weight? I take large doses of iron for anemia and it doesn't affect my weight at all. To be on the safe side, I would check with his doctor before stopping it. He may need it to prevent other problems. Low iron can really zap his energy level. Have you guys tried giving him some of those shakes like Ensure? They supplement lost nutrients. We gave those to my Grandmother and she did great with them. Sorry I don't know the names of the ones that are on the market now. I know that's the one we gave her 15 years ago and I think those are still available. I'm sorry you all are having such a hard time. :(

02-25-2007, 07:41 AM
Batteries on the camera went, had a pack of four and the camera needs two of them aty a time the two only lasted 2 days each time,so by this afternoon should have batteries.dad had to crawl to the bedroom,I guess the fall hurt him a bit,though we could get him up on his feet during the day,at night he just didn't have any strength.no problems during the night,fritz slept in his own cage.Mom wanted me to pick him up off her so she could get up out of her chair,Fritz growled at me,did the same this morning when dad wanted to be moved over the the recliner where he is now,Fritz I think is in the window.We had some trouble getting dad there,so mom called Larry,but before he come ,we had got him the chair.If it doesn't get better soon,Mom is going to get some help,getting a little too much,dad is a dead weight to lift, when he can't help us.Dad drinks Ensure every day so he is getting what he needs from that.There might be some snow coming ,hard to say,any here from an inch to 4 so who knows,it better hold off i have a game to go to tonight and i haven't missed a game in over 3 years.has the apointment in toronto on tuesday,hope it goes well,it is always a chore getting him ready to go and getting him dressed.

Daisy and Delilah
02-25-2007, 08:12 AM
Unfortunately, it may be getting too much for sure, Barry. That lifting will take a toll on all of you. My heart breaks daily for you and the family. I'm glad your Dad is drinking Ensure. It's so good for him. It will give him extra needed nutrients. Give Fritz some kisses from us and take care. We'll look forward to more pictures when you get batteries. :)

02-25-2007, 01:42 PM
Unfortunately, it may be getting too much for sure, Barry. That lifting will take a toll on all of you. My heart breaks daily for you and the family. I'm glad your Dad is drinking Ensure. It's so good for him. It will give him extra needed nutrients. Give Fritz some kisses from us and take care. We'll look forward to more pictures when you get batteries. :)

Ditto for me Barry~ :o

02-25-2007, 09:12 PM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/492beggyman.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/8920grinnyguy.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/5654fritznlarry.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/760upsydown.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/7912noser.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/5692myguy.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/8910kissy1.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/3558kissy2.JPG Here are some new shots of Fritz today.Fritz begging for a snack from Dad,dad is grinning,Fritz on dad's lap,Fritz is grinning,Fritz on Larry's lap,they came for a visit,gave us a Dr. Scholl's foot massager,mainly for dad,but mom and me too.Taffy sleeping upside down,Fritz has his nose buried between dad's legs,Fritz snoozing in the window,is now in his cage for the night,Fritz attemting to kiss Taffy second he is kissing.Actually got lot of licks in,got these two.We had friends visit,Fritz warmed up to them,especially the lasy when layed right beside her on the couch.dad wasn't too bad,he gets mad at me and mom it seems more than he does with Marlene and Larry.he has been in bed since around 6 when mom took me to the game not a good result,eagles lost 5-4 to Kingston in the foorst gasme of the second round series,next game is in Kingston ,tomorrow,her eon Wednesday and back there on Thursday.Started snowing and blowing here at quarter to 9,maybe an inch,better the 6 they were saying earlier.

Daisy and Delilah
02-25-2007, 10:47 PM
Everyone looks great in the new pictures. What cute pics of you and Taffy wearing your bandanas, Fritz. What a nice boy you are, giving her a kiss. You know how to put smiles on everyone's faces buddy!! Looks like you've already got some snow on the ground. Maybe you won't get too much more. Stay warm you guys!! :D :) :D

02-26-2007, 07:28 AM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/7853zonkeyguy.JPG Fritz zonked right out next to dad this morning,mom having coffee.Fritz has had all breakfast from everybody.He was laying with dad,then dad decided he had to go the bathroom and after a couple of minutes,Fritz come running checking dad out,then grabbed a piece of kleenex,got it from him,before that he ahd grabbed the radio remote and had to get it from him from under the dining room table.it is strange that he hollers at us when we are trying to help,with Larry here yesterday he didn't.He has said he appreciates out help,i wish he would keep appreciating it and not yell at us,it gets hard on us.

02-26-2007, 07:36 AM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/7853zonkeyguy.JPG Fritz zonked right out next to dad this morning,mom having coffee.Fritz has had all breakfast from everybody.He was laying with dad,then dad decided he had to go the bathroom and after a couple of minutes,Fritz come running checking dad out,then grabbed a piece of kleenex,got it from him,before that he ahd grabbed the radio remote and had to get it from him from under the dining room table.it is strange that he hollers at us when we are trying to help,with Larry here yesterday he didn't.He has said he appreciates out help,i wish he would keep appreciating it and not yell at us,it gets hard on us.

Daisy and Delilah
02-26-2007, 08:17 AM
There you are Fritz. All tuckered out after all that busyness. What a busy boy you are. It's all you can do to keep up with the family's belongings. Especially the radio remote. What will you grab next, cutie pie?? You're so funny.

Barry, I think it's always the people that we're closest to that we tend to take our anger out on. If that makes sense. It's not that we don't appreciate those people, it's just because those people that are closer are always there during our weaker moments. It's hard to explain. We just seem to feel more comfortable with the people we communicate with most of the time so it's easier to "let go" on them.
I'm pretty sure your Dad appreciates you and your Mom alot. He just has some agitation stemming from his illness. I'm sorry it's so hard on you.

02-26-2007, 04:37 PM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/3284lazygoof.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/9356sitterguy.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/4939snoozer.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/imagers/5410lookout.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/6797restyhead.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/7982flipboy.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/5502snowyguy.JPG Fritz being lazy next to dad,sitting out in the patio,likes it out there,doesn't want to come in,snoozing with his head on my lap,looking out the front window,resting his head on the arm of the recliner,flipped over with dad sleeping and out in the snow again.When dad is about to sleep ,Fritz gets right up with him and snoozes,got up with mom and also me as you can see.He ate the most part of his supper.I was in the middle of downloading these pictures from the camera and he wanted to play with his Monkey.Threw it the air a few times,caught it twice,did the same earlier when i played with him.Fritz is most likely in between Mom and dad on the couch resting for the time being.Maybe by spring,we will have ramp installed by the March of Dimes and have a scooter for dad.Dad has been better humour wise,even shakes my hand after getting him back on the couch from the wheelchair.

02-26-2007, 07:29 PM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/1163shinyguy.JPG Fritz on the back of the chair.Lights shining behind him,he didn't like the camera flash and closed his eyes.He is now under the couch snoozing.Dad seems better today.He can lift his legs better and get off the couch easier with our help.Dad has even thanked me for helping him makes me feel better.Goes to Sunnybrook in Toronto, for tests,that will be half the day.Mom stopped giving the Iron pills, weren't helping him,feeling better and eating pretty well,had scrambled eggs,cut up wieners and macaroni salad.

Daisy and Delilah
02-26-2007, 08:33 PM
You look so adorable Fritz!!

I'm glad to hear the encouraging news about your Dad, Barry. I know he really appreciates everything you do for him. :)

02-27-2007, 09:08 AM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/5151outyguy.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/518zonkyfella.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/7818cozyblankey.JPG Fritz outside this morning in the snow,he is in the doorway of the gazebo,kind of hard to see him,Fritz stretched out in front of dad and Fritz having a cozy nap on the blanket.I went and let Fritz out of his cage,he went right to dad and cuddled next to him.had all his breakfast,had to feed him the toast by hand.Dad is off to Sunnybrook,Taffy is here in the chair next to me,Fritz up in the window,just been barking at two ladies walking down the street that shouldn't be around.I think Fritz had been chasing her and she come down here to get away from him.Dad is fine as can be,hasn't got mad at all,so hope thst is a good sign he is feeling a little better.

02-27-2007, 10:36 AM
Hi Fritz! You look smashing, what a life you have. Someone even folded that blanket to make a nice pillow for you to rest. I think you are doing wonders to keep Barry's Poppa feeling well, good for you Fritz!

02-27-2007, 12:36 PM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/2108windowguy.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/4625snuzytaffy.JPG Fritz snoozing in the front window this morning anfd Taffy on the bed.it would ahve been a long day for her to stay home alone,so she is here.Fritz stays in the window or he is outside,Taffy has been down on a chair downstairs or on the bed.Fritz is up on the couch,Taffy was come down here in the rec room and is having a drink.She is now sitting out in the barroom by the cellar door.

Daisy and Delilah
02-27-2007, 12:48 PM
Oh how nice Fritzie!! Taffy got to visit again. What a good boy you are, being the perfect host and letting Taffy have a bed all to herself! :) You both look pretty cute ;)

02-27-2007, 05:57 PM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/7614peering.JPG Fritz peering out the window this afternoon.Fritz and Taffy behaved themselves,sometimes you would never know there were two dogs in the house,Fritz would bark at the odd person going by,other than that ,it was quiet sailing.It was a long day at Sunnybrook,saw all kinds of doctors,didn't do anything,goes back at the end of May.He hasn't been too bad today,a couple of times,he would raise his voice,other than that ,no problem.Supposed to have an MRI at some time,hospital hasn't phoned as to when it is.

02-27-2007, 07:38 PM
Were you at that window all day long, Fritz? :)

Daisy and Delilah
02-27-2007, 08:59 PM
Are you just watching the snow Fritz? You really love that window don't you? Such a cute little man!! :D I'm glad you and Taffy got along.

I'm hoping that MRI is helpful to your Dad, Barry.

02-28-2007, 07:15 AM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/1983lappyboy.JPG Fritz on dad's lap this morning.Goes right there after waking up.Had his breakfast,i had to feed him the toast by hand or he doesn't eat it.Probably gone back there now.Dad is fine,arm was hurting a bit,mom wanted to him to take an Advil,he said he can sleep great without Advil.Fritz is to get groomed tomorrow but there is another storm headed this way from Colorado,might be snow in the morning or i heard somewhere else it is to be later tomorrow afternoon,so will have to see on it.Supposed to be freezing rain and ice pellets with it,I prefer just the snow,makes it harder to shovel with the freezing rain and ice pellets.

Daisy and Delilah
02-28-2007, 08:45 AM
There's Fritz with his Papa!! What a great little boy! Be good tomorrow and have fun at the groomer. Daisy and Delilah are going shortly to get their nails done. Can't wait to see you after the visit Fritzie!! Please give my best to the family, Barry, and be careful out there shoveling.

02-28-2007, 01:46 PM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/1157pawhanger.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/1163proudfella.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/3072watchman.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/2402beggyboy.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/2767blankyfella.JPG Fritz with paws hanging off the couch,Fritz looking at me from the window,begging for a piece of bun from Mom,watching out the window and head on dad's knee.I had taken 6 pictures today and printed 3 off,including the one I took of dad and Fritz this morning.Marlene was here visiting and i was showing the pictures,dad saw the one I took of him,ripped it up and threw it right in front of me,needless i got all upset and left crying.A few minutes later,there was a stomp on the floor.He wanted to apologize for ripping the picture and he got upset and was crying,couldn't say anything.Both Marlene and Mom said it wass good to cry to get it out to feel better.Fritz saw dad was upset and come and sat and looked at dad.The groomer phonedf to change Fritz's appointment tomorrow because of the snow and freezing rain tomorrow. He now goes at 12:30 on Friday afternoon.

Daisy and Delilah
02-28-2007, 08:56 PM
Great pictures, Barry!! I love the one of Fritz hanging his little feet off the couch. How adorable!!

I'm glad you and your Dad got things worked out, Barry. I think your Dad is having a hard time understanding why he isn't the person he used to be. Seeing himself probably brought that to mind. I'm sure he loves you very much and didn't mean to hurt you. I'm sorry it happened but crying always makes us feel better somehow. Emotions are running high at your house. It's good to know that you're both on the same page now.

02-28-2007, 09:28 PM
I love seeing Fritz and his family. :)

03-01-2007, 07:02 AM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/1559wandering.JPG Fritz out on an early morning wander around the patio.better do that now, there is to be snow,freezing rain,ice pellets and rain overnight.Fritz's grooming appointment was changed to tomorrow at 12:30 due to the bad weather today.After what happened with dad ripping up a picture,thought it best not take one of him in it,don't want a repeat performance of yesterday.Hopefully at some point,he will change his mind.Fritz is right next to him keeping company.Fritz was in dad's spot on the couch,Mom was bringing dad back from the washroom,Fritz growled,got him moved finally,wasn't easy.

03-01-2007, 07:25 AM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/7381legnap.JPG Mom had me get this one of Fritz on top of Dad's legs.He got there by himself.He now has his head resting over dad's legs now.

Daisy and Delilah
03-01-2007, 08:21 AM
Brrrrr!!! It sounds like it's going to be pretty chilly there today you guys. Stay warm. Keep Papa warm Fritz!! I love both of those pictures. The first one is all in blue with Fritz in the middle. Very nice :)
Fritz: You look like you've already been to the groomer. Daisy didn't like going to the groomer yesterday. It was a mini nightmare. I guess I need to break down and start doing her nails myself :( I told her she should love the groomer like Fritz does but she wouldn't smile :)

03-01-2007, 02:22 PM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/6484upclose.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/6478relaxed.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/5484relaxyfella.JPG Up close look at Fritz in the window,Fritz cuddled right up to Dad,mom right there and Fritz still looking relaxed with Dad while Mom is on the phone.Dad would go to lay down on the couch,Fritz would get down out of the window and curl up with dad.Dad didn't want laying on his legs,so Fritz cuddled in like in the pictures.dad then wanted to go the bedroom to lay down,wanted Fritz to come and sleep,but Fritz heard a neighbor next door and wouldn't stay with Dad.the snow has started,about 2 inches before it changes to freezing rain and then straight rain after midnight .This storm extends as far south as the middle of Florida,right through to the Gulf of Mexico.The power may go out due to high wind and freezing rain,so if I am not on here,that may be why.

03-01-2007, 03:43 PM
I really enjoyed seeing Fritz settling down and relaxing on the couch with Mom and Dad. He's really such a comfort to everyone .

While I don't get as much Pet Talk time lately, I often think of you and your Parents~ What you could use is some more Sunshine :cool: !!!!!

I hope you don't have any power outages to deal with.

03-01-2007, 06:19 PM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/4228cozyup.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/6536snowstorm.JPG Fritz cozying up to Mom in the recliner and a picture of the snow we are getting here.Next is freezing rain and overnight changing to rain.Mom feels dad is not as strong today,going to Sunnybrook on Tuesday tired him out.Dad wanted to talk to larry on the phone,then he gets mad that Larry can't understand him ,we all can't,then wanted to talk to Marlene.Larry has really helped dad out,driving to Toronto getting a wheelchair and other things to make it easier.Larry was here today,dad said he felt useless as he can't do the things he used to do,Larry told him he wasn't useless..My nephew Jason phoned today and asked how dad was and they are coming sometime soon.He also said tht their dog, Austin,a Golden Retriever is starting to limp on on leg.Had blood work done,$200 worth.He is 10 same as Taffy and if anything hapened to him,they would get another one.

Daisy and Delilah
03-01-2007, 06:52 PM
It's a good idea to cozy up to everybody in the house Fritz!! It really looks cold out there. Great pictures of everybody, Barry. Stay warm :) I wonder if Fritz will even be able to go to the groomer on Friday. We're expecting some rain here later.


03-01-2007, 07:03 PM
Wow, You are receiving a bit of snowy weather tonite!!! :eek: And you say that you're due for freezing rain, then all rain?

You got hit a bit harder than we did, as we received a scant layer of freezing rain earlier in the morning, then, Thunderstorms this afternoon. Wild weather, huh!!!

It's wonderful to know that you and Mom have a family member who will offer their time and patience. Larry is a Saint for assisting in such a way.
While I do know how frantic some moments can be, in all honesty, I can tell that your Dad worries and cares for his family every bit as much as he ever has~ which only adds to his frustration. :(

If only the Sun were shining and everyone could go outside for a change of scenery. I bet Fritz would like that too!!! :cool:

03-02-2007, 08:53 AM
http://www.imagebee.org/ images/184sleepydog.JPG Fritz snoozing in the chair this morning.I had to sit in the recliner to have breakfast,Soon after he come over and begged for cereal,had some porridge of dad's and i fed him some toast.Fritz was slipping and sliding out on the patio,had freezing rain overnight and rain this morning.Did our snow last night before it got waterlogged like today as I had to do three neighbor's driveways.Water is layin gin spots,litle tree limbs are down,another 3 quarters of an inch of wet snow supposedly this afternoon.Fritz has his grooming appointment at 12:30,lookslike it is getting better,seeing some blue sky.dad has been worried about me,where i was,I had been out on snow and then about changing into dry clothes.

03-02-2007, 09:16 AM
Morning Fritz!
You're looking cute as ever! All snuggley on your chair!

03-02-2007, 01:35 PM
Phew~ Three !!!! Count em, You physically cleared out 3 driveways, Goodness, you're causing my nose to run and my back to ache by just reading those words!!!!! It's so bitterly cold too, huh!!!!

However, isn't is Grand to See or Fritz, all toasty warm upon a blue blanket, awaiting his appointment at the Groomers!!!! "Ahhh", says Fritz, life is Good. ;)

Tell Dad there's really no need to worry, you've got things under control :p

Great Job Barry!!

03-02-2007, 02:07 PM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/2730candleboy.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/8653closer.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/5366snoozyboy.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/481tailend.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/7636matguy.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/8542matnap.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/1709peekyeye.JPG Fritz laying next to the candle,closeup of Fritz in the window, snoozing next to glass jar,sleeping at the back of the couch,head buried under the back of it,laying on the front doormat and sleeping on it.He is still at the groomers,should soon be ready.Couldn't wait to get in tail going and squirming.Was shivering at first in the van and then was panting.

Lori Jordan
03-02-2007, 02:55 PM
Aww Fritz you are Adorable.

Daisy and Delilah
03-02-2007, 03:03 PM
You're too cute buddy!! I love the pic of you on your side with those footsies in the air :) Hope you're having fun at the groomer.

Take it easy out there Barry. It sounds like alot of work. :)

03-02-2007, 03:09 PM
Oh Gosh Fritz, You're always such a Big White Ball of Fluffy Love :p

I like the picture of Fritz in front of the Louvered doors, as though he is saying~ " Can we talk?" :D The expression on his face is soooo fabulous!!!

Have fun at the Groomers Fritzy Boy~( Burrrrrrrrrrr *******)

03-02-2007, 03:49 PM
Fritz, I missed you while I was on vacation. It's so nice to come back & see your smiling face.

03-02-2007, 05:33 PM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/4198spiffyboy.JPG Fritz with dad just after coming back from the groomer.Dad liked the way he looked in the picture,didn't rip it up.This time,couldn't wait to come home.Slept on the couch until Dad went to bed and he is now under the little couch downstairs.the groomer Michelle Hope has a dog she showed,it was a champion of a show.it is a Rough Collie called Emeraldbrae's Silver Lining as it has silver and black markings on it.

Daisy and Delilah
03-02-2007, 06:43 PM
What a handsome boy we have here!! You look great Fritz!! So does Papa!! I can see how proud he is of his little man :)

03-03-2007, 06:47 AM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/3220beggyfella.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/8513snacking.JPG Fritz begging to go outside and having cereal this morning.i took him up last night to go out,was stsarting to put his leash on and he run off to the livingroom.Got him to come down with some bologna.Earlier he had been begging,wouldn't let me pick him up,he would run off,he was playing with me.At night when it is bedtime,i go up and get aome bologna and he comes up on my lap in the chair and i hold on to him until mom is ready to go.Dad not too bad,he had 11 hours sleep last night.Mom said his apetite wasn't as good yesterday. Legs not great,he is just a dead weight trying to lift him.Irene is having an ultrasound on Monday and they are coming here for a few minutes,Fritz wil be really really excited to see his Aunties,hasn't been since after Christmas,dad will like the company too.Mom was talking to Bev last night and it appeared that Fritz knew who Mom was talking to.No snow I hope today,need a break from it.

Daisy and Delilah
03-03-2007, 08:27 AM
Fritz, you're so cute in your pictures this morning. I know you'll be ecstatic to see the Auunties. How exciting that you all get to see each other. I bet you did know it was Auntie Bev on the phone. You probably would have been happy to talk to her. Right buddy? :)

03-03-2007, 03:37 PM
Oh Fritz, I just can't get over how *Spiffy* you look today!!!!

You're looking so Fresh and Spunky, and I just know that the Aunties will be tickled PINK to see you!!! :p ( You smarty, you knew it was Aunt Bev!!)

I know that their visit will be so refreshing for Mom and Dad as well!!!

The picture of Fritz with Dad is GREAT to see today!!! ( I give it a 10)

NO MORE WHITE STUFF~It's time to Relax~

03-03-2007, 06:51 PM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/1420squishyface.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/1430soup.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/6305shadowguy.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/5757taff.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/8903dadtaffysis.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/3912squeakyplay.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/6878sleepieguy.JPG Fritz with his face squished up against dad,Fritz and Taffy looking at Larry for soup,Fritz in the front window,Taffy between dad and Marlene,Taffy again between Dad and Marlene,Fritz playing with the Squeaky with Dad and Fritz sleeping in the front window.Dad got all upset again, he thought we weren't doing enough,we sure have done so,but sometimes he gets thinking about the disease and the end result ,it gets to him,Mom was with to get him through this spell .Larry and Marlene were here,Larry and his brother were over at his shop in Oshawa building a ramp.Part of it is built, the ramp will be attached to a big square piece on the back step and a little one just outside the kitchen entrance,just be able to go out on the wheelchair,out the door and down the ramp.Fritz everybody in the house,not mom,i think he kissed Taffy again.Fritz now snoozing under the little couch in the rec room.I found a story on a website that there is a gene therapy that is supposed to slow the progress of ALS .

Daisy and Delilah
03-03-2007, 07:46 PM
Wonderful pics, Barry! Everybody looks great! I hope and pray every day for a major breakthrough. How frustrating for everybody :(

03-03-2007, 07:48 PM
Such GREAT Pictures Barry!!1

I especially savor the one of Dad, Fritz and Marlene, yet the one of Dad with Fritz comes in as a close second~ :cool:

I also have to admit that I treasure the framed picture on the wall !!!
Sooo much of your beautiful home inspires me.

I realize all that you are experiencing~and I know that Mom helps him soooo much !!!!

Great Moments Barry~ Thank-You

03-04-2007, 07:15 AM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/8508sleepyboys.JPG Fritz and dad sleeping this morning on the couch .Fritz had all his breakfast and this is where he got.I found what was bothering Dad so much yesterday.he was all worried asbout the tractor.He shouldn't worry about it anymore,he can't use it anymore.it is at larry's brother-in-law's.Larry told him the oil has been changed and a filter put on.It really hasn't been done yet,Larry hasn't had the time,works all week and is doing painting at home.He just said thast so dad doesn't have to worry about it.I don't know if we are doing the ramp today,it is cold out there and he has work to at home,painting the bathroom.

03-04-2007, 07:49 AM
AWW! Fritz is just the most handsome boy after his groom (although was just as handsome before!). I continue to marvel at the pictures of him in the window and the fact that he doesn't knock that candle down. I don't have anything in my big window that Ripley likes to sit in because I am sure he wouldn't be quite as careful. :) Your dad looks so happy in these pictures. I am glad your sister visited and brought some joy to his day.

Daisy and Delilah
03-04-2007, 08:07 AM
Get a good nap in Fritz!! It's going to be cold outside so you just stay inside and cuddle up. Take it easy Barry. Stay warm!! :D

03-04-2007, 10:25 AM
AAAAAWWWW...the photo of Fritz & Papa sleeping is adorable.

03-04-2007, 08:56 PM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/4286sittyfella.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/316handsome.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/9413cutiefella.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/2269flipfritz.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/2832lightyguy.JPG Fritz sitting begging for lunch,Fritz on the arm of the recliner,fritz in the front window,flipped over next to dad and in the window tonight after i got home from hockey.Eagles lost 2-1 and are out of the playoffs.Larry and i have a plywood cut for the ramp and for the step going to the kitchen.Still have more to do with attaching the ramp to the base and adding pieces to help hold it together.That is next weekend's project,hopefully little warmer than today.dad got all upset again this morning.Don't know about what,he said something about Fritz being his pal and sticking with him.Fritz was limping a little on right rear leg,he seems to be fine now,will keep an eye on it.Larry and Marlene went out to eat tonight,Larry had Liver and it was burnt,Marlene had a Hot Chicken Sandwich,got sick at home and brought it up.Had to get Fritz down here to go to bed,brought a piece of bologna,he got on my lap and had it,sat there while mom was getting ready to go and i pickrd him up ,he growled at me that was it ,didn't bite

Daisy and Delilah
03-04-2007, 10:02 PM
Wonderful pictures, Barry!! Fritz is looking very spiffy after the groomers. Of course he always looks spiffy ;)
Sorry to hear about the Eagles. Maybe next year. Sorry to hear that Marlene got sick. Burnt liver sounds awful! I hope Larry sent it back :(

03-05-2007, 06:52 AM
Oh Fritz, I just can't believe how "tiny" you look after a visit to the groomer!!! You look so sweet , sitting Pretty for the Camera!!!

It was good to see Dad and Fritz again~ No doubt that Dad wants to get out and DO what he always has done when Springtime is around the corner~ hence the grumbling. :( But, you've got to admit, Fritz is sure his Buddy, huh!!!) :p

The Ramp will be sooo Great to have !!!

03-05-2007, 07:53 AM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/927twins.JPG It looks like Fritz and his twin are having some cereal.I was close to Fritz when i took this and it caused a double exposure,looking like there are two Fritzes instead of one.The Aunties are coming at some point,maybe after Auntie Irene's ultrasound which was at 8:30 this morning.dad is about the same,Fritz is up keepin ghim company.good day to stay in wind and windchill warnings today.Dad was having supper yesterday and he needed some gravy,mom brings and Fritz starts to lick at the gravy,got a kick out of it.Marlene is fine this morning,guess it was the Hot Chicken Sandwich she ate.

Daisy and Delilah
03-05-2007, 08:19 AM
What's better than two Fritzies? Hmmmmm.....maybe three Fritzies :) You look adorable buddy!! Kisses to you this morning. Stay warm and get ready for the happiest day ever. The Aunties are coming!! Can't wait for pics of you diving towards them. You'll be so excited. :D

I'm glad Marlene is better. That sandwich must have been the culprit.

Have a good day everybody!! :)

03-05-2007, 12:21 PM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/5441comingin.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/9558snackbeg.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/4330irenefritz.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/6293fritzirene.JPG Fritz coming in from a walk with Bev,wanted to go as soon as they got here .Begging for some bacon treats or some Tim Horton's Doughnuts.Fritz stayed right up with Irene,he picks up some vibes that she is not just right,probably the same with Dad.She does look rather thin,Mom says her color isn't good either.theyare moving to a smaller apartment ,where the rent is half as much as where they are now.She has another chemotherapy on March 21,the last one are next month.They will be back when it is warmer and can sit outside.Fritz greeted them with his tailwags and he gave great big kisses as usual,won't kiss Mom though.Irene has a laptop computer and and plays poker on pokerstars.net .

Daisy and Delilah
03-05-2007, 12:31 PM
YAY YAY YAY!!!!! Aren't you a very happy boy Fritz? I know the Aunties are happy too to see their little man. Considering, I think Auntie Irene looks pretty good, Barry. Bless her heart. I hope the chemo does the trick and she's back to herself in no time. Great pics!! :D

03-05-2007, 12:49 PM
Just looking at Fritz's expression in the first picture assures me that He was soooo Happy to see his Aunties, Bev and Irene!!!~ Bless your heart for tending to her with all of your affection.

It's comforting to know that your Auntie Irene will have just ONE more Chemotherapy treatment~ I think she looks real pretty ~She's obviously a very strong woman!!! I hope she's feeling better and better!!!

Great pictures too, Thank-You for the Double exposture explanation!!! :D

03-05-2007, 07:14 PM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/9798blankydog.JPG Fritz this afternoon,sleeping with green blanket over him.Ate most of his supper,don't know if he had any with Mom and Dad.Fritz is up in the window,babysitting him and watching Dad as Mom has gone to a church meeting.he has been down here twice after barking at nothing out the window,but then wants up.He is quiet now,will have to come back down to his own bed.He sleeps down here now as he sleeps too close to Dad in the bed and Dad needs to stretch out,can't do it with him right up to him.Windchill is to bein the -20's fahrenheit,skin will freeze in 10 minutes if exposed.Fritz wasn't out long tonight. :D

03-05-2007, 07:34 PM
Fritz, I don't blame you for resorting to "The Green Blanket" and wanting to be in bed with Dad!!!

It's just tooooo darned cold outside!!! (Burrrrrrrrrr ***)

Daisy and Delilah
03-05-2007, 07:47 PM
You had better confiscate that blanket for the night, Fritz!! It's really going to be cold there! You're adorable in that pic, Fritz. I love the way the yellow bandana goes with the green blanket :)

03-06-2007, 06:51 AM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/3831eater.JPG Fritz eating cereal.he had his porridge too and toast,He went out,not for long, 5 below fahrenheit.he has been up to tricks.he got kleenex from dad and under the dining room table he went.he wouldn't come our with a milkbone,came out with a piece of bologna.He was cuddled up to dad this morning as usual.He just let out a yip,don't know why,he got under the table,maybe his paw that is bothering him.

Daisy and Delilah
03-06-2007, 07:36 AM
Brrrrr!!! Stay inside Fritzie. It's really cold up there. Brrrrrrr. That's the way Fritz....hold out for the bologna every time. Those milk bones aren't nearly as tasty. ;) Have a good day buddy!! :D

03-06-2007, 07:43 AM
Hi Fritz!

I know about cold, it got cold here overnight, too. The wind is howling and it is making my neighbor's fence tilt and creak. I didn't like the sound this morning, so I ran out and did my thing and ran right back inside to mom. AND I demanded my carrot!

I had to have a bath last night. I sat still for mom, but that doesn't mean I LIKE it! Then when we went to bed I snuggled under the covers to keep warm. I like your green blankie! I have a blankie too, and I love to sit on it, under it and with it. I also like to snuggle up close in bed.


03-06-2007, 02:14 PM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/8494perchynappy.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/958starydog.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/959snuzypooch.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/9338warmynap.JPG Fritz snoozing in the window,staring at me while i take his picture,snoozing on the green blanket which is on the stool and snoozing under the blue blanket on the couch.Marlene came for a little visit and she wasn't here very long and he had her running shoe under the table.Later grabbed the TV remote and got it under there.Dad was having his supper,Fritz is sitting there waving his paws wanting some Meatloaf and mom asks him if he is waving goodbye,he look at mom,she said it a few times,the one time he looked out the window when she said it and he didn't waver a bit.He did eat all his supper,had some ice cream from me.

03-06-2007, 03:53 PM
"Mom asks Fritz if he is waving : "Good-Bye" ~ :D Ohh Dear Fritz, You do know where to Good Food really is, don't you boy!!!

Of course, The spelling word for Today boys and girls, is :


For Heaven's Sake, it's sooo cold outside!!!

Glad to know you're keeping WARM!!!

Daisy and Delilah
03-06-2007, 09:52 PM
We would love some meatloaf too, Fritz. :) Yummy!! Stay warm little man. You look pretty cute in those pics :D Don't lose sight of those blankies. :)

03-07-2007, 07:04 AM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/8269backynap.JPG Fritz on his back this morning on dad's lap.He had his cereal with me,wouldn't touch my toast until he had some of dad's Oat Bran.Good time to stay in,it is only 4 fahrenheit out Fritz was upstairs when dad went to bed,started barking,got meat to get him to come down and he then stayed under the little couch the resat of the time.Had to get more bologna to get him out.

Daisy and Delilah
03-07-2007, 07:22 AM
Awwwwww.......we love those "all fours up in the air" pics buddy!! Look at Papa smiling at you. What a couple of contented guys :) Have a good day and stay warm!! :)

03-07-2007, 02:21 PM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/5856peekboy.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/620cutsieboy.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/3780layedout.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/5143flipflop.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/7842tuckerin.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/7831tailflip.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/947sprawlynap.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/2619staryfella.JPG Fritz peeking at me from behind the livingroom couch,a new place he has found to sleep.Fritz next to me on the recliner,Fritz layed out in the recliner,flipped over on the couch with dad,head tucked in behind dad's legs,Fritz snoozing on the floor,tail flipped up,sprawled out flat on the carpet,Fritz staring at the camera from the recliner as I lean forward to take the picture.Dad had a bath,using the plastic that goes across the tub. It was easier getting him out of there than it does getting him out of the couch.His scooter come this afternoon and he is proud to have it,he will be able to get around come spring.he ate his supper,mom puts gravy on it,eats it up and then wants meatloaf from dad.Just had a short play with him with his Monkey.He is downstairs here looking for food crumbs.Mom has to serve at a church dinner,so will have to get dad in bed before she goes,too much of a lug for me to do it by myself.

03-07-2007, 02:28 PM
Fritz, I love that green blanket next to your white fur. You look so adorable next to it and it makes you stand out. But you stand out anyways. :)

03-07-2007, 04:07 PM
HURRAH!! Dad gets a ~~~Scooter this afternoon~~~ :cool:

What with the COLD temperatures outside, the picture of Fritz tucked behind Dads legs , with Mom looking on, is a great Bonus shot !!!!

I also liked the *close-up* of Fritz's face~!!!! :o

03-07-2007, 06:44 PM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/3119coolnappy.JPG Fritz found a cool place to snoozeinthe middle of the kitchen floor.Mom went to serve dinner at the Church,I took dad to be around 7,Fritz was in the window,then he was at the back door yipping to go out,went out for a few minutes to sit on the step,came back in and is now in the window.Fritz stayed right next to dad on the couch until he was ready for bed and he then headed to the window,barked few times at people going by.A lady came by to show us how to get dad in the wheelchair by bracing a leg against his,kind of hard when dad's feet hurt when you touch them.when I do it,dad gets up a bit ad i lift him under the shoulders and into the chair,my shoulder is beginning to hurt from the lifting and to some extent my back.

Daisy and Delilah
03-07-2007, 08:34 PM
Great pictures of you Fritzie!! You're taking such good care of Papa all the time. I'm so happy your Dad got his scooter, Barry. That should really help. You and your Mom take it easy and don't hurt yourself. :) Thinking of all of you daily :)

03-08-2007, 07:18 AM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/5046bichonnap.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/7897treaty.JPG Fritz napping on the couch this morning, Fritz trying to get a bacon treat from Auntie Irene on Monday.Dad gets up at 5,Mom takes him out to the livingroom,gets him coffee and the paper.she then goes down and gets Fritz out of his cage, and he goes up and lays down next to dad.Neighbors from across the street are coming over to see dad.They were in Florida since late November and i have been doing their snow,so I will get paid for that, $320.Another who was on a cruise in the Caribbean is coming over.

03-08-2007, 07:33 AM
Hey Barry, cool you're getting paid!

Hey Fritz, let your Auntie eat in peace! :D ;)

Daisy and Delilah
03-08-2007, 08:20 AM
Barry, I'm also glad you're getting paid. Good for you. You deserve it.

Fritz loves Auntie Irene but always knows how to get those meaty treats. don't you buddy? Have a good day Fritz and family!! :)

03-08-2007, 08:54 AM
Cha Ching! $$
Glad you're getting paid!

I've missed a few new pictures.... LOVE them all!

03-08-2007, 02:29 PM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/9660treatsit.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/7967headyresty.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/3742sissykiss.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/8382windowlooky.JPG Fritz sitting,looking for a piece of meat on a bun from mom,Fritz ,his head resting on Mom's knee,giving my sister Marlene a kiss when she visited,didn't get her boots, and looking out the window.Our neighbors across the street who were in Florida for 3 months come over to see dad,Fritz eventually grabbed the ladies boot and i had to get it.

03-08-2007, 02:32 PM
AAAAAAAAAWWWW....Fritz is giving kisses!! How cute!

03-08-2007, 02:34 PM
http://www.imagebee.org/images/9660treatsit.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/7967headyresty.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/3742sissykiss.JPG http://www.imagebee.org/images/8382windowlooky.JPG Fritz sitting,looking for a piece of meat on a bun from mom,Fritz ,his head resting on Mom's knee,giving my sister Marlene a kiss when she visited,didn't get her boots, and looking out the window.Our neighbors across the street who were in Florida for 3 months come over to see dad,Fritz eventually grabbed the ladies boot and i had to get it.I got my money,he didn't have enough on him,they went home later,i got the rest,fritz got out the door and went down the street.Lucky somone was coming and fritz stopped and mom picked him up

Ginger's Mom
03-08-2007, 03:13 PM
Oh Fritz, you can't go off visiting your neighbors by yourself, although I am sure they love seeing you. He looks very handsome in his bandana, and that is a lovely sit (I would have given him a treat ;) ).